Give/Show examples of the decline of quality in Jordan retros...

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I think people just have to learn they're sneaker history and read threads like this or juts ask people how the OGs compare to the retros....retro quality is crap compared to OGs.
Sadly this will never change. Why use better, more expensive materials when JB can continue to sell these lesser quality shoes for more and more $. Most people don't understand that it's a business. More production, cheaper materials, increased profit=happy execs. End of story. It's funny seeing shoes like the BIN series, constructed with average materials made to seem top notch quality with these ridiculous price tags, and people still jumping all over these like these are special. Sometimes I feel like JB is trying to replicate fakes.
Sadly this will never change. Why use better, more expensive materials when JB can continue to sell these lesser quality shoes for more and more $. Most people don't understand that it's a business. More production, cheaper materials, increased profit=happy execs. End of story. It's funny seeing shoes like the BIN series, constructed with average materials made to seem top notch quality with these ridiculous price tags, and people still jumping all over these like these are special. Sometimes I feel like JB is trying to replicate fakes.
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

back in the day jordans were to ball in, it seems as if now they starting to make them for casual wear

I definitely agree, it seems like JB is focusing on making the new signature line sneakers for basketball and the retros for casual wear. That's probably why the retros keep on changing materials, or something, but let's not jump into conclusions.
I remember getting the DMP Bulls/Celtics Pack 2 on the release date two years ago, it was horrible. If JB does release the Banned 1's in the future it better not me like that.

But JB was definitely off to a good start when they release CG11 as they are comfortable compared to CDP 11 and Space Jams from last December 2009.
Not sure if any changes have been made to the Cement III's but I haven't really heard any complaints from my friends who copped a pair, so I think they're definitely bringing back the quality.
I got the TB3's last year 'coz I missed out on the release, I ain't even mad that the quality was whack, paint chipping on the midsole, etc.
But this is why I'm getting a second pair on June. They're releasing it pretty early (only 2 years), hopefully to make changes.
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

back in the day jordans were to ball in, it seems as if now they starting to make them for casual wear

I definitely agree, it seems like JB is focusing on making the new signature line sneakers for basketball and the retros for casual wear. That's probably why the retros keep on changing materials, or something, but let's not jump into conclusions.
I remember getting the DMP Bulls/Celtics Pack 2 on the release date two years ago, it was horrible. If JB does release the Banned 1's in the future it better not me like that.

But JB was definitely off to a good start when they release CG11 as they are comfortable compared to CDP 11 and Space Jams from last December 2009.
Not sure if any changes have been made to the Cement III's but I haven't really heard any complaints from my friends who copped a pair, so I think they're definitely bringing back the quality.
I got the TB3's last year 'coz I missed out on the release, I ain't even mad that the quality was whack, paint chipping on the midsole, etc.
But this is why I'm getting a second pair on June. They're releasing it pretty early (only 2 years), hopefully to make changes.
Originally Posted by notoriusWES

Originally Posted by bigj505

Originally Posted by notoriusWES

Uh my 09 spacejams are fine...and those CDP 11s look good to me lol its just the comfort on those that suck
im going to assume that you have never owned a pair of older shoes because you STAY defending the newer ones like you made them yourself.

comfort sucks means the quality was bad. cant believe you looked at the pics then can still say they look just fine to you
and your defending older retro/OG's like you made them. Nothing is wrong LOOKING with those CDP's in the PICS
Ive seen the older joints ....held em...all that....Ive seen the newer joints...held em

But some Retro's are actually good. IMO.....My opinion

lemmme tell you again....My Opinion.....Im sorry I like some of the newer retro's
While I do feel my CDP's comfort and quality kinda did suck on those 11s

the 12s were great to me...CDP 6's great...I even Dug the 17s...even tho the suede got ashy...I wore the heck out of those
I thought MY spacejams were excellent....and I had to a chance to own 2 pairs of those before I sold one....sure the older retro Spacejam is probably better but im
not livin in 2001 plus my 2009s are Just fine. Ajko's...Just fine
My 1s from the DMP...are Great to me...even those they crease weird....but all my shoes have some kind of creasing lol

I can go on and on...Yes I do Enjoy some of the Newer releases and Im sorry if that Bothers you.

There are great retro's and sometimes there are poor with it.

But let me enjoy my "crappy quality" kicks that are holding up and looking just fine to me
There's just one HUGE variable that no one ever seems to discuss in these quality debate threads.  That's the number of times the shoes are worn, and for what purpose.  The originals were worn almost constantly back in the day.  You didn't buy 3 pairs of the same colorway, leave them in a box in your closet and let them sit there for years.  You saved up your pennies just to get your favorite colorway that year, and you got your money's worth out of them by *GASP!* wearing them into the ground!  Better yet, you wore them into the ground while....are you ready?....PLAYING BASKETBALL!

....I'll give you guys a second to stop hyperventilating/breath into a brown paper bag.....

OK, moving on.  This carried over into the earlier retros as well, though to a lesser degree.  The concept of collecting and leaving the shoes DS had started catching on, so the initiation to the phenomenon that we're in now had begun.  Still, they were worn FAR more frequently than what we've seen over the last 5 or so years.  So now you get to the retros of today, where people have a closet full of AJs, and literally only wear any given pair once a week, IF that.  Anywhere from once a month to once a year is more common.  And when they ARE worn, they're worn for "going out" in.  Very seldom are they used for actual athletic activity.  Now this is a pretty significant piece of information if we're going to fairly compare quality.  What would happen to modern retros if you wore them a minimum of 150 times a year (13 times a month) like AJs used to be worn?  If the originals, and even a lot of the older retros were worn FAR, FAR more often (literally every day in most cases) and held up well, what does it say to the quality of today's retros when people are complaining about how paint is chipping, or paint is smearing, or midsoles are cracking, or the lack of padding is hurting their feet, etc when these shoes are worn so infrequently, and only for casual purposes?  They can't even hold up to the EXTREMELY light use they're usually put up to by the modern day AJ buyers, much less regular/frequent use. This, to me, speaks volumes about today's quality, yet no one ever brings this little factor up.

I couldn't care less about how well your shoes that you wear once every great while to school, or the mall or the club have held up.  When your newer retros that you love so much last you for 6 months or longer with REGULAR use (even on the basketball court) like they did back in the day, come talk to me about how good the shoes have been to you.
Originally Posted by notoriusWES

Originally Posted by bigj505

Originally Posted by notoriusWES

Uh my 09 spacejams are fine...and those CDP 11s look good to me lol its just the comfort on those that suck
im going to assume that you have never owned a pair of older shoes because you STAY defending the newer ones like you made them yourself.

comfort sucks means the quality was bad. cant believe you looked at the pics then can still say they look just fine to you
and your defending older retro/OG's like you made them. Nothing is wrong LOOKING with those CDP's in the PICS
Ive seen the older joints ....held em...all that....Ive seen the newer joints...held em

But some Retro's are actually good. IMO.....My opinion

lemmme tell you again....My Opinion.....Im sorry I like some of the newer retro's
While I do feel my CDP's comfort and quality kinda did suck on those 11s

the 12s were great to me...CDP 6's great...I even Dug the 17s...even tho the suede got ashy...I wore the heck out of those
I thought MY spacejams were excellent....and I had to a chance to own 2 pairs of those before I sold one....sure the older retro Spacejam is probably better but im
not livin in 2001 plus my 2009s are Just fine. Ajko's...Just fine
My 1s from the DMP...are Great to me...even those they crease weird....but all my shoes have some kind of creasing lol

I can go on and on...Yes I do Enjoy some of the Newer releases and Im sorry if that Bothers you.

There are great retro's and sometimes there are poor with it.

But let me enjoy my "crappy quality" kicks that are holding up and looking just fine to me
There's just one HUGE variable that no one ever seems to discuss in these quality debate threads.  That's the number of times the shoes are worn, and for what purpose.  The originals were worn almost constantly back in the day.  You didn't buy 3 pairs of the same colorway, leave them in a box in your closet and let them sit there for years.  You saved up your pennies just to get your favorite colorway that year, and you got your money's worth out of them by *GASP!* wearing them into the ground!  Better yet, you wore them into the ground while....are you ready?....PLAYING BASKETBALL!

....I'll give you guys a second to stop hyperventilating/breath into a brown paper bag.....

OK, moving on.  This carried over into the earlier retros as well, though to a lesser degree.  The concept of collecting and leaving the shoes DS had started catching on, so the initiation to the phenomenon that we're in now had begun.  Still, they were worn FAR more frequently than what we've seen over the last 5 or so years.  So now you get to the retros of today, where people have a closet full of AJs, and literally only wear any given pair once a week, IF that.  Anywhere from once a month to once a year is more common.  And when they ARE worn, they're worn for "going out" in.  Very seldom are they used for actual athletic activity.  Now this is a pretty significant piece of information if we're going to fairly compare quality.  What would happen to modern retros if you wore them a minimum of 150 times a year (13 times a month) like AJs used to be worn?  If the originals, and even a lot of the older retros were worn FAR, FAR more often (literally every day in most cases) and held up well, what does it say to the quality of today's retros when people are complaining about how paint is chipping, or paint is smearing, or midsoles are cracking, or the lack of padding is hurting their feet, etc when these shoes are worn so infrequently, and only for casual purposes?  They can't even hold up to the EXTREMELY light use they're usually put up to by the modern day AJ buyers, much less regular/frequent use. This, to me, speaks volumes about today's quality, yet no one ever brings this little factor up.

I couldn't care less about how well your shoes that you wear once every great while to school, or the mall or the club have held up.  When your newer retros that you love so much last you for 6 months or longer with REGULAR use (even on the basketball court) like they did back in the day, come talk to me about how good the shoes have been to you.
I have the White/Black/Red Vs from 1999 or 2000( I cant remeber the year) and I put those on and they feel WAY better than 06 Vs (Blacks and Fire Reds)
I have the White/Black/Red Vs from 1999 or 2000( I cant remeber the year) and I put those on and they feel WAY better than 06 Vs (Blacks and Fire Reds)
For all the Complainers there is a simple solution.. When you buy the shoe keep the receipt.... If you feel the shoe is crafted poorly all you have to do is take them back to the store and then put that money towards an OG pair... I personally think that most cats on here see where a respected member complains about the quality so they jump on the bandwagon and say the shoe sucks... But then again, Some people wake up every morning and look for something to Hate on..However, I am no expert on leathers and shoe making material so you all are probably right on some quality issues...But from what Ive seen the people that bash the shoes are main ones coppin 3 pair at a time.... Its all good though, like Ive said before.. Some people Live to Hate
For all the Complainers there is a simple solution.. When you buy the shoe keep the receipt.... If you feel the shoe is crafted poorly all you have to do is take them back to the store and then put that money towards an OG pair... I personally think that most cats on here see where a respected member complains about the quality so they jump on the bandwagon and say the shoe sucks... But then again, Some people wake up every morning and look for something to Hate on..However, I am no expert on leathers and shoe making material so you all are probably right on some quality issues...But from what Ive seen the people that bash the shoes are main ones coppin 3 pair at a time.... Its all good though, like Ive said before.. Some people Live to Hate
Originally Posted by Liu Kang 23

For all the Complainers there is a simple solution.. When you buy the shoe keep the receipt.... If you feel the shoe is crafted poorly all you have to do is take them back to the store and then put that money towards an OG pair... I personally think that most cats on here see where a respected member complains about the quality so they jump on the bandwagon and say the shoe sucks... But then again, Some people wake up every morning and look for something to Hate on..However, I am no expert on leathers and shoe making material so you all are probably right on some quality issues...But from what Ive seen the people that bash the shoes are main ones coppin 3 pair at a time.... Its all good though, like Ive said before.. Some people Live to Hate

But the thing is...they arent hating. The OG and the older retros are better quality, thats a fact.

Maybe you dont have them and cant compare and dont want to feel bad about buying the newer retros.
Originally Posted by Liu Kang 23

For all the Complainers there is a simple solution.. When you buy the shoe keep the receipt.... If you feel the shoe is crafted poorly all you have to do is take them back to the store and then put that money towards an OG pair... I personally think that most cats on here see where a respected member complains about the quality so they jump on the bandwagon and say the shoe sucks... But then again, Some people wake up every morning and look for something to Hate on..However, I am no expert on leathers and shoe making material so you all are probably right on some quality issues...But from what Ive seen the people that bash the shoes are main ones coppin 3 pair at a time.... Its all good though, like Ive said before.. Some people Live to Hate

But the thing is...they arent hating. The OG and the older retros are better quality, thats a fact.

Maybe you dont have them and cant compare and dont want to feel bad about buying the newer retros.
i dont think some people know what hate is. liking a shoe but complaining about quality isnt hate . smh did any1 ever take the time to think that people who complain, cant stand to hear people suck off a poor quality shoe. funny thing is, the complaints are valid, but the jb slurp'n isnt. some people are so blind, they will result to attacking your character over your opinion of poor quality. its almost like they hate to hear the truth.

i mean, iv heard people attack people for saying their shoes came precreased. their response was "you gonna wear them anyway". smdh n saying "just except it" is the dumbest thing you can say. cuz only thing "excepting" high cost low quality will do is raise the price. its been happening every year. consumers do have a voice, its just say'n "ef' me jb" but people so busy tell'n you dont complain, they dont understand how unsmart they sound. the consumers voice will be heard, when these cheap retros reach $200+ and people stop buying or the fad dies. then you'll see a change, watch. but when you got tools talking bout "except it" and "dont like, dont buy" theres no need for a change. cuz your dealing with ignorant consumers, that will open'ly say "ill buy no matter the quality". i mean really hiw dumb does that sound.

i like this question but i never get an awnser, maybe ill get one from the jb poor quality defenders. the question is.....where else do you welcome this type of treatment/product in you every day life?
i dont think some people know what hate is. liking a shoe but complaining about quality isnt hate . smh did any1 ever take the time to think that people who complain, cant stand to hear people suck off a poor quality shoe. funny thing is, the complaints are valid, but the jb slurp'n isnt. some people are so blind, they will result to attacking your character over your opinion of poor quality. its almost like they hate to hear the truth.

i mean, iv heard people attack people for saying their shoes came precreased. their response was "you gonna wear them anyway". smdh n saying "just except it" is the dumbest thing you can say. cuz only thing "excepting" high cost low quality will do is raise the price. its been happening every year. consumers do have a voice, its just say'n "ef' me jb" but people so busy tell'n you dont complain, they dont understand how unsmart they sound. the consumers voice will be heard, when these cheap retros reach $200+ and people stop buying or the fad dies. then you'll see a change, watch. but when you got tools talking bout "except it" and "dont like, dont buy" theres no need for a change. cuz your dealing with ignorant consumers, that will open'ly say "ill buy no matter the quality". i mean really hiw dumb does that sound.

i like this question but i never get an awnser, maybe ill get one from the jb poor quality defenders. the question is.....where else do you welcome this type of treatment/product in you every day life?
there has been easy signs of decline in quality from just simple look at the shoe for those of us who have older versions of those same shoes, for instance the 12s, 9s, 11s... but if you think about it, it makes sense because nike is well aware of their super growth in demand these days from ppl who care very lil for the athletic/high-end aspect of jordans and focus more on the looks/lifestyle aspect and therefore they have absolutely no pressure to deliver as much quality in order to get adequate revenue, and if you look at it from a business standpoint, why still pay more to assure better quality when your customers can careless and are willing to pay increased fees for cheaper versions of the product??
there has been easy signs of decline in quality from just simple look at the shoe for those of us who have older versions of those same shoes, for instance the 12s, 9s, 11s... but if you think about it, it makes sense because nike is well aware of their super growth in demand these days from ppl who care very lil for the athletic/high-end aspect of jordans and focus more on the looks/lifestyle aspect and therefore they have absolutely no pressure to deliver as much quality in order to get adequate revenue, and if you look at it from a business standpoint, why still pay more to assure better quality when your customers can careless and are willing to pay increased fees for cheaper versions of the product??
if reebok can make quality retros, the jordan brand can also. People are ******ed to not think the quality is poor on the newer retros. I havent bought a new paor of jordans in a while. jordan brand has came out with a lot of shoes that people were dying to have from 2008-2011 and this year isnt over. but im probably not gonna cop anything because i know im gonna be dissapointed.i wanted the cement III but when i seen them in pics they look wierd with that shiny leather and the shape look funny plus we already know that the pint is gonna chip like crazy.
if reebok can make quality retros, the jordan brand can also. People are ******ed to not think the quality is poor on the newer retros. I havent bought a new paor of jordans in a while. jordan brand has came out with a lot of shoes that people were dying to have from 2008-2011 and this year isnt over. but im probably not gonna cop anything because i know im gonna be dissapointed.i wanted the cement III but when i seen them in pics they look wierd with that shiny leather and the shape look funny plus we already know that the pint is gonna chip like crazy.
It's all about the details

people overlook the small details that make the shoe what it shape and material usage.

and then to add to that......the paint sucks....i don't say it to hate, it REALLY does suck.....and they WILL crack on certain shoes.....
It's all about the details

people overlook the small details that make the shoe what it shape and material usage.

and then to add to that......the paint sucks....i don't say it to hate, it REALLY does suck.....and they WILL crack on certain shoes.....
Originally Posted by Error on page

i dont think some people know what hate is. liking a shoe but complaining about quality isnt hate . smh did any1 ever take the time to think that people who complain, cant stand to hear people suck off a poor quality shoe. funny thing is, the complaints are valid, but the jb slurp'n isnt. some people are so blind, they will result to attacking your character over your opinion of poor quality. its almost like they hate to hear the truth.

i mean, iv heard people attack people for saying their shoes came precreased. their response was "you gonna wear them anyway". smdh n saying "just except it" is the dumbest thing you can say. cuz only thing "excepting" high cost low quality will do is raise the price. its been happening every year. consumers do have a voice, its just say'n "ef' me jb" but people so busy tell'n you dont complain, they dont understand how unsmart they sound. the consumers voice will be heard, when these cheap retros reach $200+ and people stop buying or the fad dies. then you'll see a change, watch. but when you got tools talking bout "except it" and "dont like, dont buy" theres no need for a change. cuz your dealing with ignorant consumers, that will open'ly say "ill buy no matter the quality". i mean really hiw dumb does that sound.

i like this question but i never get an awnser, maybe ill get one from the jb poor quality defenders. the question is.....where else do you welcome this type of treatment/product in you every day life?
Agreed with mostly everything your talking about except the bolded. I do think eventually the sales will decline,  but only because their producing too many pairs or putting out too many different c/w's. Unfortunately we will always have the stubborn consumers who will buy just about anything that has a Jordan logo on it, therefore settling for that poor quality product that you were talking about.  The power will always sit in JB's hands, because people cannot stop buying these limited QS's or whatever they do decide to drop. You'll always have that 'next man' defeating any progress we, as consumers, gain by not purchasing.
Originally Posted by Error on page

i dont think some people know what hate is. liking a shoe but complaining about quality isnt hate . smh did any1 ever take the time to think that people who complain, cant stand to hear people suck off a poor quality shoe. funny thing is, the complaints are valid, but the jb slurp'n isnt. some people are so blind, they will result to attacking your character over your opinion of poor quality. its almost like they hate to hear the truth.

i mean, iv heard people attack people for saying their shoes came precreased. their response was "you gonna wear them anyway". smdh n saying "just except it" is the dumbest thing you can say. cuz only thing "excepting" high cost low quality will do is raise the price. its been happening every year. consumers do have a voice, its just say'n "ef' me jb" but people so busy tell'n you dont complain, they dont understand how unsmart they sound. the consumers voice will be heard, when these cheap retros reach $200+ and people stop buying or the fad dies. then you'll see a change, watch. but when you got tools talking bout "except it" and "dont like, dont buy" theres no need for a change. cuz your dealing with ignorant consumers, that will open'ly say "ill buy no matter the quality". i mean really hiw dumb does that sound.

i like this question but i never get an awnser, maybe ill get one from the jb poor quality defenders. the question is.....where else do you welcome this type of treatment/product in you every day life?
Agreed with mostly everything your talking about except the bolded. I do think eventually the sales will decline,  but only because their producing too many pairs or putting out too many different c/w's. Unfortunately we will always have the stubborn consumers who will buy just about anything that has a Jordan logo on it, therefore settling for that poor quality product that you were talking about.  The power will always sit in JB's hands, because people cannot stop buying these limited QS's or whatever they do decide to drop. You'll always have that 'next man' defeating any progress we, as consumers, gain by not purchasing.
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