H&M is under fire for racist hoodie

Picturing some wimpy white guy walking up to her mad about a racist h&m ad controversy, saying that to her, and running like a punk made me laugh bit. ....Who does that?
These outspoken racist folk are no different than a school bully. Flat out cowards. Too bad she couldn't I.d. the man so he could eventually lose his job. That's the best part of their comeuppance.

heard h&m is dropping a klansmen zip up dead serious style
What!?!?!? That would be business suicide.
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These are some of the comments from the YouTube video H&M got for Donkey of the Day. Reading that **** is so frustrating, smh.

La'Ilah El Yah'Mein18 hours ago
We stay making excuses for these ppl its 2018 NO ONE IS CLUELESS TO RACISM DONE PURPOSELY

18 hours ago
S/O for CTG wearing ATCQ hoodie

17 hours ago
We are as guilty as this H&M ad. In few days this will calm down and we go back to buy or wear our Carvin Klein; Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Dior, Gucci, Victoria’s Secret, Dolce and Gabbana, Moschino, Supreme and the long list goes on. We can’t do seems to do without these big brands to validate our existence or our fashion sense. To prove this point go checkout any fashion page and see our clothing choices...
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19 hours ago
H&M been canceled since they said they don't hire black models Bc it's not a "positive image" back in 2015. But y'all can keep spending your money with ppl who don't respect you as a person

LAsQtst and you know this
1 day ago
These people are not "culturally clueless", as if that makes sense any way. They understand that CONTROVERSY SELLS and they took the risk. In 2018, you will NEVER convince me that no one in marketing or casting knew this would cause an uproar amongst Black people.
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21 hours ago
Well if the kid was white then it wouldn't have been a problem right.. (if you just agreed with that then in fact YOU are the racist; since you are treating the situation differently based on race/color; H&M did nothing wrong here in my opinion; we call our little ones "monkeys" all the time; if you see a racist intention then the problem lies within yourself really, not with H&M)
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diamonds janee
18 hours ago (edited)
ArthurNL78 you do know monkey is a commonly used racial slur towards black people? If not now you do! If the white kid had the hoody on it wouldn't have been an issue because people never called them porch monkeys like they did blacks. Educate your self please your comparing apples to oranges. If they would have had the white kid in a hoody with a cracker on it that said "coolest cracker of the bunch" white people would be in an uproar as well (being that the term "cracker" is commonly used as a racial slur toward white people" there's is no excuse for what they did. It's racist.
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14 hours ago
I suggest you take a black history course or just do your own research.... you need to be enlightened.

Miya Henry
11 hours ago
ArthurNL78 European use to call black British footballers monkey and they use throw Banana on the football pitch, white people call use to call us monkey because of Black people's sick and our features.

Osama Laden
11 hours ago
Yo wats good with this guy? How could you be so ignorant & oblivious?? Was “monkey” EVER a derogatory term toward white people? So hell ya it makes a difference if the kid is black

Ryan Lyttle
11 hours ago
You are so dumb its amazing you know how to read and write

Baby Woman
10 hours ago
Arthur , I so agree with you . All these losers need to move on ,stop playing the victims all the time and outgrow their inferiority complex. White kids are called Cheesy Little Monkeys all the time.

Brother Wolf
10 hours ago
This ad is only "racist" if black people actually identify themselves as monkeys. If they do not, where is the so-called, "racism"??

Osama Laden
10 hours ago
Baby Woman How can we move on when y’all constantly remind us with situations like this?

10 hours ago
@diamonds janee I'm comparing apples with apples; if you are comparing apples with oranges then again, you are the racist. Cracker is not a common word to refer to your kids so the comparison doesn't hold up (although I'm 100% certain it wouldn't have caused even half the uproar). You are all so stuck in a selective period of history, of which no one who contributed to or witnessed it is even still alive, that you yourselves are the ones keeping racism alive more than ever.
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10 hours ago
@ebonyqueen86 There is no such thing as 'black' history, it's a racist concept. There is only human history. And yes, in some part of that history ignorant humans have done terrible things to other humans based on skin color. Please understand that no one who participated in that is still alive today. And please, please understand that the Human Genome Project has already concluded that there is no such thing as 'race' within humans to begin with! Please read: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/mar/01/racism-science-human-genomes-darwin
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10 hours ago
@Miya 'White' people do not do that, racists do. Referring to all people with a specific skin color in the way you do is racist.

Baby Woman
10 hours ago
Osama Laden that is exactly my point. The problem is your interpretation. You read the word monkey and jungle and you feel discriminated against and insulted . I dont

Osama Laden
10 hours ago
Brother Wolf ...if Bob calls me a “******” and I choose to not “identify” with it, then Bob isn’t racist......would you like to try again?

Osama Laden
10 hours ago
Baby Woman Because we have history of “monkey” being a derogatory term toward us, y’all don’t.

Miya Henry
9 hours ago
ArthurNL78 Well unfortunately we can't forget because racism is still alive and effecting us, leave us alone, if it wasn't for your white ancestors we would have been all right in Africa living our life. White people will burn in hell, wid yall pale dry skin.

diamonds janee
9 hours ago
ArthurNL78 your out of touch logic is truly baffling to me. I can't have a debate with someone who clearly isn't educated on what's currently going on in society right now. Your argument is based on YOUR Opinion, my argument is based on cold hard facts backed up by history books and statistics.

Dima Nikitin
6 hours ago
Lol'd here!! If its Affecting you - why not to move to Africa now? You'll be alright there! )))

Subaru Tech 107
4 hours ago
Correct, if it had been a white kid no problem at all. Just goes to show you how whiny and important blacks think they are. I say after Trump gets done with the mexicants and the muslime trash we send blacks back to africa. Where they will be happy.

3 hours ago (edited)
Diamonds janee you are ******* ******ed btw, white people wont give a **** if u put a racist slur of white people, on a white kid. Before you write educate yourself, you should probably learn proper ******* 5th grade grammar, but i bet your cant with that ******* porn star name

mike johnson
1 hour ago
Even if it is that doesn't mean that black people are monkeys I call white people monkeys all the time when I see them doing something stupid I'm tired of this liberal crap.

mike johnson
1 hour ago
I guess the money didn't matter that he got paid.

mike johnson
1 hour ago
If any sect was ever persecuted it was the Jews in Europe it doesn't compare & they have moved on, I see black people always using the race card when it suits them, if you call a Jew a hyme the don't even care, if black people are being called monkeys because they are dark than what about the Indians over in India or the dark Arabs these people are as dark if not darker people need to get over **** or it's never going to go away.
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51 minutes ago
ArthurNL78 how in the world is "black history" racist? There's a whole black history month for crying out loud. It would be racist if it was called "Black (the race that's better than white) history month"

Irelia The Will of the Blades
45 minutes ago
diamonds janee Learn some history. The hebrews were known as monkeys, all the slavs were known as monkeys, the armenians were known as monkeys.

42 minutes ago
Might be the only person in the comments with a brain. Jeez.

31 minutes ago
imagine typing this diarrhea out and thinking it's right

marble hall Highbury grancanyon1970
30 minutes ago
Subaru Tech 107 why don't you go back to Europe?

Irelia The Will of the Blades
29 minutes ago
isnutvegan The OP is right tho.

28 minutes ago
nah that's not how it works but! you tried!

Irelia The Will of the Blades
26 minutes ago
isnutvegan Ok. Tell me why.

David Webb
18 minutes ago
+ArthutNL78 Your line of thinking is correct, and I initially thought this as well. However, I discovered back in 2015 H&M said that they didn't have a wide ethnic diversity (only white) of models because they wanted to "uphold a positive image" for their brand. THAT'S definitely racist, so I no longer give them then benefit of the doubt for this monkey sweatshirt
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David Webb
16 minutes ago (edited)
+diamonds janee you're not using any cold hard facts or statistics for your argument lol. You're confused. Arthur is correct, and is truly not racist down to his core. Your comparison of "coolest cracker in the bunch" is not comparable at all. Calling a black kid a monkey isn't in itself racist.. IT CAN BE, but that statement alone is not racist. Referring back to what he said, people refer to kids all the time as "energetic little monkeys". BUT due to H&M's ACTUAL racist remarks in the past, I'm leaning more toward that they DID have racist intentions with this.
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Josh P
3 seconds ago
Where in the history of the world has a white person been referred to as a monkey in a negative way? Your post makes no sense whatsoever. The term monkey, baboon, and porch monkey have been and still are used to disrespect and denigrate black peoples. If you guys like calling your children monkeys so much why wasn't the white kid in the monkey hoody instead of the "survivor" hoody? Stop the BS, smh.
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19 hours ago
It's not that serious

Stephanie Stallings
22 hours ago
Reminds me of the ads that made fun of black people during the jim crow era. mockery in 2018 smh

18 hours ago
black ppl aint letting **** slide lol

John Towns
12 hours ago
They were not clueless they did it on purpose

Carretta Roberts
12 hours ago
They know exactly what they were doing for every body to come out of their bodies I am not going to play into there game it's for shock attention , just don't shop with them ,

Marqus Booker
1 day ago
I'm so sick of human beings. ALL of them!

17 hours ago
How could they have missed so many major connotations? It would be like giving an Asian kid a shirt saying 'slantiest eyes in the ricefields'.

Aj Taylor
20 hours ago
Was hella intentional .

EL Larodo
21 hours ago
Smfh people over hype **** for real and I’m black ‍♂️
culture is culture b.

yea and ethnicity is tangible

what im saying is isnt ethnicity just as socially constructed?

take your people for example, and the colorism that permeates in latin america

is the the racial construct or ethnic social constructs?

the indians and the caste system?
Can you explain having control over your ethnicity?

Like rachel dolezal?

Is it jus identifying with what you like?

Like if I was super conservative I could call myself white or Caucasian?

Which is the race and which is the ethnicity?
ethnicity is something da person can have control over... race? not so much from a perception standpoint.

This is such an asinine post that I don't believe he knows what ethnicity means. Why didn't the Hutu or Tutsi just decidthey're ethnicity? Wtf do you be on man?
Let's break it down because some are ignorant.

Your nationality is Dominican/American

Your ethnicity is Hispanic

Your race is black or mixed race.

Me, I'm African, my nationality is Guinean, my ethnicity is Fulani. My race is black.

Two people can be of the same race without being the same ethnicity.

It's very different in America, the white and or black/brown people might not know where they from

But in the rest of the world it's very real.

Stop acting like you special because you speak Spanish, I speak and write Spanish better than you and im African. Try it yo...

South America just like North America is filled with immigrants that speak a language that is foreign to them. That isn't your ethnicity b, that's an easy way that Americans can count us.

Group all black people together, group all latinos together.
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Ethnicity is different in America than the rest of the world. There are many ethnicities in china or India that (we Americans) group together

Your being grouped and you like and support it.
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some dumb girl from the uk made a comment on the youtube comments section of a video one time stating there was no such thing as white privilege.

after that i never read youtube comments again
Ethnicity is a social construct.

No, no it isn't. Your Asian right? The ethnicity of eastern and western china are very different. (Not calling you chinese)

Its just convenient that we group all these different people together .
I'm defining ethnicity by language and cultural heritage.

Language and culture are also socially constructed, and are used in construction of your reality. I think differing ideas of what "ethnicity" itself is are why you don't agree that it's a social construct. I definitely get what you're saying though, especially with the Eastern/Western China example and the idea of grouping.
This is such an asinine post that I don't believe he knows what ethnicity means.

im well tuned to what im talkin bout... only reason you know im hispanic is cuz i chose to participate, especially born in America...

DMC was born Hispanic but since he was adopted he was raised African American.

Ethnicity/culture is something that people can meld and wield at will...race? far as Americans perspective of it is alot more rigid then that.
That's so funny, cuz when we ask your race you say Latino.

oh yeah? quote me.

Latino in America where im happy with da new Census will be treated as its own distinct group (which we are cultural wise) but Hispanics always been mutts racially hence why in our culture, ethnicity and nationality plays a waaaaaaaaay bigger role then what you actually are made of race wise.
Ethnicity/culture is something that people can meld and wield at will...race? far as Americans perspective of it is alot more rigid then that.

Either we are speaking and or reading different languages or y'all are wyling.

It seems that you and other Americans are confused by the term ethnicity.

How in the world can I change my ethnicity when other Africans (who you all group into one) can identify me by nose or skin color.
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