'Hater' is officially the most overused word.

'swagger' is even on nba.com....

Wallace's Strut Renews Celts' ChamionshipSwagger


this word is everywhere!
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]honestly stating your opinion=hating?
@@# kinda world are we living in[/color]
People have been using the term swagger way before hip hop got a hold of it and they will continue to use it once the fad goes away. But yes, at this point intime I think it's overused.
Originally Posted by de PHX Jose

I don't like Drake, and i was born in the 90's

hate is a strong word though. if you really, truly hate something, then i feel sorry for you

Originally Posted by JRose5

Swag, Hater, or phrases like "It ain't dat serious" or "what's good" are those hood words or phrases.

what's reallyy good

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga


and that stupid phrase "It is What It Is"

so it is what it is not?

Dirty is absolutely right...

And also people mix up hating with constructive criticism too---recieving criticism can build character. Hating demoralizes character.
Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

Probably more overused than the word swag. Example of what a hater is nowadays:

Person 1: I don't like your music. It's not for me.

Person 2: *$$! YOU!!!! +**%+%% HATER!!!

And even now if you don't co-sign Drake, you're a hater (according to 90's babys). This is basically what it has come down too. I mean, come on folks. It's not hating if it's true. The word is too strong to be thrown around so loosely like it is. Lets please dead this word, now (which I doubt is going to happen

One more:

Person 1: Hi Garth Brooks. I don't like your music. Country is not for me.

Garth Brooks: *$$! YOU!!!! +**%+%% HATER!!!!!

Swagger has definitely become my least favorite word, but any form of the word "hate" is a close 2nd! These words have been extremely overused!
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