Girls on NT

Damn for what happened to the cool *** NT chicks we used to vibe with constantly, simply, wknd, all the jjb chicks. Oh that's right, ya'll ran them off.

Dudes go so hard...

The chicks now don't even post pics. 
But that would be objectifying them. Which is probably why they are scarce. I think a women's forum would be more productive and inviting.

I went on femalesneakerheads? forum once. Idk why I was surprised to see so many dudes :lol:

It seems kinda lame to me, like if I were to make an account on lipstick alley or something, so I can see why girls don't really come here.
This page right here explains part of the reason we don't have that many females on NT anymore. No shots at Nomad, but duke posted a stalkerish type pic of shorty on the train and cats are acting as if he posted nudes or something. The thirst levels on this board are real.

Just curious, but if you recognized her why not approach her and strike up a convo?
But that would be objectifying them. Which is probably why they are scarce. I think a women's forum would be more productive and inviting.

Very true but at the same time I have mental pictures of how I think a few female nters look. I'm sure none look how I honk they look. I started following one female from here and she looks way different then how I assumed based on her posting history.
This is your time, Mr. Nomad.

Time to redeem yourself from all the troll threads and race-baiting posts. All of the supposed cuentos de patos.

As promised ...
Nomad coming through. Props
You never answered my question about being Kerry though...

Another girl who hasn't been mentioned that I just remembered was GreenEyes87 (I think that was her name). She was hella cute and a real cool chick. I think she got married or something though.

Oh, and Nawth, too. I know for sho she did get married and cut.
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There should be a female nters thread where pics are posted.
But that would be objectifying them. Which is probably why they are scarce. I think a women's forum would be more productive and inviting.
I used to post on the JJB when we were part of Yuku (after we invaded that board).

Women's messageboards are CRAZY. You think we have drama? JJB was rife with drama and wildness.
This page right here explains part of the reason we don't have that many females on NT anymore. No shots at Nomad, but duke posted a stalkerish type pic of shorty on the train and cats are acting as if he posted nudes or something. The thirst levels on this board are real.

Just curious, but if you recognized her why not approach her and strike up a convo?
 Occam's razor ...? 
SimplyDimply was cool as hell and just as reckless in real life as the way she talked on here
.. I remember I hung out with her and she randomly blurted out "please dont rape me"
.. **** caught me off guard but I was dying.. I wonder what shes doing right now

This page right here explains part of the reason we don't have that many females on NT anymore. No shots at Nomad, but duke posted a stalkerish type pic of shorty on the train and cats are acting as if he posted nudes or something. The thirst levels on this board are real.

Just curious, but if you recognized her why not approach her and strike up a convo?
Lmao I was thinking the same thing when he talked about taking those pics too....imagine if other people saw him taking the pics of her you know how weird that ish would be? Bottom line is the thirst in this thread is real but I can't help but laugh at some people's posts
This page right here explains part of the reason we don't have that many females on NT anymore. No shots at Nomad, but duke posted a stalkerish type pic of shorty on the train and cats are acting as if he posted nudes or something. The thirst levels on this board are real.

Just curious, but if you recognized her why not approach her and strike up a convo?
let's be real though. she wouldn't want to be bothered and prob go off on him unless he was NT famous like henz0 or benballer.
......pubes are whack

I like it shaved or some grooming. Bonus points for simple design. Landing strip >>>>
Pubes lead to hair balls ? That thing cats get in their throats etcsm..
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