Government Shutdown 2013-2014 My Civil Servant Brethern...what you think

Then the President should have said that. Mr. Transparency and Change was not honest to us. I do not see why you guys don't just admit that. He isn't the leader we thought he was and he has failed us.

A step in the right direction is relative. I won't argue that point.
There you go champ, that's the spirit.  That's what I like to hear 
.  Next up is ninjahood.  
This **** right here is the reason this country is falling behind every other developed nation. People are find wallowing in ignorance because the truth is to painful to grasp. Yes this is just a sneaker forum but real information gets posted here. That's why I've been here for 8 years. But how are you supposed to grow when you use personal attacks to undermine the credibility of someone even though they're information is 100% valid. Fight facts with facts not laughing emoticons and personal attacks.

It's real out here and knowledge is power. An there's no one else to.blame if you remain unarmed.
You want some truth champ, I got it right here for you and the another other person that goes along with your rhetoric.  That fact of the matter is, and the truth is as it stands now is that the Republican party goes against just about anything the President Obama is for or wants to approve.  The fact of the matter is that the ACA is essentially the Heritage Foundation plan for health care, which is a REPUBLICAN idea.  The fact/truth of the matter is that the Republican party for whatever reason was not able to put this plan into motion, so President Obama did.  In 2012 there was a presidential candidate that was for the ACA as he signed it into law and there was a presidential candidate that, in the public's eye at least was against the ACA and wanted to repeal it.  

This was a key point during the 2012 presidential race.  The presidential candidate that for the ACA won, and won convincingly.  That being said it's time for the Republican party and those that follow this group to swallow what little bit of pride they have left and realize that's they lost, how and why.  Saying no just to say no is not a strategy, it's a recipe for disaster.  Now you dudes want to destroy yourselves on your own accord, that's fine.  Just do so without dragging the rest of the country down with you.  Is the ACA, but at least give it a chance to see what works and what doesn't work.  As an elected official, your elected to work, not to just sit around and do nothing.  That being said if the Republican party and it's fanbase want to do nothing, it's time for them to collectively get out of the way, or catch an L just like they did tonight, and most likely many more nights.  
I'd be the FIRST to admit this president was a HUGE let down and a known liar. There's a bunch of stuff we should be angry with President Obama, but I really don't feel like this ACA is one of them.

It's law.
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First time hearing about the ACA from that perspective let me correct it...

Specifically the Heritage Foundation 
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An here's some facts for you. Mitt Romney did not lose because he didn't support Obamacare. I wish you guys would stop saying that. The Republicans of today are not the Republicans of yesteryear,party positions change over time. So that also needs to stop being brought up. ACA ain perfect...then it shouldn't have been psssed. A law of that magnitude should not be half assed. Especially when the majority of the country didn't want it. Obama ran on the belief that a government for the people should be ran by the people. If that were the case there would be no Obamacare. Him and the Dems made a decision for us.

Your not defending a law your defending a President because your to afraid to admit he ****** up.
Brah all I did was point out that someone was asking for you to back up the claim you posted in the very first comment. Your first comment mentions nothing about the website. :lol:

Who do you think funds the Obamacare site? We do. We were given an original dollar amount, and that number was not truthful. Because of that Obamacare will cost more. You guys need to stop making abstract arguments and attack the facts.

Let me address because you and NInja like the Tea Party seem not to grasp this.

The time for arguing over Obamacare is over, if you guys are right and it fails, then it fails. If the facts are on your side, then it is inevitable. I don't blindly agree with everything in the ACA. What I do agree with, along the majority of the House, majority of Senate and President is that the budget debate/debt ceiling debate wasn't the time for this to have this argument again.

You guys want to harp on are the few facts that on your side, and **** the ones who aren't. The fact people need affordable insurance, the fact that Obamacare has saved lives and people from financial ruin mean nothing to dudes like you and Ninja because "Hey I got mine, **** the rest". You even admit that's how you think.

But guess what, that not how the system works. We all pay for things/programs that don't benefit us directly, America as such little for their citizens, but dudes like you whine and whine and whine about little you do have to pay.

Now the alternative would be to look for solutions, but y'all don't want to do that because those would be expensive too. 'OMG WE CAN'T HAVE A PUBLIC OPTION, IT WELL CRIPPLE US WITH TAXES"..........."LOL OBAMACARE WILL FAIL, SINCE IT GOT no PUBLIC OPTION". That's your migo Ninja,

The Tea Part held this country hostage for all this time for nothing, except to have the potential to lose this fight again early next year. But Obama, Dems and I need to "look at the facts" :smh:.

So it not about wanting to consider the facts it is about telling dudes like you that you need yo sit the **** down because this fight is over, Obamacare is the law of the land. To hold the country hostage to hear dudes whine and whine and whine and whine about something that has been settle over and over is ridiculous

-Ninja does the same thing I did to him he does to everyone else. He reads what he wants, and he expects people to understand and comprehend him even with a horrible typing style and his butchering of DA English language every turn
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An here's some facts for you. Mitt Romney did not lose because he didn't support Obamacare. I wish you guys would stop saying that. The Republicans of today are not the Republicans of yesteryear,party positions change over time. So that also needs to stop being brought up. ACA ain perfect...then it shouldn't have been psssed. A law of that magnitude should not be half assed. Especially when the majority of the country didn't want it. Obama ran on the belief that a government for the people should be ran by the people. If that were the case there would be no Obamacare. Him and the Dems made a decision for us.

Your not defending a law your defending a President because your to afraid to admit he ****** up.

How do you **** up when there's no alternative? Name me what law that's 'perfect' when passed?

Obama absolutely ran on 'Obamacare' his second term, and won by a bigger margin than Bush did twice, I believe...

Or did he win because he was 'giving away' stuff?
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EVERY agency fluffs their numbers to look reasonable so that it can get passed. then when the spending goes exponential they just deal with it last minute. word to SSI and medicare.

I don't know where you stand on this whole debacle but sounds like you are trying to defend lying to the American people for political gain by brushing it under the rug because "everyone does". That's definitely the "Change" we all wanted.

im on the anarchist, voluntaryist, libertarian camp. why would i defend the state?
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First time hearing about the ACA from that perspective let me correct it...

Specifically the Heritage Foundation 
An here's some facts for you. Mitt Romney did not lose because he didn't support Obamacare. I wish you guys would stop saying that. The Republicans of today are not the Republicans of yesteryear,party positions change over time. So that also needs to stop being brought up. ACA ain perfect...then it shouldn't have been psssed. A law of that magnitude should not be half assed. Especially when the majority of the country didn't want it. Obama ran on the belief that a government for the people should be ran by the people. If that were the case there would be no Obamacare. Him and the Dems made a decision for us.

Your not defending a law your defending a President because your to afraid to admit he ****** up.
So why exactly did Mitt Romney lose then??  Also, every law that is passed is not perfect, reason being is because nothing that involves humans or human interaction is perfect................reason being is because humans are not perfect.  I personally never said the Affordable Care Act was perfect, I just said like anything else there will be things and opportunities for it to improve.  You say a majority of the country didn't want it, yet instill President Obama was RE-ELECTED and he was re-elected as the candidate that signed the ACA into law, which was a main principle for his re-election strategy.

Also, I am defending a law as it clearly passed threw Congress, was signed by the President of the United States and was upheld by the Supreme Court.  Looks like all 3 branches of the government to me champ.  I said this before, and I'll say it again.  We are a nation of laws, every law that is signed and passed we all might not agree upon, but as a nation we are obligated to follow these laws and rulings.  If you want to rewrite, or repeal these laws we have an election/voting process that can help you assure the necessary results that you are looking for.  Due to the Republican party NOT being able to achieve the necessary results for this election process, they resort to crying, complaining, and acting like ******* because they don't/didn't get their way.  WE as a country don't have time for this, and we don't have time for people that condone this kind of behavior.  You it's time to get out of the way and come up with a better winning strategy.  
EVERY agency fluffs their numbers to look reasonable so that it can get passed. then when the spending goes exponential they just deal with it last minute. word to SSI and medicare.

I don't know where you stand on this whole debacle but sounds like you are trying to defend lying to the American people for political gain by brushing it under the rug because "everyone does". That's definitely the "Change" we all wanted.

im on the anarchist, voluntaryist, libertarian camp. why would i defend the state?

:smh: :lol:
as soon as the dude said "we are broke" i stopped listening.. He is spewing rhetoric to those who are not economically informed. The problem with the debt crisis has nothing to do with the US being "broke", only those who know nothing about the situation would use that term.
EVERY agency fluffs their numbers to look reasonable so that it can get passed. then when the spending goes exponential they just deal with it last minute. word to SSI and medicare.

I don't know where you stand on this whole debacle but sounds like you are trying to defend lying to the American people for political gain by brushing it under the rug because "everyone does". That's definitely the "Change" we all wanted.

im on the anarchist, voluntaryist, libertarian camp. why would i defend the state?

:smh: :lol:

An here's some facts for you. Mitt Romney did not lose because he didn't support Obamacare. I wish you guys would stop saying that. The Republicans of today are not the Republicans of yesteryear,party positions change over time. So that also needs to stop being brought up. ACA ain perfect...then it shouldn't have been psssed. A law of that magnitude should not be half assed. Especially when the majority of the country didn't want it. Obama ran on the belief that a government for the people should be ran by the people. If that were the case there would be no Obamacare. Him and the Dems made a decision for us.

Your not defending a law your defending a President because your to afraid to admit he ****** up.

Romney lost due to a variety of reasons, among them being his vague platform that included not just REPEALING the ACA but REPLACING it. Too bad he never put out serious policy regarding how to replace the ACA with another law, maybe we'd have had a good discussion in Congress on how to amend the law, rather than hyperbolic rhetoric about the ACA taking away our freedom.

So your argument is that the Republicans of the early 90's admitted that the free-market ran health care industry needed to be fixed, came up with a solution off of which the ACA and Romneycare were based, and then less than 2 decades later regressed to thinking that what we have in place is good enough?

No laws are perfect, especially in a system like ours where you have two diametrically opposed parties with no one in the middle, and an incredible amount of influence from lobbyists--laws need to be passed to fix problems.

This myth of governance by majority support needs to stop. The U.S. is a constitutional republic, we don't have majority rule. A large part of our country doesn't have insurance coverage, or understands how it works. Obama, just like all politicians, ran on rhetoric and promises, that he realized he wouldn't be able to fulfill due to how the government operates, and how intransigent the Republicans have been.
as soon as the dude said "we are broke" i stopped listening.. He is spewing rhetoric to those who are not economically informed. The problem with the debt crisis has nothing to do with the US being "broke", only those who know nothing about the situation would use that term.

............ we are broke thats why we are in DEBT. we defaulted in 71 because we WERE and still BROKE
An here's some facts for you. Mitt Romney did not lose because he didn't support Obamacare. I wish you guys would stop saying that. The Republicans of today are not the Republicans of yesteryear,party positions change over time. So that also needs to stop being brought up. ACA ain perfect...then it shouldn't have been psssed. A law of that magnitude should not be half assed. Especially when the majority of the country didn't want it. Obama ran on the belief that a government for the people should be ran by the people. If that were the case there would be no Obamacare. Him and the Dems made a decision for us.

Your not defending a law your defending a President because your to afraid to admit he ****** up.

Romney lost due to a variety of reasons, among them being his vague platform that included not just REPEALING the ACA but REPLACING it. Too bad he never put out serious policy regarding how to replace the ACA with another law, maybe we'd have had a good discussion in Congress on how to amend the law, rather than hyperbolic rhetoric about the ACA taking away our freedom.

So your argument is that the Republicans of the early 90's admitted that the free-market ran health care industry needed to be fixed, came up with a solution off of which the ACA and Romneycare were based, and then less than 2 decades later regressed to thinking that what we have in place is good enough?

No laws are perfect, especially in a system like ours where you have two diametrically opposed parties with no one in the middle, and an incredible amount of influence from lobbyists--laws need to be passed to fix problems.

This myth of governance by majority support needs to stop. The U.S. is a constitutional republic, we don't have majority rule. A large part of our country doesn't have insurance coverage, or understands how it works. Obama, just like all politicians, ran on rhetoric and promises, that he realized he wouldn't be able to fulfill due to how the government operates, and how intransigent the Republicans have been.

theres no free market in the health care system in the 90s. that shipped sailed a long time ago
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Let me address because you and NInja like the Tea Party seem not to grasp this.

The time for arguing over Obamacare is over, if you guys are right and it fails, then it fails. If the facts are on your side, then it is inevitable. I don't blindly agree with everything in the ACA. What I do agree with, along the majority of the House, majority of Senate and President is that the budget debate/debt ceiling debate wasn't the time for this to have this argument again.

You guys want to harp on are the few facts that on your side, and **** the ones who aren't. The fact people need affordable insurance, the fact that Obamacare has saved lives and people from financial ruin mean nothing to dudes like you and Ninja because "Hey I got mine, **** the rest". You even admit that's how you think.

But guess what, that not how the system works. We all pay for things/programs that don't benefit us directly, America as such little for their citizens, but dudes like you whine and whine and whine about little you do have to pay.

Now the alternative would be to look for solutions, but y'all don't want to do that because those would be expensive too. 'OMG WE CAN'T HAVE A PUBLIC OPTION, IT WELL CRIPPLE US WITH TAXES"..........."LOL OBAMACARE WILL FAIL, SINCE IT GOT no PUBLIC OPTION". That's your migo Ninja,

The Tea Part held this country hostage for all this time for nothing, except to have the potential to lose this fight again early next year. But Obama, Dems and I need to "look at the facts" :smh:.

So it not about wanting to consider the facts it is about telling dudes like you that you need yo sit the **** down because this fight is over, Obamacare is the law of the land. To hold the country hostage to hear dudes whine and whine and whine and whine about something that has been settle over and over is ridiculous

-Ninja does the same thing I did to him he does to everyone else. He reads what he wants, and he expects people to understand and comprehend him even with a horrible typing style and his butchering of DA English language every turn

The time for arguing about unjust laws is never over. If more people thought like you I'd still be 3/5 of a person. Obama ran on ACA because that was his biggest achievment but that isn't why he won or why Mitt lost.

An the argument that we already do something so we should keep doing is a logical fallacy. My money should NEVER go where I don't want it to go because it's MINE. I'm not out here trying to save the world because I'm not where I want to be. That will come later...hopefully.

The tea party sparked the battle and from the jump and the Dems also refused to compromise. Place blame equally. Because they were both at fault. Obama moreso because he's President. He should have never drawn that red line. Stubborness does not equal leadership. The time for him to get tough in the Republicans was not now. It should have happened in his first term but Obama has always been a sean leader, I know that now. I regret voting for him everyday.
Anyone remember how much the Iraq war was originally 'projected' to cost when we were lied to kill for resources/corporations? Which is still going on BTW.
Government is always overpaying for everything, but again what was the alternative to ACA? The 'other side' had nothing, ACA isn't the best and it has flaws no question, but it's still a step in better direction than the alternative.

Where are the links to states reporting 'higher rates'?

i just said that. both sides are responsible in doing this for whatever reason.
EVERY agency fluffs their numbers to look reasonable so that it can get passed. then when the spending goes exponential they just deal with it last minute. word to SSI and medicare.

I don't know where you stand on this whole debacle but sounds like you are trying to defend lying to the American people for political gain by brushing it under the rug because "everyone does". That's definitely the "Change" we all wanted.

im on the anarchist, voluntaryist, libertarian camp. why would i defend the state?

:smh: :lol:


I always laugh when I see people say this because when the roles are flip, it is usually a different story.

no one would tell the fire department "don't save my burning house" . Matter of fact, people can do this beforehand, and they always regret it

or tell the police if some runs up into your house and you're out number "don't worry B i got this"

or tell Fema "don't pick me up off my roof, I'll swim".
Let me address because you and NInja like the Tea Party seem not to grasp this.

The time for arguing over Obamacare is over, if you guys are right and it fails, then it fails. If the facts are on your side, then it is inevitable. I don't blindly agree with everything in the ACA. What I do agree with, along the majority of the House, majority of Senate and President is that the budget debate/debt ceiling debate wasn't the time for this to have this argument again.

You guys want to harp on are the few facts that on your side, and **** the ones who aren't. The fact people need affordable insurance, the fact that Obamacare has saved lives and people from financial ruin mean nothing to dudes like you and Ninja because "Hey I got mine, **** the rest". You even admit that's how you think.

But guess what, that not how the system works. We all pay for things/programs that don't benefit us directly, America as such little for their citizens, but dudes like you whine and whine and whine about little you do have to pay.

Now the alternative would be to look for solutions, but y'all don't want to do that because those would be expensive too. 'OMG WE CAN'T HAVE A PUBLIC OPTION, IT WELL CRIPPLE US WITH TAXES"..........."LOL OBAMACARE WILL FAIL, SINCE IT GOT no PUBLIC OPTION". That's your migo Ninja,

The Tea Part held this country hostage for all this time for nothing, except to have the potential to lose this fight again early next year. But Obama, Dems and I need to "look at the facts" :smh:.

So it not about wanting to consider the facts it is about telling dudes like you that you need yo sit the **** down because this fight is over, Obamacare is the law of the land. To hold the country hostage to hear dudes whine and whine and whine and whine about something that has been settle over and over is ridiculous

-Ninja does the same thing I did to him he does to everyone else. He reads what he wants, and he expects people to understand and comprehend him even with a horrible typing style and his butchering of DA English language every turn

The time for arguing about unjust laws is never over. If more people thought like you I'd still be 3/5 of a person. Obama ran on ACA because that was his biggest achievment but that isn't why he won or why Mitt lost.

An the argument that we already do something so we should keep doing is a logical fallacy. My money should NEVER go where I don't want it to go because it's MINE. I'm not out here trying to save the world because I'm not where I want to be. That will come later...hopefully.

The tea party sparked the battle and from the jump and the Dems also refused to compromise. Place blame equally. Because they were both at fault. Obama moreso because he's President. He should have never drawn that red line. Stubborness does not equal leadership. The time for him to get tough in the Republicans was not now. It should have happened in his first term but Obama has always been a sean leader, I know that now. I regret voting for him everyday.

View media item 609341
And we're off

Because slavery and the ACA are comparable. Don't ******g insult me as a black man brah
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EVERY agency fluffs their numbers to look reasonable so that it can get passed. then when the spending goes exponential they just deal with it last minute. word to SSI and medicare.

I don't know where you stand on this whole debacle but sounds like you are trying to defend lying to the American people for political gain by brushing it under the rug because "everyone does". That's definitely the "Change" we all wanted.

im on the anarchist, voluntaryist, libertarian camp. why would i defend the state?

:smh: :lol:


I always laugh when I see people say this because when the roles are flip, it is usually a different story.

no one would tell the fire department "don't save my burning house" . Matter of fact, people can do this beforehand, and they always regret it

or tell the police if some runs up into your house and you're out number "don't worry B i got this"

or tell Fema "don't pick me up off my roof, I'll swim".

i try avoid them like the plague. i have contingencies in place word to doomsday preppers.

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