:::::: ENTOURAGE: "RUNNIN' ON E" 10:30pm ET ::::::

I think a lot the reasoning behind people not liking this season is the development of the characters.

Most shows do that earlier on....usually a series you can get the character traits in the first to five episodes...outside E and Vince you never really knewwhy type of person Drama or Turtle really were. Drama's development came about 2 seasons ago.

Yes Ari as always been an jerk...but he has always been loyal and there for anyone who asked.
guys just put author kid on ignore, he's known for trolling these threads

but yea episode was freaking SWEET,
@ vince on facebook, ari had some lines and the chick klien was cheating with was hot also

@ the chick who flashed vince, this dude is so bored
Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

81ackMamba wrote:
So basically you're saying you want Ari to fire everyone that does him wrong, even if they're making him money, in this case, the junior agent?

You want Ari to fire one of his closest friends?

And you want Ari to neglect Turtle, his favorite client's close friend?
lets address this from bottom to top

Obviously you are new to the show or you would know Ari has always been rude to turtle and drama both. I think last week was the only time I have ever seen him be nice to turtle. So to answer your question yes I would like him to be rude to them cause its funny

I do not want Ari to fire his close friend but if he did I would not be mad at him. Andrew is hurting himself but more importantly he is hurting Ari (ari even said that himself). What i would of liked however was for Ari to have been alittle more foreful in telling him to get his %$@@ together.

Finally yes I beleive any person beneath Ari that does him wrong he should fire and/or be mean as hell to like he always is. BECAUSE THAT IS FUNNY. And that is what makes Ari the best character on TV. Maybe the best episode was the one were he crashed Babbs all women's dinner and just went in on her.

Top 5 scenes easily!
Episode was great. Loved it. Fav Line: "Pretend it's Zack Efrons _____ and if you see anything wrong with it, let me know." Had me rolllin!Lloyds expression! hahah

SMH at King Arthur coming in here all the time to cry about how he didn't like it and then arguing about it. lol Probably sits at home with a notepad andpen to criticize everything he did not like to come onto NT and post them. lol Dude chilllll out. We obviously all enjoy the show.

Pretty much the only problem I've had this season is E's chick. I'm still not feeling her...theres no way they couldn't do better than that.And now E is wifin.
Oh ya I almost forgot. I LOVE ASHLEY. hahah It's because she is small and petite and cute. I love that about a woman.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

guys just put author kid on ignore, he's known for trolling these threads

but yea episode was freaking SWEET,
@ vince on facebook, ari had some lines and the chick klien was cheating with was hot also

@ the chick who flashed vince, this dude is so bored

dude do be trolling like hell......
@ this episode though
Seems like people are just picking things out that were mildly funny. I love the show, its a nice show to chill and watch. But some of yall are odin. We knowyou watched the show, we dont need hahaha E office is gone, hahaha klein taking an L.

Im hopping E gets rid of ashley, i just cringe everytime shes in a scene. It's making me very uncomfortable.
They better show the scene when drama kiss turles girl, and zoom in on turtles face while its happening. The weird thing about it, hes kissing his realgirlfriends. Sometimes you love hollywood and sometimes you gotta hate it.
its pretty obvious Andrew is gonna get dropped and E is gonna replace him.

"You're a suit, you just don't know ityet"
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

guys just put author kid on ignore, he's known for trolling these threads

but yea episode was freaking SWEET,
@ vince on facebook, ari had some lines and the chick klien was cheating with was hot also

@ the chick who flashed vince, this dude is so bored

dude do be trolling like hell......
@ this episode though
He does troll pretty hard, but i think it helps out a lot.
Thank god for the internet ....


Ari need to just punch that dude in the face.....
This episode was a waste.

I can already see where they are heading for the 2nd half of this season...nowhere as usual.

The storylines in this show are so cyclical/repetitive.

I'll still continue to watch just for the he.ll of it.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

This episode was a waste.

I can already see where they are heading for the 2nd half of this season...nowhere as usual.

The storylines in this show are so cyclical/repetitive.

I'll still continue to watch just for the he.ll of it.

QTF it makes me sad though cause it use to be so good
AKA King Arthur: What you want on the show has been shown several times and it gets redundant after a while. Character development gives the show broader baseto work on storyline. You always complain about the same thing, maybe you should find another show, if it's so excruciating for you to watch.

I have to say tonight's episode wasn't great, but it was decent due to Ari.
Pretty weak episode IMO

Ari just needs to get rid of dude asap....

I hope some kind of plot shows up this season besides not knowing what to do with their time.
I find it funny that its considered the "cool" thing to say this Season sucks. Really? Some people GENIUNELY do not like this season...it has nothingto do with being "cool". The "cool" thing to do is continue to ride this season and
at all the cornyness surrounding Drama. I love this show but after all the hypecreated after the last season and the season before it....this season does not deliver. If it ain't broke dont fix it...so what do the writers do? Changethe whole basis of the show.

-Drama moves out and is successful and continues to do better
-Turtle moves out and is going to school and has a female
-E moves out and has a ugly 12 year old GF
-Vinny is non existent and can drive now
-Lloyd is trying to become an agent...
The whole dynamic betweenhim as an assistant and Ari is the best part of the show.
-Ari is soft as hell on E now
-Where is the comedy?

and what is the big draw for next episode? Tom Brady and Mark Wahlberg plays golf with Vinny and Drama?
wow I cant wait for that exciting episode.

I mean seriously you are fooling yourself if you call yourself a fan of Entourage and actually think this season lives up to the rest. So many unnecessarychanges. The ONLY thing needed to be changed about Entourage was its time. They should have made it an hour long and thats it.

also Hung is the worst HBO series ever created.
-The Juice
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