Florida School Shooting, Over 20 Casualties

There's quite a few things better or equal to "beating P"

Getting a hug from a loved one

Shooting is quite euphoric.
Also why use beating P as a scale. P has upset me min the past. Shooting a gun has always put me on a high. There's quite a few things better or equal to "beating P"
Eating a food you've been craving
Accomplishing a goal.
Completing a Marathon
Hitting a Pr at the gym
Getting a hug from a loved one
Taking a dump when you really need too.

How you even know he likes girls. Now you're homophobic?

Those kids should buy some weapons themselves and tell republicans they don’t like them.
Wait so if legally these high school kids CAN buy these guns and now Schools are no longer Gun Free Zones, does that mean these kids are within their right to come to school armed? I mean why expect the teacher to protect them, let them protect themselves...Midas well allow everyone to be strapped
Not for long if Trump has his way.....curious how they plan on infringing on the kids second ammendment rights, while using it to their advantage to arm the teachers..
Wait so if legally these high school kids CAN buy these guns and now Schools are no longer Gun Free Zones, does that mean these kids are within their right to come to school armed? I mean why expect the teacher to protect them, let them protect themselves...Midas well allow everyone to be strapped

What's the worst that could happen?
Threats of an attempt at shooting up a school in the Bronx just surfaced, my sisternlaw teaches there...got pictures off this kids Facebook holding up an uzi...fml
teachers feel threatened by these kids now. Law not even in place or written exactly and they feel the need. More teachers than you think want this
Want what? To be strapped? Doubt that..

Guarantee they strap up teachers, there is gonna be a **** load of civil suits, dead and traumatized kids once these teachers start pulling their glocks when they feel a kid is threat to them.

If we are to go down this path, we might as well abolish any gun restrictions and regress back to the Wild Wild West, let Every person above the age of 18 carry anywhere....because today is schools, tomorrow it’ll be hospitals, churches, malls, if the self defense tune is what we gonna sing each time instead of gun control, then why any gun laws at all, guess the pro-gun cats had it right all this time...at this point do away with cops too...because we won’t need them, we will Be our own law, we will serve and protect ourselves.
John Birch Society needs to just go ahead and finish tearing it all down. This country is a shieeeeethole.
You really don't understand the fact that (as it is now in the US) a choice to have it or not.
What is proposed is not forcing teachers that dont want to own one to own one.
It wouldn't be us carrying it on our hips, It would be locked up twice over. There will be a drill and codes in place. It will more than likely be locked away the same as it is for non-concealed permit holders in cars. Then locked again in our desk or cabinets.
We can sit here and say "oh I know these teachers that don't want.... " "Oh i know people who are for" we can do that all day.
My personal concern is for the children. This right now is a quick solution. Maybe not the best, but it's an answer.. Until you can find one that will actually work better this is what we can start with.
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

They didnt get this memo.

These white Republicans are always blaming minorities/immigrants. Meanwhile they're constantly looking for ways to lower their own life expectancies and livelihoods with mass shootings, opiods, lack of hygeine, lack of education, etc. Somehow its the fault of Muslims, Mexicans, and Black Lives Matter though
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