Fast food workers protest for $15 minimum wage.

ironically, my dinner bill last night was $216 ..... 

and it was only 3 of us.. 

which makes it even more funny to me that im being accused of saying eating out is cheaper .... 
My take is that us as tax payers are subsidizing these corporations by forcing people to still depend on welfare and/or food stamps on top of working at one of these places. Firms should be forced to give enough hours and pay enough where this subsidization is no longer occurring. Corporate welfare is a big issue and it's ignored by every political side. You want to do business here, then do it the right way.
ironically, my dinner bill last night was $216 ..... 

and it was only 3 of us.. 

which makes it even more funny to me that im being accused of saying eating out is cheaper .... 

I don't think anyone is saying that. People say eating at home is expensive considering time+money that you have to invest in it.

Also, we are talking fast food.

If you dropped $216 for three people you know damn well it isn't fast food you ate last night, :lol:
places that don't pay their employees **** are just in a perfect storm 

they don't need really skilled workers to push their products 

and they hire people that aren't qualified for other jobs -- whether it be a lack of education, physical limitations, criminal record, etc.... 

McDonalds is just taking advantage of the situation... can you blame them? 

they aren't forcing anyone to work there and accept those wages....  don't like the pay? ok, quit... find somewhere else to work ... 

there's always a choice being made when you fill out the application and accept that black visor 
I don't think anyone is saying that. People say eating at home is expensive considering time+money that you have to invest in it.

Also, we are talking fast food.

If you dropped $216 for three people you know damn well it isn't fast food you ate last night,
lol of course it wasn't fast food... we'd have to be the fattest ****** on the planet to spend $216 at a drive-thru 

i was talking about eating out in general ... 
Im just giving reasons why people eat fast food. I'm not saying its the best thing in the world to be doing but it happens annd time is a reason. I see both sides of the "argument"
um lets be honest ppl are just lazy point blank and change of time have made ppl just flat out lazier. Ppl just make excuses etc.... to justify eating out.
Economically speaking raising the minimum wage does not have any positive benefits in the long run. Even if they receive $15/hr, there will be a reduction in employees, a more strict hiring process; food prices will go up etc., etc.  Increases in minimum wage are not cost free; the cost will be passed to someone.
Wages haven't kept up with inflation, seems to be getting ignored a lot.

Did my share of grinding, and I'm earning a very comfortable salary that is allowing me to pursue private small business endeavors. Still, I don't see it as a reason to step on those that just want to earn enough to live. I don't think anyone should be making less than $10/hour. That should be a jumpoff point. Also think that CEO's are over compensated, considering the level of poverty in this country.
Economically speaking raising the minimum wage does not have any positive benefits in the long run. Even if they receive $15/hr, there will be a reduction in employees, a more strict hiring process; food prices will go up etc., etc.  Increases in minimum wage are not cost free; the cost will be passed to someone.

This is true. Definitely adverse effects that people tend to ignore when talking about wage imcreases
um lets be honest ppl are just lazy point blank and change of time have made ppl just flat out lazier. Ppl just make excuses etc.... to justify eating out.
that's pretty ignorant ... .

you're telling me that a single mom working 40+ hours a week is lazy because

after getting up at 6am to get herself ready ... get the kid(s) ready... drop them at school... drive in traffic to work... bust her *** in the office..... get off.... ride in traffic back to pick the kids up..... help out with homework....pick up one kid from practice.... get them ready for bed 

she wasn't in the mood to cook dinner and stopped off for fast in between all that chaos? 

oh aiight... 
This how I like to eat. WELL.

View media item 960572
View media item 972253
And this is a lazy cooking night after the gym. Still more expensive than fast food but this is bland with almost no seasoning and only took like 15 minutes to make.

View media item 894971
I'm saying I'm just glad I can afford to buy the food and seasonings I WANT to eat not rely on fast food because it's disgusting. And you all are probably right, I could eat basics for purpose, buy in bulk, and it would be cheaper than fast food but that's not what I meant by eating well. Because I've been there done that and it gets old quick. I like to eat a lot, different types of food, and I don't mind spending the money on it because I enjoy it but it's not cheap for me to eat what I enjoy.

Y u never post in the food thread? :nerd:
Economically speaking raising the minimum wage does not have any positive benefits in the long run. Even if they receive $15/hr, there will be a reduction in employees, a more strict hiring process; food prices will go up etc., etc.  Increases in minimum wage are not cost free; the cost will be passed to someone.

Well **** some of the employees are ***** anyway so maybe hiring does need to be more strict.And how much will food prices go up? Because people throw that around all the time without giving figures. Making it seem like they Big Mac gon be 10 dollars now.
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How much would it cost to maintain machines that do what McD workers do? Something like taking orders can easily be done on a machine and the making the food part can be automated too. A store would only need a few ppl to oversee that everything is running smooth.
How much would it cost to maintain machines that do what McD workers do? Something like taking orders can easily be done on a machine and the making the food part can be automated too. A store would only need a few ppl to oversee that everything is running smooth.

That's coming soon. That's when things are gonna get real grimey.
My point, which you clearly missed, was that fast food is cheaper for me because what I like to eat is more expensive. I'm not an economical grocery shopper because even though I cook, I like steak, seafood, etc... opposed to plain chicken. And I don't buy in bulk at Costco either and rarely cook large batches of food.

I like to eat for flavor and enjoyment as well as nutrition and utility. You just want to expose another idiot or flawed way of thinking so badly every time you post it's pathetic man.

What I said was relevant because you are the one advocating for affordable grocery shopping and buying used sneakers. It's clear you are on a tighter budget than me and that's fine. I can see why you consider fast food more expensive and cook food ahead of time and plan meals. You also got a kid too right? It makes sense and I'm not knocking you we just eat differently and have different priorities on how to spend our money. Fast food still sucks though, for either of us.

What does me buying a pair of shoes from you have to do with me being tight on money :lol: . Can't I turn that around and say you're strapped for cash since you're selling shoes? Neither here or there but whatever. If you choose to buy the more expensive items and/or want the extra fixings then YES it will still be expensive, but isn't that self explanatory? And nobody is here trying to make anyone sound like a fool. We're having a discussion, someone will disagree and reply.
I agree with them. It'll help out the companies for sure because then the employees might give a damn.
How much would it cost to maintain machines that do what McD workers do? Something like taking orders can easily be done on a machine and the making the food part can be automated too. A store would only need a few ppl to oversee that everything is running smooth.

This debate has gone in for a little while now. Automated tellers and such (like over the phone services) are bound to happen and take over. I think I read Japan had a chain of fast food restaurants like this already
How much would it cost to maintain machines that do what McD workers do? Something like taking orders can easily be done on a machine and the making the food part can be automated too. A store would only need a few ppl to oversee that everything is running smooth.

That's coming soon. That's when things are gonna get real grimey.

Already exist, just aren't widespread yet.


View media item 972329

Can prepare appriximately 360 burgers per hour
You should be paid on the amount of skill it takes to do your job.

This isn't a skillful job.
You need to take a look at this for a different angle JJ. The U.S. is no longer a country that makes things, we are a service industry economy. The workers who occupy these fast food jobs still need to make a living and the pay they currently make is well below the poverty line. This country is headed straight for disaster, but that's a topic for an entirely different thread. I think people are out of touch when they think $15 an hour  is a lot of money; in the country we currently live in, it's table scraps.
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