For the Playas of NT....

its like this #oes get bent when they think they worth a dollar, and dont even add up to 50 cent. You cant tell me you an accord when u a beat up ford. Yaknow. guys saying i been with such and such for yrs, i got a good woman etc. For all you know she could be jivin and jukin, out there suckin n f*$kin. Thenwhere that leaves you.
Dumb Donald status, left with wasted years andshedded tears. But yeah that makes you a real man.
Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by GoinHam

Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Originally Posted by dunks87

what's the point in living with someone when you want to smash others? that isn't fair to your "main one" oh wait i forgot, men don't have the capability to consider anyone else's feelings but their own and the ones in their pants.
players... YALL should BE OFF THAT.
Didn't you know? It's the age of selfish indulgence! This is normal

its in their DNA...monogamy isn't normal and we as women are forcing it upon them...

ooo but yet if a woman doesn't want to be a monogamist and she has several partners or just not committed or trying to committ to her (one) "buddy" she's a Jumpoff and she must be screwing everyone in town? double standards FTL.

i guess i'm going to have to stop coming on NT for awhile the negativity and stupidity here is causing me to lose all faith in men
and realize that they're all the same.
2 points for me to address from this post... my response is definitely going to sound like im attacking you, but im not.

point 1: quit %+%#@@! whining, complaining and *****ing about the #$%#!% double standards in our society. you know damn well that they #$%#!% exist, so dont try to go against it & then get #$%#!% mad when you get labeled because of it. what type of ******ed $@*! is that

point 2: if you think all guys are the same, then yo ##%%%*! needs to stop going after the #$%#!% same type of guys. ole ##%%%*! girls wanna claim all guys are the same, but in reality its the ******ed broads who only want one type of guy.

Once again, i am not attacking you personally. Im moreso making a commentary on those 2 statements that women tend to make frequently

qft. Also women are so delusional and ill informed and misguided. If you keep having failed after failed relationships etc, having trouble with men, then its YOU to blame. Women cant see the forest for the trees. The common denominator in this is you. None of those guys are friends,relatives cut from the same cloth. The only similarities and distinct commonality is that they all had an interest/dated YOU. Women would be so better off if they accepted that and correct their flaws and personal faults and improve themselves to be a more compatible person.

If every single guy you date whoops your ***, its something about you that draws/attract that type of aura,pesonality type of a man. In order to evolve one must find where the problem lies and make strides and corrective measures, to improve that aspect of oneself. Thus detering that type of individual to your life.

Like i always tell ppl if you keep on doing what you did, you gon keep on gettin what you got.

It goes both ways mah dude

i take no offense to anything you said. for one none of this applies personally to me and two i understand and agree with most of what you all have said.
however, this particular post is about playas with main girls that they live with that still try or do get some on the side. so does that mean, that theirone is wrong for choosing a man who is a player in the first place?i mean let's be honest most guys don't walk around telling everyone they're aplayer, so how would a non-suspecting innocent female know that she's attracted to/dating a player beforehand?and once the "playa" gets with herbut is still doing dirt, is she supposed to turn the other cheek if she suspects that you're cheating? cause lets be honest you guys love to turn thingsaround on us. telling her she has insecurities, or trust issues, or that she's crazy for thinking that you're cheating. then if she finds outyou're cheating and leaves you and doesn't trust men, she's bitter, if she decides to start having sex with no emotional attachment (even ifit's not on the regular) she's a jump off. and if she's not available to drop her drawers on command, she's unappreciated. yet clearly ifyou're living with your girl and cheating on her clearly she is still unappreciated or under appreciated. so if we women are misguided, delusional and illinformed, we are not always to blame for that...
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