Fools Wildin', Volume 2


formerly ironstark
Feb 2, 2017
2016: "Bow down to the most powerful man in the universe!"

2018: 'I wouldn't vote for him again in a million years'

The Wife-Beater, the Witch and the White House: Why the Hell Did Trump Ever Tell Rob Porter and Omarosa ‘You’re Hired’?
By Piers Morgan for MailOnline
PUBLISHED: 12:38 EST, 13 February 2018 | UPDATED: 12:52 EST, 13 February 2018

'Shut the f**k up, a**hole,’ snarled Omarosa Manigault-Newman at me. ‘How are your kids going to feel when they wake up and discover their dad’s a f**king f*gg*t?’

Yes, this is the same Omarosa Manigault-Newman who just spent a year insider Donald Trump’s White House.

I’ve met a lot of vile human beings in my life, from dictators and terrorists to sex abusers and wicked conmen.

But I’ve never met anyone quite so relentlessly loathsome as Omarosa; a vicious, duplicitous, lying, conniving, backstabbing piece of work.

I met Omarosa when were cast on the first season of Celebrity Apprentice. They are we are far left, with Marilu Henner between us. Omarosa, former White House insider, is a vicious, duplicitous, lying, conniving, backstabbing piece of work

Which beggars the question: what the hell was she doing inside the world’s most powerful building for 12 months?

The answer, as we can now see, was amassing a whole mass of damaging information to now use against President Trump and his administration on Celebrity Big Brother.

Well duh!

That’s what Omarosa does. It’s her raison d’etre.

This is a woman who would literally stoop at nothing to get what she wants.

I met her a decade ago when we were cast together in the first season of Celebrity Apprentice in 2008.

I knew OF her, obviously.

She’d become America’s most hated reality TV villain after her diabolical performance in the 2004 season of the regular Apprentice.

But nothing quite prepared me for her opening gambit as we waited for the details of the first challenge.

Awaiting our first challenge, Omarosa sidled up to me and suggested the two of us have sex. 'Then we can make lots of money out of it.’ I stared at her and laughed: 'You must be joking, you deluded woman.' She didn't take it well. 'What are you? Gay?'

Omarosa sidled up to me at the New York Mercantile Exchange and said, quite seriously: 'Piers, do you want a showmance?' 'A what?' I replied. 'A showmance. You know, a romance on the show - we get it on together. Happens all the time on Apprentice. Everyone has sex together. Then we can make lots of money out of it.’ I stared at her grasping, ferociously ambitious little eyes, and laughed: 'You must be joking, you deluded woman.' She didn't take it well. 'What are you? Gay?'

From that moment, she turned on me like a viper.

I can honestly say I’ve never been spoken to in my life like the disgusting, foul-mouthed, homophobic way Omarosa spat at me throughout the weeks of filming.

Because I’d rejected her revolting sex plot, she decided the best line of attack was to repeatedly question my sexuality in the most crude and offensive manner imaginable.

At the time, I was separated from my ex wife, and mother of three of my four children – a fact Omarosa seized on with glee.

‘The mother of your children hates you Piers,’ she giggled on camera one morning, ‘and your children f**king hate you, they’re embarrassed by you. Is there another man raising your children?’

(None of these things was true)

On another occasion, in front of boxing champion Lennox Lewis, she said: ‘Hey Piers, I hear you got caught sucking a gay waiter’s c*ck in a hotel pool?’

This was a lie. I’m not gay and she hadn’t heard that about me. She’d just made it up to smear me and to provoke me into a confrontation.

Eventually, Omarosa took her bigotry to the boardroom, telling Donald Trump accusingly: ‘I think Piers is in the closet.’

She turned. She called me a '******* ******, said I'd been caught 'sucking a gay waiter's ****' and told Donald Trump I was in the closet. I responded to her by kissing Trace Adkins, right

‘You’re calling Piers a homosexual?’ replied an incredulous Trump. ‘I don’t think you know him very well.’

He then invited me to come back into the boardroom and respond. So I did, bursting through the doors, racing towards Omarosa, then veering away at the last minute to kiss Trace Adkins, a 6ft 7in country singer, with the words: ‘I’ve always loved a beautiful cowboy.’

Trump laughed, everyone laughed – well apart from Trace, who just looked bemused.

Beneath the laughs though lay a less savoury truth: Omarosa is a reprehensible human being, prepared to offer sex to win a reality TV show and use the most vile homophobic slurs against rival contestants.

She did all this purely so it would bring her more airtime, and more attention.

When I grew angry at the tidal wave of verbal filth she was spewing over me, she threatened me with physical violence: ‘‘Touch me, you’re going to get punched in the face’

When I grew angry at the tidal wave of verbal filth like this, using my then young sons as a weapon, she threatened me with physical violence: ‘‘Touch me, you’re going to get punched in the face.’

I thought of all this over the past few days as the scandal over White House staffer Rob Porter hit the headlines.

It’s obviously completely unacceptable that Porter was able to hold down such a high-level administration job with such serious allegations of abuse from two ex wives and an ex girlfriend hanging over him.

It was also completely unacceptable of President Trump to unequivocally praise Porter after he resigned, given that by then the full details of the alleged abuse including photographs of one of his ex wives with a black eye, had emerged.

I've been thinking about Omarosa since the Rob Porter scandal erupted. It's unacceptable that he was able to hold down that White House job and it's unacceptable that Trump praised him. But why with all the outcry over Porter's employment is there no outcry over the fact Omarosa was allowed employment?

And big questions remain over whom in the White House, in particular chief of staff General John Kelly, knew what, and when, about Porter’s history of alleged domestic violence.

But why is there no such outcry over the fact someone like Omarosa was also allowed to roam free in the White House for so long?

I was aghast when she joined Trump’s campaign team in July 2016 as a the ‘director of African-American outreach.’

I haven’t met an African-American in the whole country who would ever like to be ‘reached out’ to by Omarosa.

‘This is the greatest position in the world,’ she said after her appointment was announced, ‘to be at the centre of political power, of the universe.’

Yes, it is - so why was SHE in it?

My disquiet turned to utter horror when Trump won the presidency and Omarosa was appointed the White House’s director of communications for the Public Liaison Office.

I don’t subscribe to the theory that President Trump is mentally unstable, but this particular decision severely tested my faith.

I was aghast when she joined Trump’s campaign team in July 2016 , and horrified when Trump won the presidency and Omarosa was appointed the White House’s director of communications for the Public Liaison Office

Her tenure went exactly how I expected.

Omarosa achieved nothing but incessant chaos, upsetting all her White House co-workers, and picking fights wherever she went in a manner that was entirely unsurprising to anyone who had met her or watched her on TV.

She called out Fox News contributor Tamara Holder for having ‘big boobs.’

She was accused of physically intimidating and verbally threatening long-time White House correspondent April Ryan.

And after gay CNN anchor Don Lemon cut her mic during a segment, Omarosa told TMZ he should ‘stop being such a queen.’

By common consent, she achieved absolutely nothing to benefit the Trump presidency. In fact, quite the reverse.

Yet there she was, ensconced in her own office in the West Wing, watching, listening, plotting and almost certainly recording.

Now on Celebrity Big Brother, Omarosa’s been singing like a bytchy canary about Trump, Pence and others. No doubt a tell-all book will follow. She is a serial loser and her White House tenure defies logic

On Celebrity Big Brother, Omarosa’s been singing like a bytchy canary about Trump, V-P Mike Pence and others. And this will be just the start of it.

Brace yourselves for the ‘insider’ book, the docu series and the Lifetime movie.

What’s most surprising to me is that Donald Trump prides himself on only backing winners.

Yet Omarosa’s never won anything in her life.

In our Celebrity Apprentice season, she was fired when we were rival project managers, after I destroyed her in a challenge in what Trump called ‘the greatest slaughter in the history of the Apprentice.’

Yet he took this serial loser, and horrible human being, into the heart of the White House to spread her poison.

In its way, that’s just as big a scandal as Rob Porter, yet nobody seems to care.
The Wild, Wild World of Sheriff David Clarke
David Clarke, former sheriff of Milwaukee County, seemed made for Trump-era celebrity politics. Black, bearded and Stetson-wearing, he made his name with fiery conservative rhetoric, earning himself hundreds of thousands of dollars from speaking tours which crossed the country. He spoke at the Republican National Convention in 2016, and is currently a spokesman for one of the main super PACs tied to Trump. Clarke and the now 45th President also shared the stage at a campaign rally in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Trump even plugged the Sheriff’s book, Cop Under Fire, on Twitter:

Not everything, however, has gone according to plan for Clarke. When Trump entered the White House, Clarke was expected to be given a senior role in the Department of Homeland Security. But for reasons unclear that did not come to pass. It’s understood that during Trump’s visit to Milwaukee on June 13, 2017, the president met Clarke and the DHS position was discussed. According to a source who spoke with Clarke, Trump informed him that then-DHS secretary John Kelly didn’t want him in the position, and that he should withdraw. Then in September Clarke unexpectedly resigned his job as Sheriff.

Known for his outspoken views in defence of police, Clarke became the Make America Great Again movement’s tactical response to Black Lives Matter. He called Black Lives Matter a ‘terror organization’ in his memoir and predicted they would join forces with Isis. In late 2016, he was, according to the Daily Beast, part of a delegation sent by the National Rifle Association to Russia that met Dmitry Rogozin, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia on Defense and Space Industry. In January it was reported that the FBI was investigating the trip.

Even in his humbler days Clarke had a streak of zealotry; a federal appeals court ruled that Clarke violated separation of church and state when he forced his deputies to listen to a presentation from something called the Fellowship of the Christian Centurions. (One of the Centurion speakers quoted the Bible in a talk to deputies, saying that God ‘established government and that people in authority are ministers of God assigned to promote good and punish evil.’)

Clarke has suffered other problems on the home front. Two months before Clarke spoke at the RNC, an inmate died in one of his jails in Milwaukee after allegedly being deprived of water for a week. After the autopsy results were released, Clarke was further accused of calling the city medical examiner and threatening him, an accusation Clarke declined to comment on. The jail death has resulted in an ongoing criminal trial of three jail staff. Two have plead not guilty. Inmates said the man cried out for water before he died.

But Cockburn can reveal that there may be another reason for his political demise. It seems that he has for some time been conducting extra-marital affairs.

Clarke filed for divorce from his wife two weeks ago, on the day before this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference. Since last year, he has been seen regularly with Hedieh Mirahmadi, a Muslim woman who has a job conducting sensitivity training with law enforcement agencies. According to her LinkedIn page, Mirahmadi was a consultant to the FBI from 2015 until June 2017.

Mirahmadi characterises her relationship as standard for a business manager to someone of Clarke’s stature. But when asked to confirm or deny whether they were having an affair, Mirahmadi told Cockburn, ‘well, he’s filing for a divorce, so I don’t think it’s technically an affair. I don’t really want to comment on the nature of our relationship.’

‘Those are your words, not mine,’ she added, when Cockburn asked whether their relationship was strictly professional.

Clarke has been contacted for comment, but has yet to respond.

In an interview last November, reported in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Clarke described Mirahmadi as his ‘partner, business partner’. As well as her sensitivity training job, she runs DAC Enterprises, a company whose only apparent purpose is to manage Clarke’s persona.

The relationship between Mirahmadi and Clarke has sparked suspicion among his conservative allies, who aren’t always open-minded when it comes to Islam. The pair were seen together at the Conservative Political Action Conference throughout the time he was there, and Cockburn has confirmed there was no hotel room rented in his name at the conference centre — but one in hers. Wild theories are flying around conservative circles that Mirahmadi is an ‘operative’ for the Muslim Brotherhood. Mirahmadi told Cockburn that such talk was ‘offensive’. She said: ‘Are you kidding about the Muslim Brotherhood? I’ve spent 20 years of my life fighting them.’

The messages have not been authenticated by either party, however Mirahmadi claimed to Cockburn that the same woman from New Jersey is ‘no Snow White’. ‘Yes they had an affair of some sort,’ she said. Mirahmadi sent Cockburn a series of even more sexually explicit emails, purporting to be from the woman to Clarke, in which the woman also threatened to expose him.

As the success of Donald Trump shows, big egos can be a huge asset in politics these days. A big mouth never did the Donald any harm, and he overcame many accusations of improper behaviour with women. But, as David Clarke’s waning star shows, conservative Trump fans will only put up with so much.

In topsy-turvy Trumpland, an inmate dying in one of your jails might not be enough to destroy your reputation. But just appearing to have an extramarital affair with a Muslim may be pushing it.
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