ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Welcome back TBONE. This thread hasn't been the same without your updates.
there goes the neighborhood...i kid, i kid. like my man B. says we can disagree, but we don't have to be disagreeable. welcome back
Originally Posted by SoleAddict34

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Welcome back TBONE. This thread hasn't been the same without your updates.
there goes the neighborhood...i kid, i kid. like my man B. says we can disagree, but we don't have to be disagreeable. welcome back
Thank you for all the welcome backs haha.
And I mean you all on NT need a differing opinion anyway.... it's like 95% democrats/liberals

As much as you guys seemingly hate conservatives, I'd hope you'd at least be open to the other side's view. After all it is going to make up 40+%of the national vote.

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

I saw you trying to hold it down for me in a few threads while I was gone

How about those Red Sox huh?

At least the Giants are getting it done thus far.

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I know this is ultra out of nowhere but has anybody else thought about Palin saying NT'ers screen names? TBOWNE
. Excuse me for my lameness lol.
Gotta love Palin's accent.... (or notreally for many
lol..why the hell would you guys want hand-picked news stories?

just go to news.google.com and read them yourselves.
Just a heads up.
Sources & people are buzzing on the internet.
I'm reading some VERY interesting developments regarding voter fraud & word has been released that there could be some breaking news tomorrow.
US election officials believe they have uncovered massive attempted voter fraud less than a month before the country goes to the polls to choose its new president.
Eleven separate investigations have now been launched into a voter registration group called the Association of Community Organisations for Reform - or Acorn.

---Sky News


This could get really interesting tomorrow.

I'm not saying there is definitely going to be breaking news tomorrow or something huge is about to happen... but the idea is definitely being thrownaround in several corners, including as high up as the McCain campaign itself (not just media sources, blogs, etc)
[h1]McCain camp making news in the morning[/h1]
On what, they won't say.

"We'll have something to talk about," is all a campaign aide would allow.


Lets see where all these developments go....
A spokeswoman for Obama's campaign would not comment on his past ties to the group but said the work ACORN is now engaged in is separate from the campaign.

"The Obama campaign is not affiliated with nor do we work with ACORN," Kirsten Searer said. "We have our own, separate voter registration campaign."

TBONE we've agreed on a lot of things on here politically, same with Fede DPT, but I think this thing is over. People are exhausted with the Republicanparty over the last 8 years, and I hate to say it but the bailout most certainly favors Obama. What people are looking at right now are the CEOs, Wall Streetinvestors and bankers, job losses and people not being able to pay for their homes: MONEY. While it's obviously not the truth, people tend to look at Bushas the scapegoat for EVERYTHING and seem to forget we have a bipartisan system along with checks and balances. I'm voting absentee from London for thestate of Ohio and the people here LOVE Obama and are truly tired of the Bush years which, in my opinion, Americans have hit their boiling point: not just forBush, but the party itself. Not taking anything away from him, but Barack seems to have come along at the perfect time to get himself elected, and I think in amonth we're looking at the first black president of the United States...
Some good morning polls for Obama

Thursday, October 09[table][tr][th=""]Race (Click to Sort)[/th] [th=""]Poll[/th] [th=""]Results[/th] [th=""]Spread[/th] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Rasmussen Tracking[/td] [td]Obama 50, McCain 45[/td] [td]Obama +5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Hotline/FD Tracking[/td] [td]Obama 47, McCain 41[/td] [td]Obama +6[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Reuters/CSpan/Zogby Tracking[/td] [td]Obama 48, McCain 44[/td] [td]Obama +4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Virginia[/td] [td]PPP (D)[/td] [td]Obama 51, McCain 43[/td] [td]Obama +8[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]GW/Battleground Tracking[/td] [td]Obama 48, McCain 45[/td] [td]Obama +3[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Pennsylvania[/td] [td]Strategic Vision (R)[/td] [td]Obama 54, McCain 40[/td] [td]Obama +14[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Georgia[/td] [td]Strategic Vision (R)[/td] [td]McCain 50, Obama 43[/td] [td]McCain +7[/td] [/tr][/table]

Dem strategists see landslide in the making

By DAVID PAUL KUHN | 10/9/08 4:32 AM

If Obama wins four states in which he's taken a lead in the polls, he would likely surpass 350 electoral votes-a remarkable turn of events.


HE DIDN'T SAY IT TO MY FACE[/size][/font]

CLEVELAND - Two Ohio voters, including Domino's pizza worker Christopher Barkley , claimed yesterday that they were hounded by the community-activist group ACORN to register to vote several times, even though they made it clear they'd already signed up.

Barkley estimated he'd registered to vote "10 to 15″ times after canvassers for ACORN, whose political wing has endorsed Barack Obama, relentlessly pursued him and others.

Claims such as his have sparked election officials to probe ACORN.

"I kept getting approached by folks who asked me to register," Barkley said. "They'd ask me if I was registered. I'd say yes, and they'd ask me to do it [register] again.


Interesting note & something to keep in mind for Obama supporters to stay cautiously optimistic at this point...

Do you know where the Gore-Bush race sat at this time in October, 2000?
[h2]Gore = 51%[/h2] [h2]Bush = 40%[/h2]

672 Likely Voters

Oct 2-5 2000

MOE 3%

State polls for the day....

[table][tr][td]Pennsylvania[/td] [td]Strategic Vision (R)[/td] [td]Obama 54, McCain 40[/td] [td]Obama +14[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Georgia[/td] [td]Strategic Vision (R)[/td] [td]McCain 50, Obama 43[/td] [td]McCain +7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Texas[/td] [td]ARG[/td] [td]McCain 57, Obama 38[/td] [td]McCain +19[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Ohio[/td] [td]ARG[/td] [td]Obama 48, McCain 45[/td] [td]Obama +3[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Minnesota[/td] [td]ARG[/td] [td]Obama 47, McCain 46[/td] [td]Obama +1[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Missouri[/td] [td]ARG[/td] [td]McCain 49, Obama 46[/td] [td]McCain +3[/td] [/tr][tr][td]West Virginia[/td] [td]ARG[/td] [td]McCain 42, Obama 50[/td] [td]Obama +8[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]Virginia[/td] [td]PPP (D)[/td] [td]Obama 51, McCain 43[/td] [td]Obama +8[/td] [/tr][tr][td]North Carolina[/td] [td]Civitas/TelOpinion (R)[/td] [td]Obama 48, McCain 43[/td] [td]Obama +5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New Hampshire[/td] [td]ARG[/td] [td]Obama 52, McCain 43[/td] [td]Obama +9[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Montana[/td] [td]ARG[/td] [td]McCain 50, Obama 45[/td] [td]McCain +5[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]Florida[/td] [td] Rasmussen[/td] [td]Obama 50, McCain 47[/td] [td]Obama +3[/td] [/tr][tr][td]North Carolina[/td] [td] Rasmussen[/td] [td]Obama 49, McCain 48[/td] [td]Obama +1[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Michigan[/td] [td] Rasmussen[/td] [td]Obama 56, McCain 40[/td] [td]Obama +16[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New Jersey[/td] [td] Rasmussen[/td] [td]Obama 50, McCain 42[/td] [td]Obama +8[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Indiana[/td] [td] Rasmussen[/td] [td]McCain 50, Obama 43[/td] [td]McCain +7[/td] [/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Just a heads up.
Sources & people are buzzing on the internet.
I'm reading some VERY interesting developments regarding voter fraud & word has been released that there could be some breaking news tomorrow.
US election officials believe they have uncovered massive attempted voter fraud less than a month before the country goes to the polls to choose its new president.
Eleven separate investigations have now been launched into a voter registration group called the Association of Community Organisations for Reform - or Acorn.
---Sky News


This could get really interesting tomorrow.

I'm not saying there is definitely going to be breaking news tomorrow or something huge is about to happen... but the idea is definitely being thrown around in several corners, including as high up as the McCain campaign itself (not just media sources, blogs, etc)
[h1]McCain camp making news in the morning[/h1]
On what, they won't say.

"We'll have something to talk about," is all a campaign aide would allow.


Lets see where all these developments go....

John finally brought Osama in
Obama purchases half hour of primetime on CBS, also in talks with FOX,NBC... DEVELOPING...
Barack Obama has purchased a half-hour of primetime television on CBS and NBC, sources confirm.

The Obama campaign is producing a nationwide pitch to voters that will air on at least two broadcast networks. The ad will run Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 8 p.m. -- less than a week before the general election.

The direct purchase of such a large block of national airtime right before an election used to be more commonplace before campaigns began to focus their endgame strategies exclusively on battleground states. Such a move is not without precedent in modern presidential politics, however -- Ross Perot did a similar purchase in 1992.

Sen. Reid Implies Radio Host Racist For Tying FANNIE MAE ToObama...
"[Franklin] Raines, who you're talking about, worked for Fannie Mae, was there for a while. The only connection that people could bring up about Raines and Barack Obama is they both are African-American, other than that there is nothing." - Harry Reid, 10/09/08

UPDATE: McCain questions Obama's link to radical Ayers ...
Palin: Obama not telling 'total truth'...

U. of Texas ends fight over dorm-room Obamasigns...

[h2]Thousands Of Dead People On Connecticut's Voter Rolls[/h2]

October 6, 2008

An in-depth look at voter rolls across the state by a group of University of Connecticut journalism students earlier this year found that about 8,500 dead people were registered to vote, and that clerical errors made it appear that 300 of them actually had voted.

A closer look by state election officials thus far has found no evidence of election fraud, though the review is ongoing. The students' effort focused attention on weaknesses in public record-keeping at the local level that allowed thousands of mistakes to go undetected.

After the report appeared in The Courant in April, Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz started an investigation to determine if local officials were taking all appropriate measures to ensure the accuracy of voter lists.

Six months into the review, and less than a month from a presidential election, Bysiewicz said her office has been - and still is - working with local officials to make sure that the names of the deceased are removed from voter rolls.
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Interesting note & something to keep in mind for Obama supporters to stay cautiously optimistic at this point...

Do you know where the Gore-Bush race sat at this time in October, 2000?
[h2]Gore = 51%[/h2] [h2]Bush = 40%[/h2]

672 Likely Voters

Oct 2-5 2000

MOE 3%

State polls for the day....
The Gallup poll was notably unreliable that year:
CNN had Bush in the lead at this point:

[h1]McCain camp making news in the morning[/h1]On what, they won't say.

"We'll have something to talk about," is all a campaign aide would allow.

That was from yesterday. The "Big news" simply turned to be the launching of an Ayers ad.. like no one had ever heard of this before


McCain's camp already swore off Wright, Ayers is going nowhere. McCain's only chance now is to try to fabricate some type of connection between Obama and the ACORN voter fraud. But again, there is nothing of substance there. They'd have to really spin something out of that one.
And more likely than not, the independent voters will respond NEGATIVELY as they have been doing, and will simply gravitate even more towards Obama.

There is a lot more to many of the things you're saying then you think, but that's expected you'd think that way.
Also for you to say an attack necessarly won't work isn't truthful.
What happened just 4 years ago with Kerry? Remember the "swiftboat" thing? It was tied and then Kerry fell 7% behind....

And about the Gallup poll... either way just 4 years ago there was a large shift late in the game. And there have been other large shifts late in the game.

Like I've said... I think Obama will win, but that certainly doesn't mean there isn't a chance somethingcould happen so that McCain wins. A lot can happen in 25-30 days.

Also the Gallup poll is an interesting poll.... at this point it's showing Obama up 11%? Not likely....
If you take the average of all the other polls he's up only 5.0%
If you take the average of all of the other tracking polls.... Obama's up 4.5%

However, Gallup isn't exactly the highest rated pollster...

Lol republicans have no biz talking about voter fraud. They have already been caught trying to kick out new voters at the rate of 1 in 4 lol.
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

The Swiftboat ads started in the summer of that year. This is October here, a little over 3 weeks to the election.
And Kerry was tied. Obama is comfortably in the lead. Even if this new campaign has an effect, he'll still have the advantage.
Third, I'm not a fan of national polls anyways. The state polls will tell the story, because McCain can release an ad that would resonate in Texas but it wouldn't matter. All the latest battleground state polls look HORRIBLE for McCain. Hell, you even have Obama threatening in West Virginia and North Carolina.
McCain losing in a landslide is looking more likely than any other scenario right now.
edit: and Gallup isn't the highest-rated pollster on that rating system, but according to 538.com they have the largest sample size and therefore bear the most weight.
No need to preach that to me, like I've said Obama should win....
Well polls in general can't necessary be trusted anyway, there are a lot of unaccounted for variables.

Here's what 2004 looked like for reference....


Kerry gained 2.5% in roughly the last 3 weeks of the election...
Conservatives are really starting to get pissed.... they're even starting to get at McCain in town halls [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)][see video below][/color]
I've read stories about people in town halls telling McCain he needs to get mad & really start getting after it, [besides the example below]

As a conservative who listens to conservative talk radio, watches Fox News, reads conservative blogs, and reads conservative message boards....

I can tell you that there is a shift that has started in the way people are starting to feel about things.

My prediction is that this race is going to start getting quite heated coming up in several different ways.

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Welcome back T-Bone, things have not been the same without you. I hope you got a laugh out of the Sean Hannity forum mini takeover.
...word. Now that he's back we have a republican to kick while he's down,
As a conservative who listens to conservative talk radio, watches Fox News, reads conservative blogs, and reads conservative message boards....

I can tell you that there is a shift that has started in the way people are starting to feel about things.

It's called racism.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

As a conservative who listens to conservative talk radio, watches Fox News, reads conservative blogs, and reads conservative message boards....

I can tell you that there is a shift that has started in the way people are starting to feel about things.

It's called racism.

Oh really?

Is this BLACK GUY racist then???

He seems pretty damn fired up just like I am, just like a LOT of people are....

Originally Posted by BayEST

SMH at the people in this video, and their answers...
, republican voters are ethering themselves on camera,
, not a good look forthe McCain camp.
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