H&M is under fire for racist hoodie

So by that logic if I didn't ever listen closely to wanksta then I shouldn't know what g unit means right?

Does he spell it out and explain it on every song ever or just that one specific line in that one specific song?

Never was a fan or ever checked for his music anyway

And furthermore outside of 50, the use of the letter "G" in conjunction w hip hop most commonly refers to.... Gangsta right?
This made it past MANY levels in the company before getting posted to the website.

No way it gets posted without being on purpose

Usually I’d agree with this.

However, recently, Gibson Guitars has posted photos of their new guitars on their website. The problem? The pictures of these guitars had broken necks / obvious flaws in them. Gibson.. one of the 2 largest guitar brands in the entire world, posts pictures to promote their new product with broken products in the picture.

I’m not saying that this was okay or arguing if it’s racist or not. Just trying to give a different perspective. These big companies don’t have the level of review we seem to think they have, from time to time.

Also a question I thought of - did this child’s mother not find an issue with the sweater / words on it? Surely she had to approve the picture and was there during the shoot, no?
Why is this thread even this many pages
I don’t even know black folks that shop at h and m
Let’s just put this on places we won’t go to anymore and then not mention them
Why we giving them this many pages
And Nt better not have not 1 h and m advertisement
Comparing this to broken guitars?

Blaming the mom?

Why did i even bother replying?

Man what

Any different perspective is shot down from yours? Shoulda seen this coming.

Yes, comparing a bad mistake to another company’s bad mistake in marketing to show that critical errors happen, while also openly not disputing the obvious strong possibility of this being racist and someone not stopping it. I don’t see the issue.

And yes, I didn’t blame the mother but simply asked a question. Multiple people in here have said why didn’t anyone stop this before it happened, and I added to it but I’m the one pointed out? :lol:
you not special I brought it up earlier about blaming the mom and the next person that does it I'll say something in disagreement then too

Attributing it simply to a mistake and then glibly attacking a disclaimer is facetious

The end result isn't a photo of shoddy merchandise projecting on the quality of the product

Its a reminder of the subjugation and demeaning manner in which people lived and died placed upon a child in a simultaneously self aggrandizingly and yet self deprecating fashion

As far as your criticism of the parents you don't know the situation to comment anything and make any aspersions or negatively speculate

You don't know the specifics of the production arrangement so to say she had to be there is only trying to denigrate character
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Do you get how many times an idea has to pass through different hands before it gets approved. ? Like when that minor league team had “Caucasian heritage night” and had to cancel it the last minute.
What's wrong with white people celebrating their heritage :lol: as long as they don't bring up certain things then I see no problem. Also they shouldn't call it White Power Night.
Do you get how many times an idea has to pass through different hands before it gets approved. ? Like when that minor league team had “Caucasian heritage night” and had to cancel it the last minute.

Oh deadass. I’m not arguing whether the picture is right or wrong or could be taken as racially offensive.

I was just asking some questions trynna contribute to the thread.

Let me be clear - this should have NEVER made it through, and H&M should lose a lot of business for not having a team to stop and question this.

Also, H&M makes tiny *** clothes.. a XL fitting like a damn M out here. :smh: So they can burn for that, too.
you not special I brought it up earlier about blaming the mom and the next person that does it I'll say som
I don’t put the whole responsibility of that on the mom
BUT I know I damn sure wouldn’t allow my kids who wear that in an ad.
Would u allow urs???
She has some responsibilities in this as well
Don’t be just letting ur kids do anything
Especially for a check
And like I said h and m is trash trash trash
What's wrong with white people celebrating their heritage :lol: as long as they don't bring up certain things then I see no problem. Also they shouldn't call it White Power Night.
If we being real
What heritage do they have???
Seems like they try to take everyone else’s
Seems like every Caucasian culture is into war and oppression of other people if u ask me
Oh deadass. I’m not arguing whether the picture is right or wrong or could be taken as racially offensive.

I was just asking some questions trynna contribute to the thread.

Let me be clear - this should have NEVER made it through, and H&M should lose a lot of business for not having a team to stop and question this.

Also, H&M makes tiny *** clothes.. a XL fitting like a damn M out here. :smh: So they can burn for that, too.

One thing folks have mentioned that the photo could be a stock image and the hoody was PS’ed on without the parents knowledge.
One thing folks have mentioned that the photo could be a stock image and the hoody was PS’ed on without the parents knowledge.

Also a possibility.

She would have had to sign a waiver to use his face but maybe they didn’t disclose what it would be used for. Could have had him pose in blank clothes for PS purposes.
One thing folks have mentioned that the photo could be a stock image and the hoody was PS’ed on without the parents knowledge.
But if I’m a parent
I’m making a **** storm
Of my kid being portrayed as a monkey
In jungle in an ad
They better stand up and say something
Also a possibility.

She would have had to sign a waiver to use his face but maybe they didn’t disclose what it would be used for. Could have had him pose in blank clothes for PS purposes.

Exactly. Not saying it’s the case but it’s a very real possibility in this day and age. I’m sure they will be issuing a statement but I wonder how timely.
You think the Caucasian heritage night

The teams logo is also a coincidence?
She might not be able to.

She may have signed consent for a check and fine print says “H&M can use your child’s face for any clothing it chooses” or some BS.
Exactly. Not saying it’s the case but it’s a very real possibility in this day and age. I’m sure they will be issuing a statement but I wonder how timely.

Won’t matter tbh.

Even if they do issue a statement, anyone with an open mind / intelligence will know / assume that it’s a CYA situation and they are most likely lying. (If they try to make some excuse)
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