Have You Ever Fought A Female?

Yeah in the fifth grade, we fought over something stupid, this dude stomped on her jacket and he said it was me, so she csme up to me and mushed me so I beat the hell out of her, I don't think she thought I was gonna hit her back.

So we went to the principal office and I explained what really happened and she felt horrible that she flipped on me and got jacked up for nothing.

As life went on we became good friends, she was a really sweet person.

Earlier this year she got killed, she was struck by a car walking home and she died on the scene. She was 19 or 20 when she passed
Yeah in the fifth grade, we fought over something stupid, this dude stomped on her jacket and he said it was me, so she csme up to me and mushed me so I beat the hell out of her, I don't think she thought I was gonna hit her back.

So we went to the principal office and I explained what really happened and she felt horrible that she flipped on me and got jacked up for nothing.

As life went on we became good friends, she was a really sweet person.

Earlier this year she got killed, she was struck by a car walking home and she died on the scene. She was 19 or 20 when she passed
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

we were at a house party, I really dont know why she started cussing at me but this dumb @++%!#* broad had the @++%!#* nerve to spit on my face.

it was a wrap for her, i hit her twice, once while she was standing and the 2nd time while she was falling down. I knew i hurt her BAD after the 1st hit cause that %%!% was killing my hand. Like a week after one of my friends told me that i broke her cheek bone.

I never fought a female before..but that is the one thing that will set me off..if anybody spit in my face..
Yes, last year, It was January.

She told me to move out the way in class so I smacked her with a piece of paper. Then Me and my %$$*%# were goofing off and %$*#, I was pretending I was Cassidy or Pappoose cause I had some big !%* fitted on. Then she came up to me like oh you messed wit da wrong wun. And started scratching me and %$*#, #+@@$ ripped off my necklaces and all that %$*#. So I started bobbing and weaving and caught her in the %$@*@!! temple a few good times and she backed off. How dare she @*#+ with me. I had on my Griffeys so I knew I was ready for war. I picked up my %$*#, went to the office, and only got a day of ISS cause my boys said I didnt touch her. Ima thug.
Originally Posted by BurntAssPerm

I had on my Griffeys so I knew I was ready for war.

In 8th grade there was this ugly tom girl that my friends would always make fun of and I'd laugh at her. We got off the bus and they were still making fun of her and I was still laughing at her. Long story short, my friend said something that mad her go off so everyone split but I was laughing so hard, next thing I know she's sprinting towards me and swings at me, she misses then I counter and deck her. Do I feel sorry for hitting her...hell naw.
what's up with these males hitting females threads lately?

"I never hit a ##!%*, but I strong arm a *$+"
No, but looking back I wish I would of suplexed her or something. Chick thought she was Shehulk because her brother was around checking some dude that was picking on their sister.
this happen back in 07 my ex came to my crib on some drink stuff at 3am she said you hurt my heart now im going to hurt your face then she blind sided me with a hennessy bottle. im bleeding everywhere so she try to run and i grab her by hair ponytail slam her on the ground and punch her in the jaw and nose so her dike man friend runs up i two piece her and shes down they got in the car and dip and next thing you know they shooting at me no lie.
I never flat out fought a chic, but I have thrown things at females...

once in the 2nd grade I come home from school and my dad has these barbecue skewers set out (cleaning the patio). I take a look at em and they are like the coolest things I have ever seen. Wooden handles, super pointy and perfect for sword fights and battles (power rangers was mad hot at the time). Anyway, I gather them up into like a bundle and leave them on the patio while I go in and eat.

We live in an apartment complex so 1) mad kids walked out past my house and 2) I could see everyone of em from the sliding doors. Out of nowhere this Romanian girl named Bianca darts out onto my porch, picks up a skewer and dips. This pisses me the F off so I drop my corn right on the plate, run outside, and follow her %+!. For some reason I pick up a plain stick and begin chasing her. She sees me and knows shes caught so she just starts running. I speed up and just fling the stick at her back.

This +!*# is unbelievable because her back catches the whole stick, I mean like from end to end. She starts bawling her eyes out and I just take the skewer and go home. Next thing I know her mom is at the same sliding door holding her daughter by the arm yelling at me. I open the door and she asks "you did this?" I don't even answer. She turns her daughter around, lifts up the girls shirt and this $!%%$ has the "no smoking" sign on her back minus the cig and the circle. At this point I feel terrible. My mom comes down the hall and I know I'm screwed. In the end we gave them a box of popsicles or something and I got my %+! whooped by moms. Oh and this is the same chick I ended up making out with under the complex stairs before my family moved into a house. Yup, a full tongue-to-tongue make out session and it's the summer before 3rd grade. Holla
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