Half a million millenial men are missing from the labor market

Do you think outsourcing and automation are good for the United States?
Outsourcing is just a way for companies to make even more profit, and leave Americans out of jobs. It’s become standard for every single company in the US to have the general “we are experiencing a high call volume” expect to wait a long *** time in line over the phone. Then some dude in India/Philippines answers your call and “understands what you are going through” :lol:

Crazy how the government hasn’t none anything about all these companies outsourcing to all these other countries but keeping the US as their primary consumer, making record profits, and slashing so many US jobs. I would have expected some type of tariff/tax, but none.

Rich people have tons of money in stocks. And if my stock is gonna rise from $3 to $22 per stock, I don’t care if you move that call center from California to India. That’s what it breaks down to at the end of the day

Also as Americans we shoot ourselves in the foot. More and more people becoming lazy and don’t wanna do **** at work. Add in bogus lawsuits, mysterious medical leaves, benefits, etc, I can see why companies are pushing the envelope on automation. Automation is great, but not when it’s going to eventually take over so many jobs that people are doing today. But from a business perspective, it makes sense
If you already have 300-500 in student loans, why get another STEM degree and pay a school money to learn a skill?

Why not get a roommate to reduce rent costs?

Is there a cheaper way for transport that won't cost you 450 + gas per month?

That is a very luxurious entry level job lifestyle

Some people don’t want a roommate bro
Outsourcing is just a way for companies to make even more profit, and leave Americans out of jobs. It’s become standard for every single company in the US to have the general “we are experiencing a high call volume” expect to wait a long *** time in line over the phone. Then some dude in India/Philippines answers your call and “understands what you are going through” :lol:

Crazy how the government hasn’t none anything about all these companies outsourcing to all these other countries but keeping the US as their primary consumer, making record profits, and slashing so many US jobs. I would have expected some type of tariff/tax, but none.

Rich people have tons of money in stocks. And if my stock is gonna rise from $3 to $22 per stock, I don’t care if you move that call center from California to India. That’s what it breaks down to at the end of the day

Also as Americans we shoot ourselves in the foot. More and more people becoming lazy and don’t wanna do **** at work. Add in bogus lawsuits, mysterious medical leaves, benefits, etc, I can see why companies are pushing the envelope on automation. Automation is great, but not when it’s going to eventually take over so many jobs that people are doing today. But from a business perspective, it makes sense
Only money can make money. I tell people that a house is your first big investment. Once that thing is paid off or you have the means to have 2 homes rent one out. Repeat as many times as you feel comfortable with. Move on from there into more things.
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Reality is school doesn't prepare you to actually work. Therefore why is a bachelors degree 4 years when when 2 years us just filler.

When I started working I looked for jobs that pay well then I tried to find jobs that would get me the skillset I needed. A lot of companies are looking for suckers. You not really learning skills that are transferrable. So that's when you have to bounce.
I know plenty of jobs that will pay 75-120k a year with free health care, pension and basically any benefit you can imagine...

But millennials don’t want to do them and most companies are hiring.
I know plenty of jobs that will pay 75-120k a year with free health care, pension and basically any benefit you can imagine...

But millennials don’t want to do them and most companies are hiring.

Having a pension with a private company would be so great (I know KPMG does a crazy pension). Public pensions on the other hand are going to be donezo by the time we're retiring. No way these cities can keep up with police, teacher, fire fighter pensions.
A lot of americans seem to lack empathy and there's definitely a culture of victim blaming in this country. The hypocrisy is that the majority of people who judge others for not having a job got their job through connections, yet they look down on people without connections who have to find opportunities the hard way by sending out dozens of resumes and filling out bs on job boards and end up getting these hard jobs with sky high turnover rates at crooked companies that are trying to get Americans to race towards the bottom and compete with undocumented immigrant labor
You do know that it is possible to go out, socialize and develop these connections right? That is just job hunting 101.

Like if you think connections are the most important (and they can be) then would it not benefit you to do everything you can to go connect with people?

Its like you know the best strategy, but for some reason, you don't want to use it :lol:

You don't have to do things the hard way!
Having a pension with a private company would be so great (I know KPMG does a crazy pension). Public pensions on the other hand are going to be donezo by the time we're retiring. No way these cities can keep up with police, teacher, fire fighter pensions.

Dude, some of these pensions are pretty good. If you put 30 years in the laborers union here you’re looking at 8k a month. Most guys put money in a 401k too so you’re looking at making more money when you retire than you did when you were working.

But yeah those pensions will be hurting I think, the government is already trying to kill off unions for those jobs. Private company in mn, east or west coast and you’re good, not trying to turn it political but you gotta live in a blue state for a strong union and pension.

Like I said in Minneapolis you have your choice of jobs that will all lead to well over six figures if you work hard with free benefits but millennials don’t want to do construction. I don’t know why, it’s not back breaking work, there are machines for practically everything to make it easier and it pays a hell of a lot better than your corporate job at target.
Creating a public option for employment would offset the lower of wages due to consolidation among companies and the monopsonic power which they have come wield.

i rather a public option on healthcare than employment, only caveat id give you is having a year round youth employment program that would train young people & pay them to learn skills & how to obtain employment as an adult.
Summer youth employment program in NYC (SYEP) taught me skills on how to interview for jobs, write a resume, creative write, and took us to job fairs..it was open from age 14 to age 22 and to this day it change my life for da good...gave me that incentive to go out and make a living early.
Treat yourself like a business, and your potential employer is the customer of your services. How do you make that sale?

Biggest regret I have is not getting in the trucking industry earlier. Great money and it’s only getting better because of the shortage of drivers since everybody going to college racking up debt to make 33k with art degrees
I have heard that there is good money in trucking, what are the costs of entering the industry?
Its a combination really. The previous gen snatched up the last few bustling market jobs, old heads won't retire and a bachelors don't mean **** anymore. Weed is selling pretty good too so we have a gen settling for the easy money.
I know plenty of jobs that will pay 75-120k a year with free health care, pension and basically any benefit you can imagine...

But millennials don’t want to do them and most companies are hiring.
Yes. Went on a construction site a few months back for my work. When they told me what some of these trades are paying with NO experience I was like Weebay gif
If a ****** wanna spend 40 years working for someone else, good for him. I'm not that complacent. Yall wanna call that hard working tho and look down on anybody who don't wanna abide by that. Im not gon work no ***** job I don't like for decades.
This is that broke mindset tho, of course you don’t want to spend 40 years doing that. But if you can do it for 2-5 years while you build your connections and skills and move on to something bigger and better. But y’all want all the perks without putting in the early work
Biggest regret I have is not getting in the trucking industry earlier. Great money and it’s only getting better because of the shortage of drivers since everybody going to college racking up debt to make 33k with art degrees

Good to hear you getting the bag but everything I’ve read about trucking has been the opposite. Was reading an article not too long ago with commentary from some longtime truckers saying it wasn’t worth it and nearly all of them were only clearing about 50k after it was all said and done.
“other social changes could be exacerbating the trend. Better video games might make leisure time more attractive, some economists hypothesize, and opioid use might make many less employable. Young adults increasingly live with their parents, and cohabitation might be providing a “different form of insurance,” said Erik Hurst, an economist at the University of Chicago.”

Stop playing video games, quit drugs, move out your parents house...prosper?
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