Girlfriend Being Friends with Your Male Friends Ok?

Cuz you never know.
Hella no you cant trust cats now in days. I trust my girl and all but theres always that what if.
Hella no you cant trust cats now in days. I trust my girl and all but theres always that what if.
I don't know how i'd feel if I came home and one of my dudes or multiple dudes were over just kicking it with my girl
.. It's very possible they could become friends but man I don't know some dudes be dirty these days but really it's how much you trust your girl I guess
I don't know how i'd feel if I came home and one of my dudes or multiple dudes were over just kicking it with my girl
.. It's very possible they could become friends but man I don't know some dudes be dirty these days but really it's how much you trust your girl I guess
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Story time:

My then girlfriend and I were very cool with each other and I had no problem going out with the guys while she went out with the girls to the club. I'd just meet up with her at the end of the night. Complete trust. I was out of town for a weekend last summer. My best friend was at a bar (we usually go to bars together), and my girl was out with her friends. She got black out drunk, somehow made her way home but thought she didnt have her keys. She would have called me but I was out, so she called my friend.

He happened to be DD that night (unbeknownst to her), so he drove to her place to help her out. When he arrived she was sitting in the middle of the street (too bad she didn't get hit).

He thought... although she doesn't have her keys MAYBE the door is unlocked. Not only was the door unlocked, it was OPEN and her keys were in the door....

Luckily he's a true friend and declined her offer for him to stay the night (justifiable due to the distance she lived from his place).

She said she'd cook him breakfast, too.

Bros before !+!%
You need to learn how to pick girlfriends my friend. 

Bring friends is one thing, but chillin with your mans friends when hes not around? kinda weird. Maybe like if the event was planned and a big group of mixed company was going and somehow last minute the boyfriend couldnt go...but in any other circumstance..why would you need to?
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