H&M is under fire for racist hoodie

She might not be able to.

She may have signed consent for a check and fine print says “H&M can use your child’s face for any clothing it chooses” or some BS.
Yeeeah but any contract can be broken
Specially if it’s something as derogatory as that
If we being real
What heritage do they have???
Seems like they try to take everyone else’s
Seems like every Caucasian culture is into war and oppression of other people if u ask me

Because that's not how it works bruh
Italian heritage
French heritage
Scottish heritage
You don't say Asian heritage. Because Korean and Japanese aren't the same
You think the Caucasian heritage night

The teams logo is also a coincidence?

? Is this even real or PS?

She might not be able to.

She may have signed consent for a check and fine print says “H&M can use your child’s face for any clothing it chooses” or some BS.

Oh my bad, I poorly worded my post. Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking too. However, I meant that H&M would release a statement. Sorry, poor execution on conveying my train of thought :lol:
Yeah, a quick google search shows that the logo on deadspin is a PS for the articles regarding “Caucasian heritage” night :stoneface:
Aite yall in here wilding now :lol: man I'd love to see how some of yall act around white coworkers.

Kinda off topic, but there had to be some white people that weren't ok with the lynchings/slavery and such. And maybe even some that had a voice against it. I'd love to hear from them. I refuse to believe an ENTIRE race was that ignorant and bigoted during t that generation.
Aite yall in here wilding now :lol: man I'd love to see how some of yall act around white coworkers.

Kinda off topic, but there had to be some white people that weren't ok with the lynchings/slavery and such. And maybe even some that had a voice against it. I'd love to hear from them. I refuse to believe an ENTIRE race was that ignorant and bigoted during t that generation.

Well, one is living his dream being a trucker
The other can't afford to tip at the pizza place
I'm guessing the other still lives with mom
My boy has a coworker that will call out anything he perceives to be the least bit racist, and he's very loud and vocal with too, from what I hear lol I might as well make him an NT account.
My boy has a coworker that will call out anything he perceives to be the least bit racist, and he's very loud and vocal with too, from what I hear lol I might as well make him an NT account.
Glad to have him on the team
Weeding out
Calling out
And osctracizing these sws
true story this waitress was cute had her booty practically in my face most the night she even said i smelled good

it was some korean bbq place

gave that girl a three figure tip
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