Oh ****

Smh @ none of yall not catching this till now :lol:

I was running on fumes/jet lagged as **** when I posted that, my bad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :lol:
Let me retry

"Har gow" as my gwai lo amigos call it

For the broccoli lovers, any way you guys like to prepare them? Any meals you guys prepare with it?
For the broccoli lovers, any way you guys like to prepare them? Any meals you guys prepare with it?
Toss in olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper.  Lay on baking sheet, and bake at 375 till its lightly charred.  So damn good that way.   This also works for green beans and asparagus.
^ preheat the oven with the sheet tray in for more char. I roast pretty much everything on a hot *** sheet tray.
^ preheat the oven with the sheet tray in for more char. I roast pretty much everything on a hot *** sheet tray.
The only problem ive encountered with that is sometimes the garlic burns.   I do preheat the sheet pan when im roasting root vegetables.
anyone else **** with trader joes frozen food?

**** is pretty bomb.

eating their fettucine alfredo right now. made some chicken on the side and threw in some broc.
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