Gun control vol. Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan

Alex Jones hates the government, believes they lie and coverup everything, yet uses statistics provided by the government when they are in his favor to prove a point.
He also believes that the mainstream media is controlled by global elites and caters to their best interests, yet cites CBS radio as his source for his knowledge that building 7 was a controlled demolition. Is this dude even conscious?
Alex Jones hates the government, believes they lie and coverup everything, yet uses statistics provided by the government when they are in his favor to prove a point.

So true.  I guess I never thought about it that way.  

Like yo, how does anyone take this dude seriously?  Even if he was spitting absolute truth, why would I take my time to listen to a dude who expresses himself like that?  ****, I can yell, mock people and go off on tangents that have nothing to do with the debate at hand, too.  BRB....starting my own conspiracy website.    
^no, it wasn't.
Totally with Piers on this. All those arguments are just fatuous.
My favorite part is when he called the second amendment sacrosanct - just ridiculous. The whole of the Constitution is a living document - that's why it can have amendments. If it's sacrosanct then surely it should stand as it was originally written. Times change and perhaps it's time that the law changed to catch up?

Catch up with what?

Jon Stewart had a great episode on gun control tonight. Anyone who even remotely agrees wit Jones should watch it.

I stayed up to watch this thinking I'd he would say something of some actual content. I should have known better.
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No matter how weak Piers might be, I'll never, ever feel a scrap of respect towards a nut like Jones.

Dude is definition of herp derp.

Can anyone confirm that claim he makes that 74% of gun murders in America were from gang-bangers? I'm about to look it up.

Side note... he keeps raving about Prozac, the pill I take... I sure don't feel like killing myself :smh:

Piers is too quiet in this video. He says "Alex" about 200 times.
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With Stewart, where were you disappointed? What would you have liked him to say?

He brought up how the discussion is always pushed onto other issues. Blaming violent movies, mental health failures, it "never being the right time" to discuss it, not attempting campaigns to raise awareness against gun violence, fear of the government "taking all the guns". I rarely hear gun advocates even admit there's an issue. You can still support gun rights and say "you know what, maybe  there's something we can do to help".

It's a multi-faceted issue, but constantly I see the blame shifted away. Total blame on guns is of course unfair, but when the NRA and other advocates seemingly refuse to make concessions or even suggestions, the conversation dies before it even starts. And there needs to be a conversation, and I think that was one of Stewart's points.
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With Stewart, where were you disappointed? What would you have liked him to say?

He brought up how the discussion is always pushed onto other issues. Blaming violent movies, mental health failures, it "never being the right time" to discuss it, not attempting campaigns to raise awareness against gun violence, fear of the government "taking all the guns". I rarely hear gun advocates even admit there's an issue. You can still support gun rights and say "you know what, maybe there's something we can do to help".

It's a multi-faceted issue, but constantly I see the blame shifted away. Total blame on guns is of course unfair, but when the NRA and other advocates seemingly refuse to make concessions or even suggestions, the conversation dies before it even starts. And there needs to be a conversation, and I think that was one of Stewart's points.

But the conversation is guided by people who have no idea what the hell they're talking about. We have Dianne Feinstein writing gun legislation, what makes her the authority on firearms. She is obviously not a gun owner so what is it. You have people talking about the gun show loophole, when they've never been to a gun show. If they had been they'd know that 95% of sellers at gunshows are FFL holding dealers meaning they do perform the standard NICS check and it's already against the law to buy multiple guns with the purpose of reselling without a FFL.

Conversation to anti-gun folk means they want to lecture gun owners on how evil guns are and how we should ban the scary ones. I have also heard one reasonable argument from someone who's pro gun control.
Good thing gun control is outlawed here.

Look up the ****(richard) Act of 1902-03.

No bs

ohh and 9/11 was a controlled demolition. 

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i spoke without watching the video. jesse made piers look stupid. this dude made himself look stupid and crazy.
i spoke without watching the video. jesse made piers look stupid. this dude made himself look stupid and crazy.

Piers is a hack of a journalist who got fired by the BBC for publishing fake Iraqi prisoner abuse photos. Google Piers Morgan criminal charges and look at all the stuff that comes up. It makes me think less of CNN for even hiring him.
If the conversation is being led by the uninformed then that's all the more reason it needs to be lead better and educated gun owners.

Let's hear real plans that both sides could agree on.. Because more ideas like armed guards at schools will not bridge the gap between pro and anti gun people. If we don't like the direction the conversation is going then make a real effort and not blame violent movies and the media.

Blaming everything else without a logical solution gets us nowhere, just the same as blindly talking about assault rifles and the like doesn't make sense.
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If the conversation is being led by the uninformed then that's all the more reason it needs to be lead better and educated gun owners.
Let's hear real plans that both sides could agree on.. Because more ideas like armed guards at schools will not bridge the gap between pro and anti gun people. If we don't like the direction the conversation is going then make a real effort and not blame violent movies and the media.

When the educated speak we get shunned as gun nuts or we're talking heads for the gun industry. Both sides have answers the other one doesn't want to hear.
Jon Stewart had a great episode on gun control tonight. Anyone who even remotely agrees wit Jones should watch it.

I stayed up to watch this thinking I'd he would say something of some actual content. I should have known better.

He made a very good argument that gun supporters need to stop scapegoating other things and actually come to the table and have a serious discussion about guns in this country. I didn't think he painted guns in a bad light.

Maybe you just didn't want to hear that
After watching that video I think most rationale people would agree that the last person you would want to have a gun would be Alex Jones or anyone that agrees with his rhetoric.  With that being said Alex Jones, his supporters and his Infowars followers are FRAUD status.
He made a very good argument that gun supporters need to stop scapegoating other things and actually come to the table and have a serious discussion about guns in this country. I didn't think he painted guns in a bad light.
Maybe you just didn't want to hear that

I thought maybe he was going to say something new and refreshing and I thought wrong. Most gun owners aren't passing the blame off, we understand that there are people in this world that would do us great bodily harm just because. That's also a reason that we concealed carry to protect ourselves and our loved ones from such people.

Like I said the discussion from their perspective isn't that because they don't want to hear what we have to say. He brought up drunk driving and said he put laws in place to discourage the act. Very true but he acts like there are not thousands of gun laws on the books already and it pisses me off when they try and act like there aren't.
With that said...every gun is semi automatic...there's no such thing as a "assault weapon"
He made a very good argument that gun supporters need to stop scapegoating other things and actually come to the table and have a serious discussion about guns in this country. I didn't think he painted guns in a bad light.
Maybe you just didn't want to hear that

I thought maybe he was going to say something new and refreshing and I thought wrong. Most gun owners aren't passing the blame off, we understand that there are people in this world that would do us great bodily harm just because. That's also a reason that we concealed carry to protect ourselves and our loved ones from such people.

Like I said the discussion from their perspective isn't that because they don't want to hear what we have to say. He brought up drunk driving and said he put laws in place to discourage the act. Very true but he acts like there are not thousands of gun laws on the books already and it pisses me off when they try and act like there aren't.

Bruh it really sounds like because he didn't argue for you side you're dismissing the message.

If most gun owners aren't passing the blame off then maybe more of you guys should come forth instead of standing behind these loons like Alex Jones just because they are on your side. And putting all that aside, what Stewart was saying that maybe instead of arming citizens so they protect themselves from "the bad guys", maybe we should work towards a society where that is not needed.

But it seems that some owners never what to consider such action. They look at it as some liberal fairy so any, any, law restricting guns is blocked.

Look at you for example, Stewart merely disagreed with your point of view and you got pissed. He didn't lie, misrepresent the truth, he just said really "Lets face it, we need more, better laws than what are on the books now, and gun rights supports need to stop passing the buck and lets have a serious discussion" and you get pissed because he didn't acknowledge there gun laws already in existence.
Bruh it really sounds like because he didn't argue for you side you're dismissing the message.
If most gun owners aren't passing the blame off then maybe more of you guys should come forth instead of standing behind these loons like Alex Jones just because they are on your side. And putting all that aside, what Stewart was saying that maybe instead of arming citizens so they protect themselves from "the bad guys", maybe we should work towards a society where that is not needed.
But it seems that some owners never what to consider such action. They look at it as some liberal fairy so any, any, law restricting guns is blocked.
Look at you for example, Stewart merely disagreed with your point of view and you got pissed. He didn't lie, misrepresent the truth, he just said really "Lets face it, we need more, better laws than what are on the books now, and gun rights supports need to stop passing the buck and lets have a serious discussion" and you get pissed because he didn't acknowledge there gun laws already in existence.

I understand his message and I'm not dismissing it, I know there are people out there who aren't as passionate about gun ownership as myself.

Peirs Morgan knew exactly what he was doing when he brought Alex Jones on. He did it to make his audience think this is someone gun owners relate to and they couldn't be more wrong. I hate Alex Jones and I do think he needs to go somewhere with all that conspiracy crap.

I mean we all dream of a peaceful society but removing guns from the equation does not equate that. There are countries with high gun ownership but little crime and others with very little gun ownership but high murder rates.

It wasn't the fact that he was lying, Stewart and many other members of the media like to act like there are no gun laws in place in the US. He knows the laws exist yet won't acknowledge this and doing so lets his audience believe that we are a nation of zero gun laws. So yeah I get a little upset when someone omits the truth.

The discussion is always the same, they want to ban "assault" weapons and high capacity ammo clips. Neither of these things exist. I know what they're talking about but it just shows the ignorance that these legislatures have to actual firearms knowledge.
With that said...every gun is semi automatic...there's no such thing as a "assault weapon"
Son you know they are talking about an assault rifle don't front and be ignorant.
these particulars is why laws to ban certain weapons FAILS to curb violence.

whats da difference between a desert eagle and a AR-15 that shoots da same bullets and have da same capacity in da clip?

nothing except style
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Son you know they are talking about an assault rifle don't front and be ignorant.

An assault rifle by definition is a select fire weapon meaning it can fire semi-auto and can be switched to a burst or full-auto. They have been heavily regulated since 1934 and the purchase of new assault rifles has been banned since 1986. So you were saying?
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