Government Shutdown 2013-2014 My Civil Servant Brethern...what you think

What you mean bruh bruh?

These elected officials continue to prove that they are nothing more than bickering, stubborn & greedy humans that cant even agree on one bill to prevent a global embarrassment. And that they are not this omnipotent entity that conspiracy theorists like dream up.
These elected officials continue to prove that they are nothing more than bickering, stubborn & greedy humans that cant even agree on one bill to prevent a global embarrassment. And that they are not this omnipotent entity that conspiracy theorists like dream up.

No, no, no.

The government is voted on by the people. Therefore, WE are the government.

People that strive to be in positions of power in this country are by definition smarter and more moral than their non elected counterparts. That's why we let them decide our laws and live by their mandates.

I wish schools still taught civics.
i live with my mom, i dont live off da government...try again nimrod.

democrats delayed da law for corporations and interests groups already.

stop playing stupid obama and extend it to everyone else.
Does your mom get assistance?
no she doesn't, i never seen a food stamp in my life.
How can u say you never seen a food stamp when you was the one who said you would buy food stMps off the womenz tryin to purses or somethin like that?

I said i buy foodstamps off people or did i say

That happens in general? Dont be conflating

**** i say to suit your response.


just think you lyin saying you never seen a food stamp.
i live with my mom, i dont live off da government...try again nimrod.

democrats delayed da law for corporations and interests groups already.

stop playing stupid obama and extend it to everyone else.
Does your mom get assistance?
no she doesn't, i never seen a food stamp in my life.
How can u say you never seen a food stamp when you was the one who said you would buy food stMps off the womenz tryin to purses or somethin like that?

I said i buy foodstamps off people or did i say

That happens in general? Dont be conflating

**** i say to suit your response.


just think you lyin saying you never seen a food stamp.

By da time i seen one it was already on a shirt talkin

Bout "remember these?"
Edit: This was directed to 8to24 or whatever that lames sn is

Bruh you were still semen in your dads scrotum when the furlough of 95-96 happened, so you can seat all the way down with the bs you wrote because clearly you have no insight or clue what you are talking about and how this can affect millions of families( I saw it first hand)
Raise Your Hand Next Time Grown Folks Speak
Won't even entertain your garbage response...
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Employers got a delay, there's no reason why

individuals weren't awarded da same luxury.

You are comparing apples to oranges. I don't agree with Obama on giving certain corporations a waiver to wait until 2015 to fully implement the law, but there's a big difference between a corporation having to offer healthcare to its employees, and an individual having to purchase healthcare for themselves.

This whole discussion of why can't Obama and the Dems just compromise and delay the ACA for another week, month, year, etc. is silly and is offensive to the intelligence of the American people. The Republicans (read: Tea Partiers) do not want to DELAY the ACA, they want to REPEAL it. If they can delay it another year, they believe they'll be able to paint Obama and the Dems as weak and use the 2014 elections to block/repeal the law. If they aren't successful in the midterms, they'll continue to hold the funding of the entire government, or the debt limit, or other unrelated measures hostage so that the law is blocked until 2016 when they'll hope to have a Republican elected. The problem for them, and their supporters, is that the entire nation can smell this from a mile away. We know that the Republicans don't want UHC, they don't want a public option, and they definitely don't want anything that this President supports that will drastically change our current system.

At some point the Republicans will have to realize that this plan is transparent, that their obstinance does not support "freedom" or "liberty" but rather slows down, unnecessarily, the progress of our society. The majority of the developed nations in the world have some sort of government led healthcare system, and in time, whether in a decade, or a generation, or two, this nation will enjoy the same system. Let's not forget Romeny ran on Repeal and REPLACE...our healthcare system urgently needs to be reformed, and this is a step in the right direction (towards UHC).
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I'm curious as to why the average citizen cares that unions and corporations get "breaks" from Obamacare?  Like who cares?
ny. i know the advantages or disadvantages in living here. i have 5 contingency plans set up in case something hits the fan. i also have stockpiled foods with the money i saved instead of spending it going on clubs and stuff. i was fine during hurricane sandy when everyone was moaning and crying
Crying laughing at this post. What a herb.

when the dollar collapses and you dont understand why and is starving il be the one laughing. fema camps got food brah

Real talk, we need a strong third party in this country. I'm getting tired of Democrats and Republicans. I used to side with Democrats heavy, but over the years I'm not really liking their policies either. 

there was gary johnson but dude couldnt get 5% of the vote. i feel like all third parties are gaining traction cause the democrats and republicans are looking like straight failures now. :rofl: at dudes that defend it like its some kind of pseudo religion
My field trip is now rescheduled to a later date because of this. 
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I'm curious as to why the average citizen cares that unions and corporations get "breaks" from Obamacare?  Like who cares?
umm because da obamacare law MANDATES "average citizens" pay for insurance or pay a fine starting today.
I'm curious as to why the average citizen cares that unions and corporations get "breaks" from Obamacare?  Like who cares?

its all about the collective vs individuals. its unfair for the individual because they dont have the strength of a collective to influence a politician like they do. now im not for any individual or collective to use their power/money to influence government for their benefit in the expense of another individual/collective.
I'm curious as to why the average citizen cares that unions and corporations get "breaks" from Obamacare?  Like who cares?
umm because da obamacare law MANDATES "average citizens" pay for insurance or pay a fine starting today.
I get that, its mandated.  Why do you care what somebody else has to do?  All you have to do is get incorporated, or unionize, and you'll get your break.

Otherwise, not everything is for everybody.  If you can't understand why it might take Corporations and unions a little bit longer to get their ducks in a row in regard to insuring all of their employees, idk what to tell you.
I'm curious as to why the average citizen cares that unions and corporations get "breaks" from Obamacare?  Like who cares?
its all about the collective vs individuals. its unfair for the individual because they dont have the strength of a collective to influence a politician like they do. now im not for any individual or collective to use their power/money to influence government for their benefit in the expense of another individual/collective.
completely out of left field.  Unions and corporations are still covered under Obamacare, they just get a delay on when they have to register by.

And of course collectives are going to have more influence than individuals.  Its why organizations like the NAACP, ACLU, NOW, UNICEF, ect exist.  
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I'm curious as to why the average citizen cares that unions and corporations get "breaks" from Obamacare?  Like who cares?

its all about the collective vs individuals. its unfair for the individual because they dont have the strength of a collective to influence a politician like they do. now im not for any individual or collective to use their power/money to influence government for their benefit in the expense of another individual/collective.

completely out of left field.  Unions and corporations are still covered under Obamacare, they just get a delay on when they have to register by.

they are fighting it now when they realized that it wont benefit them. USPS wants the same thing to delay bankruptcy.
I'm curious as to why the average citizen cares that unions and corporations get "breaks" from Obamacare?  Like who cares?

its all about the collective vs individuals. its unfair for the individual because they dont have the strength of a collective to influence a politician like they do. now im not for any individual or collective to use their power/money to influence government for their benefit in the expense of another individual/collective.
completely out of left field.  Unions and corporations are still covered under Obamacare, they just get a delay on when they have to register by.
they are fighting it now when they realized that it wont benefit them. USPS wants the same thing to delay bankruptcy.
I have no idea what point you're trying to make.  As of October 1, 2013, unions and corporations are still required to register under the Affordable Care Act.  They simply have a delay in time compared to the average citizen.
I'm curious as to why the average citizen cares that unions and corporations get "breaks" from Obamacare?  Like who cares?

its all about the collective vs individuals. its unfair for the individual because they dont have the strength of a collective to influence a politician like they do. now im not for any individual or collective to use their power/money to influence government for their benefit in the expense of another individual/collective.

completely out of left field.  Unions and corporations are still covered under Obamacare, they just get a delay on when they have to register by.

they are fighting it now when they realized that it wont benefit them. USPS wants the same thing to delay bankruptcy.

I have no idea what point you're trying to make.  As of October 1, 2013, unions and corporations are still required to register under the Affordable Care Act.  They simply have a delay in time compared to the average citizen.

certain organizations arent benefitting from obamacare and wants to stay with their current system because its cheaper or wants to be exempt from it like congress is.
I'm sure plenty of people want to stay with their current system...but they still havent been authorized not to make the basically you're arguing against something that hasn't happened
any updates OP?

heard on the news that NASA will furlough around 70-80% of their staff immediately

Lost my SS card and have to get a replacement ASAP for a new job..... and the damn SS offices arent doing SS card replacements because of the stupid govt shut down?! any updates when this **** will end or what i can do?
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