Florida School Shooting, Over 20 Casualties

The same energy was kept, and the last one enacted good measures even in the face of the money and opposition behind it as opposed to this one that's fully invested with the gun lobby. Don't conveniently ignore FACTS.

This is really a white supremacist ideal "don't take our guns" some of ya'll are buying into but i don't feel like getting into it.

And i'm glad there are some black teachers on board with the guns in school thing, I hope they sign up. That way I know to reserve my sympathy the first time something inevitably goes wrong or the first overzealous cop shoots one.

I'm for guns, again I love my time at the range, but i'm also a fan of common sense in general. Big fan.

Since it was brought up, here's the last President on this topic btw.
Betsy DeVos Angers Shooting Survivors at Parkland High School Visit, Walks out of Press Conference


Education Secretary Betsy DeVos made a contentious visit to the site of last month’s Florida school shooting Wednesday, in which she was criticized by survivors and abruptly walked out of her own press conference.

DeVos spent the morning at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where former student Nikolas Cruz gunned down 17 students and teachers on Valentine’s Day. Her visit immediately sparked criticism and backlash from shooting survivors and advocates on social media.

"Secretary Betsy DeVos spoke to me and only a handful of students. She did not properly answer my only question," Kyra Parrow tweeted. "She did not sit down with any students and asked what we wanted. Douglas has 3,000 students. None of them were invited."

Members of the media received similar treatment from DeVos during a press conference later in the morning that lasted only 10 minutes or so. When pressed by reporters on the issue of arming school staff, with questions surrounding training standards and student opposition, DeVos suddenly walked away from her podium.

Taking only a handful of questions before she abruptly ended the brief press conference, DeVos did not discuss the specifics of her conversations with students nor the policies she believes need to be implemented to keep schools safe.

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos leaves a news conference following a visit to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in the aftermath of a Feb. 14 mass shooting at the school. (LYNNE SLADKY/AP)

"I told the newspaper reporters that I would love to come back in an appropriate amount of time and just sit down and talk with them," she said amid the brief presser, adding that she toured the school with student journalists.

But Carly Novell, an editor for the student newspaper, "The Eagle Eye," said DeVos "refused to meet/speak with students."

"I don't understand the point of her being here," she tweeted.

"One student from each publication (tv prod./newspaper/yearbook) was able to see her and take pictures of her. No one followed her. We are part of a school publication and it's our job to report on a public figure visiting the school."


DeVos also told reporters she made the trip because she wanted "to be there" for students who survived the tragedy, many of whom made it clear the education secretary was not a welcome guest at their school.

“Literally no one asked for this,” student Sarah Chadwick tweeted when DeVos’ visit to the Parkland school was first announced.

While dozens of others suggested protests and walk-outs, there were a select few calling on their classmates to engage with the visiting education chief.

“I’ve decided that I don’t think we should walk out, ignore or block her from entering,” Novell tweeted ahead of DeVos’ arrival. “I want to talk to her I want her to understand what we’re feeling. However, I doubt we’ll be able to discuss anything with her. She’ll probably just give us her sympathies and leave.”

DeVos immediately sparked backlash with her visit to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. (RHONA WISE/AFP/GETTY IMAGES)

Novell said her concerns proved to be warranted and her classmates flocked to social media to put DeVos on notice for her short visit, during which they said she mostly shied away from addressing their concerns.

“Do something unexpected: answer our questions,” Aly Sheehytweeted at DeVos. “You came to our school just for publicity and avoided our questions for the 90 minutes you were actually here. How about you do your job?”

The brutal massacre at the Parkland school has forced the issue of gun violence and gun safety laws to the forefront, with student survivors fiercely calling for change and stricter regulations. President Trump has since proposed banning bump stocks and arming school staff.

DeVos, who once advocated for arming teachers so that they might protect themselves from bears, also said she would support a program for personnel to be trained to carry firearms.

“Let’s be clear, I think to say ‘arming teachers’ is an over simplification. It isn’t a program that needs to be required or mandated for every community,” she told reporters Wednesday.

The Florida Senate earlier this week passed a provision that allows for school personnel to become certified law enforcement officers and carry weapons on campus. The House is slated to consider the measure — among others, including a bump stock ban and raising the age to buy a gun to 21.

Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade similarly paid a visit to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Wednesday, receiving a significantly warmer welcome than DeVos.

"Can Dwyane Wade be our new secretary of education?" Novell tweeted. "He's done 1000 times more than Betsy DeVos today."

1 student dead in what is labeled an accidental shooting

I can’t accidentally kill someone with my fist
I don't get why she wants this job so bad, the people she claims to serve all hate her.

I don't get how a self-respecting teacher that puts in work everyday let DeVoss into the school or be in the same room with her for that matter.

1 student dead in what is labeled an accidental shooting

I can’t accidentally kill someone with my fist

yes. blame the gun. (and people accidentally kill people with their fists more often than u think)

this time its a handgun that a kid brings like an idiot to "show off" to girls? gun goes off, kid tries to put it away (WHY!? if you just shot someone, put the gun down and call for help, why try to hide the gun?) then it goes off again. girl didnt even make it to the hospital smh.

multiple problems here. the school had metal detectors which somehow didnt matter, kid got a gun right past em. second, kid is STUPID enough to bring a gun to school, specifically in THIS climate the nation is in with guns in school. even if you think bringing a gun into school is cool.... how are you SO dumb that you dont know the block is hot and now isnt the time? this is what i mean when i talk about this generation in school right now is the problem. their brains really just dont work right. with EVERYTHING going on right now about guns in school, u decide the way to impress a chick is to risk your entire future by bringing a gun to school. brilliant.

next problem, for every accidental shooting i look at the gun owner as just as guilty as the shooter. the kid was like 16 or 17 right? theres no legal way for him to own a handgun so its probably his parents or something. whoever owns that gun needs to be punished SEVERELY. kid obviously has NO knowledge of gun safety, and no common sense. the gun going off meant he was probably walking around with it hot, as in had a bullet already chambered and ready to go. STUPID. he also most likely pointed it at her before it went off, STUPID. he also most likely pulled the trigger on purpose. but, after she was shot and he tried to hide the gun... he shot himself! So the first time you put your finger on the trigger and it went off wasn't enough.... you put your finger back on the trigger a second time, but this time you're pointing it at yourself?

No. the guns arent the issue. and kids THIS dumb are able to get around the metal detectors. you have to look at the root of the problem. what is it with this re***ded *** generation that is currently in school? last night i just saw a challenge on instagram where they're essentially waterboarding themselves. WTF is going on with them?
The media wants people to feel bad for the shooter. The few times they show him per day he's always looking down with a poor me face.
You don’t have to write an essay each time tekthemaestro tekthemaestro you say the same thing over and over

“Don’t take mah guns”

*looks for a place where i said that*

*instead finds where i said i would give mine up if a law was passed cuz im a law abiding citizen... even though i wouldnt like it*

i pointed out how here we are not even a month later and more foolishness happened. but this time involving one of the things people think would be a viable solution to stopping the problem. now they have to figure out how someone with an IQ of 30 snuck a gun past a metal detector that the school claims is working. i also pointed out just how dumb the kids in high school are today. using that to back my argument that many have agreed on in here that the main issue at hand is the ignorance of these kids in school, not so much the weapon. in which, this time its a handgun.

but all you heard out of that was "dont take mah guns." ive got an awesome idea. either dont read my essays that take an entire 30 seconds to type. or block me. or... u know, shut up?
Let’s feel sorry for the trouble white teen while they shoot black kids in the playground

the black girl getting shot hardly made the news. maybe if it was a caucasian girl who was just about to graduate and go to nursing school who was shot by a black male.... maybe then it would be a national outrage. but we know how that goes.
*looks for a place where i said that*

*instead finds where i said i would give mine up if a law was passed cuz im a law abiding citizen... even though i wouldnt like it*

i pointed out how here we are not even a month later and more foolishness happened. but this time involving one of the things people think would be a viable solution to stopping the problem. now they have to figure out how someone with an IQ of 30 snuck a gun past a metal detector that the school claims is working. i also pointed out just how dumb the kids in high school are today. using that to back my argument that many have agreed on in here that the main issue at hand is the ignorance of these kids in school, not so much the weapon. in which, this time its a handgun.

but all you heard out of that was "dont take mah guns." ive got an awesome idea. either dont read my essays that take an entire 30 seconds to type. or block me. or... u know, shut up?
“Hey guys lets blame everything else except the thing designed to kill other people as it’s sole purpose”
“Hey guys lets blame everything else except the thing designed to kill other people as it’s sole purpose”
i dont blame the cigarette for lung cancer. i blame the dumb*** smoking the cigarette. your tired *** argument ignores how many people have guns and none of them end up used in a crime. thats like saying we should examine computers cuz cyber crime is at an all time high. the entire "designed to kill" argument is for children. if 1000 people have the same gun, and only 1 of them kills someone with it.... im not blaming the gun. cuz that would be stupid. when 999 people had no problem with the item, but 1 person misuses it... the problem isnt with the item. but we've been down this road before... and some of u are flat out ignorant or stupid. cant make up my mind which. so its pointless.

take this quiz...

if i was off, i was off by ~10% on each question. not bad.
I was close on all except for the "what percentage believe there should be background checks for all gun purchases?"

I thought that had to be at least 95%. I give people in this country too much credit I guess.

13% of people polled don't agree with background checks on all purchases. Wow. :lol:
I was close on all except for the "what percentage believe there should be background checks for all gun purchases?"

I thought that had to be at least 95%. I give people in this country too much credit I guess.

13% of people polled don't agree with background checks on all purchases. Wow. :lol:

it was definitely all over the news on multiple stations that 90-95% range. so either the figure has dropped, or its just margin of error. anyone who doesnt support background checks on all purchases, i wish i could ask them to their face.... why not? do u oppose a background check for a job? i know DAMN well yall dont oppose background checks to get a visa or to immigrate to the US. what does society lose by giving a background check to every individual who wants to own a weapon? my ONLY guess is... they know they wouldve failed a check but sidestepped it themselves, thus.... believing universal background checks would prohibit them from any further purchases.
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