Dunk Drawing / foams

Aug 17, 2007
Here's a drawing a made for art, it's somewhat rushed due to the fact that we didn't get much time for the project; so some stuff looks unfinished.
anyways, here it is. enjoy


and here's one for size, it fits on our baby grand piano. i forget the actual measurements of the paper used. idk the teacher gave it to us lol.

also...is there a market for stuff like this? like, would any of you buy this? I'm just interested, I've been seeing a lot of posts of jordan/nikedrawings for sale, and I've been thinking about doing something like that. lmk, any feedback is appreciated. thanks
Nice work.

but if you want to sell your drawings, you prolly have to improve them..they need to look a bit more professional. If someone is paying, they'll likelywant a more polished/refined look.

OGfiend, thanks for the feedback. I actually wasn't intending to sell that drawing in particular, but I see what you're saying about the"rough"/unprofessional look. I guess that's due to the time limitations and I guess I was sort of going for the sketchy style.

How about this?

Foams turned out good, I just started a painting of those too
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