Dressing Better Vol 2.0

What do you plan on putting inside though?

I played with the thought of buying one so I can put in a small notebook and pen to use when I get business calls and need to jot down details. I rarely get these calls unannounced so it hasn't warrant the purchase yet.

The ones you posted up look more like portfolios to me than clutches.
Is that a portfolio you carry in some of your pics?
Is that a portfolio you carry in some of your pics?
This is the portfolio. I've only snapped pics with it one time.

I guess you can call this a super small clutch? I carry this thing 24/7, it's used to hold my 2 cell phones and camera.

Speaking of bags, I wish TOJ would open orders for the helmut bag. Would work well for me both in school and at work
This is the portfolio. I've only snapped pics with it one time.

I guess you can call this a super small clutch? I carry this thing 24/7, it's used to hold my 2 cell phones and camera.

oh ok, yeah I was never sure what that small thing was
I don't think I could rock the portfolio bag or "clutch", I like having my hands free when I'm walking around :lol: so I'd probably just use a slim messenger bag
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Been looking for some lounge trousers that look like those tappered sweats saw this at barney's.com


THen looked at the pice tag $335.00

I don't think I could rock the portfolio bag or "clutch", I like having my hands free when I'm walking around :lol: so I'd probably just use a slim messenger bag
It does have its advantages, especially when you go into a public rest room with no place to hold it :frown:

Rob: you need to put MD on the back of everything now, man :lol:
Man I very rarely broadcast the fact I'm an MD when I'm in public. People make all kinds of assumptions and have all sorts of expectations both good and bad, none of which I care to confirm or deny unless needed.
Man I very rarely broadcast the fact I'm an MD when I'm in public. People make all kinds of assumptions and have all sorts of expectations both good and bad, none of which I care to confirm or deny unless needed.
Some of doctors at my firm are the opposite. Even when they sign in, it'll be like.....John Smith, MPH, PhD, MD :lol:
I hate being associated with physicians that have huge egos or unwarranted sense of entitlement or self worth.
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