Florida School Shooting, Over 20 Casualties

The whole cigarette comparison is just another useless whataboutism anyway

People are focusing on guns instead of cigarettes because this is a school shooting thread

It's a major strawman to act like that equates to being insensitive toward deaths caused by smoking

It just evolved and then someone moved a goalpost which kept it going. The bottom line was not to blame the tool but the user. Especially when you look at how many people have that exact tool but only a ridiculously small % use it incorrectly. That was the point but you know... Niketalk
The cigarettes argument is flawed bc a) it doesn't kill instantly and b) cigarettes weren't made to kill. People caping for guns just refuse to admit that it's an evil invention created for a species that's capable of doing very evil things. Period.

i had posted about this before but a mod deleted it cuz i called scott a f-boy and self-censored it... i guess. but scott is a snake. sure he did the common sense thing of raising the age limit but he didnt sign in UNIVERSAL background checks. and the 3 day waiting period isnt universal either. but they do cowardly stuff like this. create a bill that has changes people need immediately, but stick it with something serving self-interests in hopes that people value what they need over what the govt wants and will allow it just to get it done quickly. NOBODY wants more guns in schools. its a TERRIBLE idea.

did u guys see alaskas shooting drill? this is only going to get worse, it really is.

The cigarettes argument is flawed bc a) it doesn't kill instantly and b) cigarettes weren't made to kill. People caping for guns just refuse to admit that it's an evil invention created for a species that's capable of doing very evil things. Period.

no. arguments like yours are flawed because they always have to introduce a new factor to show why theyre different. this is how the argument against ARs has gone thus far

"theyre assault rifles made for mass murder. ban em"
"oh theyre semi auto rifles? fine! ban all semi autos!"
"oh handguns are semi-autos too? well just ban all semi-auto rifles! theyre designed for killing!"

"...plenty of things kill more than ARs, theyre the least used gun in crimes. if its about saving lives why ban the thing that millions of people are enjoying that kills the least amount of people?"
"its DESIGNED to kill!"
"cigarettes are designed to kill"
"how many people are killed by someone else smoking though?"
"....are you serious?"
"well..... smoking doesnt kill you INSTANTLY"
"so now, its acceptable to kill 1300 per day as long as its done over time, and not explicitly designed to kill you....despite the poisons in it?"

like.... stop. what an annoying argument this is nationwide. both sides have no working knowledge of the other, and the majority of people debating dont seem to want to meet in the middle either. both sides regurgitating the most stupid talking points over and over and wondering why no real progress gets made.

nra is filing a lawsuit against florida. Clowns.

this is why they have the reputation they do. they claimed they wanted to work with the governor and get common sense reform done. they claimed they wanted common sense reform. then the second its filed for common sense reform... they jump up with the "woah woah! what about his rights to the 2a!?" you know what i want.... i want there to be an amendment made officially where you have to be 21. then i want to see if they still stand by the constitution or will they move the goal posts and say they think it SHOULD be 18 again. that side LOVES to lean on the constitution until it supports a viewpoint they dont like.
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Gun-Trained Teacher Accidentally Discharges Firearm in Calif. Classroom, Injuring Student

Dennis Alexander speaks at a Seaside, Calif., city council meeting on Feb. 15. (Seaside City Council)


A teacher who is also a reserve police officer trained in firearm use accidentally discharged a gun Tuesday at Seaside High School in Monterey County, Calif., during a class devoted to public safety. A male student was reported to have sustained non-life-threatening injuries.

The weapon, which was not described, was pointed at the ceiling, according to a statement from the school, and debris fell from the ceiling.

Seaside Police Chief Abdul Pridgen told the Monterey County Weekly that a male student was “struck in the neck by ‘debris or fragmentation’ from something overhead.” Pridgen said whatever hit the student was not a bullet.

However, the student’s father, Fermin Gonzales, told KSBW 8 that it was his understanding that fragments from the bullet ricocheted off the ceiling and lodged in the boy’s neck. The father said the teacher told the class before pointing the gun at the ceiling that he was doing so to make sure his gun wasn’t loaded, something that can be determined visually.

“It’s the craziest thing,” Gonzales told the station. “It could have been very bad.”

Gonzales said he learned about the incident when his 17-year-old son came home with blood on his shirt and bullet fragments in his neck.

“He’s shaken up, but he’s going to be okay. I’m just pretty upset that no one told us anything and we had to call the police ourselves to report it,” the father told the TV station.

The teen was treated at a hospital.

The teacher was identified by police as Dennis Alexander, who teaches math as well as a course in the administration of justice. Alexander is a reserve police officer for Sand City and a Seaside city councilman. He could not immediately be reached for comment but he has reportedly apologized for the incident.

The Monterey County Weekly, quoting Sand City Police Chief Brian Ferrante, reported that Alexander had his last gun safety training less than a year ago. “I have concerns about why he was displaying a loaded firearm in a classroom,” Ferrante told KSBW. “We will be looking into that.”

Exactly why the teacher was displaying the weapon at all was not entirely clear. Police said he was “providing instruction related to public safety.”

The father told KSBW that the teacher was preparing to use the gun to show how to disarm someone.

Daniel “PK” Diffenbaugh, superintendent of the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District, told the Weekly that the incident occurred during the administration of justice class, a career track course offered by the school. “Clearly, we will revisit this incident to ensure that something like this would never happen again.”

Diffenbaugh noted that state law and school policy forbids carrying firearms on campus without authorization. Alexander, he said, was not authorized.

“I think a lot of questions are on parents’ minds are, why a teacher would be pointing a loaded firearm at the ceiling in front of students,” Diffenbaugh told KSBW. “Clearly, in this incident, protocols were not followed.”

The teacher has been placed on administrative leave while an investigation takes place, according to the school. The Sand City Police Department also placed Alexander on administrative leave.

The incident comes amid a national debate on how to protect students from mass shootings like the one that took the lives of 17 people in Parkland, Fla., on Feb. 14. Among the proposals advanced is training and arming teachers, an approach favored by President Trump, among others, but opposed by a majority of the teachers in the National Education Association, including many who said in an NEA survey that it would make them feel less safe.
The cigarettes argument is flawed bc a) it doesn't kill instantly and b) cigarettes weren't made to kill. People caping for guns just refuse to admit that it's an evil invention created for a species that's capable of doing very evil things. Period.

weapons were made to kill animals then engineered to be used on other humans but whatever fits your narrative chief

theres never been a safer time in America, despite your fear
This country doesn’t want to change as long as there’s a group who feel guns are a necessity and so many illegal guns are on the street.
weapons were made to kill animals then engineered to be used on other humans but whatever fits your narrative chief

theres never been a safer time in America, despite your fear

Gunpowder was originally a siege weapon to quickly tear down the walls of castles and fortresses. The science of rifling was intended to kill humans more efficiently during warfare from a stand-off range as opposed to inaccurate muskets leading to close-range bayonette fighting.
Actually gun powder was originally fireworks in China and then later converted into a weapon
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Seeing and hearing these kids today knowing why they’re walking out/demonstrating and trying to make their voices heard is pretty encouraging to me.

Soon they’ll learn that it was all for show and no one who can make real change was watching and that’s very discouraging.
I don't get why she wants this job so bad, the people she claims to serve all hate her.

Her goal is to destroy public education, framing it as a "school choice" issue. For whatever reason, a lot of people don't think the federal government should not be in the business of educating citizens.
Her goal is to destroy public education, framing it as a "school choice" issue. For whatever reason, a lot of people don't think the federal government should not be in the business of educating citizens.

Charter/private/for-profit schools = $$$$

Vultures coming for our children’s education
Watching that video, when dude puts his head down...got me curious if its genuine or an act.
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