Heads Up (Pause)...Evolution Of Jay-Z on BET right now

Originally Posted by mossman75

Kool G. Rap
Big Daddy Kane
Ice Cube
Slick Rick
Black Thought

^There You Have it
...you don't know what the hell you talkin about B...no way in hell are these people better than HOV.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by mossman75

Kool G. Rap
Big Daddy Kane
Ice Cube
Slick Rick
Black Thought

^There You Have it

And why i gotta be a hater? im not a sheep like most of you cats i just go with my own opinion. I think dude is a good artist but at the same time highly overrated.


If you ask half of those dudes on that list who their favorite MC is...they will say Jay.

Face is a better lyricist than Jay? Ricky? Kane? Ice Cube?

You got it B....
your crazy

You act like a list some weak cats, pound for pound they are BETTER Lyricist than Jay
My man is showing his age . . . Old guys ALWAYS throw Ice Cube in a greatest MC convo . . .

While all 10 of those dudes are legends . . . I don't see more than 2 that have a legitmate case that could be made for them . . . Don't get me wrongall of those dudes are in my top 15 GREATEST . . . But they are ALL behind Jay except 2
yo..whatever happened to buddhabless or whatever his s/n was?

he's good for at least one "Ol' Man Jigga" reference
Rah was a revolutionary MC....who all current rappers absorbed in some way...but his trendsetting has allowed MCs to gorw way above his level lyrically.

Kool G was a great MC...who broke ground with his stlye of EC gangsta rap. But others have absorbed his style also and elevated above his level. Just listen to"Fast Life" (his at his best on his own track)or the whole "Doe or Die" album.

KRS might be the greatest MC ever. But not the greatest lyricist...even he gave that title to Hov.

Nas is arguable. But thats a matter of preference.

Kane was another pioneer. But BIG and Jay can do what exaclty what he did lyrically at a level 100 times higher. Thats why hes no longer relevant.

Face is a limited lyricist...with potent emotion....You can't even argue that. He has several tracks with Hov. Lyrically he comes close to him on none ofthem.

Cube is another limited lyricist....with potent messages. He has also named Hov as his favorite MC and he can't even stand up lyrically to dudes from hiscoast, like XZibit or Rass Kass.

Common is an incredible lyricist, who is also up for debate....but he's another dude that has been amazed and influenced by Jay's lyricism...seeFade To Black. He's a fan.

Rick great for his time....but best lyricist ever? His whole style is just one element of Hov, Nas, Em, Dre's style. Great MC but the lyrical level hasevolved above him at his best. Thats why these dudes can't hang...when they try to bring their game up to the current elite level for a whole album...theyfall way short.

Black Thought is another valid argument...but his lyrical vehicles aren't as universally pleasing as hov's choices of lyrical tools.

Lyrically better than Jay....i'll go with Nas, BIG and Em. But you reaching on another level with that list you just came up with.
N's be FORCING names out when you ask em to name 10 people better...it never fails.
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

N's be FORCING names out when you ask em to name 10 people better...it never fails.

Dude i didn't force nothing out, you act like i listed some soulja boy type rappers. These cats i listed is a legit debate.

Maybe it just me cause i grew up in a different era than most of you guys on here
Different eras don't mean nothing.

A better lyricist is a better lyricist. Point blank.

You gonna day a Ford Model T is a better car than a Mercedes S-Class?

Homer was a better writer than Shakespeare?

Come on now....There were great players before and after Jordan...but what he did combined with how he did it...rises him above almost all others...regardlessof era. He took the best aspects of those before him and used them to improve his style to a level that surpassed theirs and almost all of his peers. If youdenying that you are a certified old head or a verfied hater.

You can't pick a horse and buggy to beat a Murciélago. No matter how much "nostalgia" you feel towards it.
On my DirecTV it says 1am but i'll see what happens
mossman75 wrote:

Most of his career is bitten lyrics
His catalog is hit or miss
He's been outshined countless of times
If it came down to it lyrics wise no way is he top 10

His fame and business smarts make people thinks he top 10
10 lyricists better than jay?

well this always happens in jay threads, so i guess it's no big surprise.

realtalk though, ask most of those people in that list and even they will admit themselves that they're not better than jay.

but then again, at the end of the day, it is all subjective...
Rah was a revolutionary MC....who all current rappers absorbed in some way...but his trendsetting has allowed MCs to gorw way above his level lyrically.
Glad someone finally said it.
Rakim's revolutionary when it comes to rhyme scheme and rhyme patterns . . .

But Ice T is the reason Jay Z was able to rap his life on records . . . If it wasn't for Ice, Jay Z prolly wouldn't have been able to rap about halfthe %*#% he did . . .

REMEMBER Ice T kids . . . The ORGINAL gangsta . . . Melle Mell brought that street %*#% on "The Message" but Ice T is the reason dudes could get arecord deal rapping about street %*#% . . . Jay would prolly be doin Hawain Sophie type %*#% still
Even Rakim, Ice T influenced Rakim, LL, G Rap morethen yall know . . . Scarface, Cube . . . All them. Believe that
Y'all must have a different meaning lyrics cause Jay was never that lyrical to me

I'm too sexy for jail like I'm Right Said Fred
I'm not guilty, now GIMME back my bread

PJ's on the runway, Young got air
I don't land at a airport, I call it the clearport

^Weak lyrics

Pretty after Vol 2 his watered down his lyrics
^^ (Jay) "An old man told me not to argue with fools, cuz people from a distance can tell who is who..." (Jay)
But of all the lyrics he's spit that's what your basing his skill level off of??

I mean have you heard the last 4 or 5 KRS One albums?? Nastradamus?? Kool G Rap after 1995?? Ice Cube after 95?? Any Slick Rick album besides his debut??

You can't say Jay isn't one of the greatest based on 5 or 6 bars, because the guys you claim are better haven't been good for damn near 10 yearseach, with the exception of Nas & Face . . . Common is my man, but his last album was a veggie burger, straight up . . . That was that barefoot rap, coffeshop +*%! . . .

I'm prolly one of the toughest critics on here, and especially with Jay's work, but the case your makin for him not being top 10 appears to me to behate . . . And I don't like that term because a side of me is like "if I don't like it, I don't like it/ that don't mean that I'mhating", but you can't deny talent when it comes to Jay. I listen to A LOT of hip hop, and have been for almost 15 or 16 years, and there's no wayI could honestly say there's 10 rappers better than Jay Z . . . No way, regardless on how I feel about his last 2 albums, he's deffinetly top 5 . . .
Originally Posted by mossman75

Y'all must have a different meaning lyrics cause Jay was never that lyrical to me

I'm too sexy for jail like I'm Right Said Fred
I'm not guilty, now GIMME back my bread

PJ's on the runway, Young got air
I don't land at a airport, I call it the clearport

^Weak lyrics

Pretty after Vol 2 his watered down his lyrics

quote some more.
...You a true hater fam. I gotta give it to you. Son took a good 12 hours tocome up with the weakest lines that he could possibly find. Probably gave the entire 1000 song catalg a spin to come up with those lines.

Post Vol. 2 you say....

You lost him mama, the war's callin him
Feel it's his duty to fall in line with all of them
He's a soldier
Rose through the ranks as the head of your household
Now its time to provide bank, like he's supposed ta
Now just remember while he's going to November
There's part of him growing up
His shirts soaks up your tears as he holds ya
Your heart beatin so fast speeding his pulse up
Yeah I know it sucks, Life aint a rosebud
A couple of speed bumps, you gotta take your lumps
Off to boot camp, the worlds facing terror
Bin Laden been happenin in Manhattan
Crack was anthrax back then, back when
Police was Al'Qaeda to black men

While I was out there hustling sinning with no religion
He was off the wall killing for a living

*Perfect analogy and storytelling to depict how hustlers are forced into becoming soliders in the street. All types of layers and lyical tools inthere.

I came from the gutter, my success in this gameis sort of like "Pro-jectic Justice,"
a payment for brushes with police officers,
a peace offering from the Gods for the streets I was tossed in
'Til I'm deceased in a coffin
I'ma be a beast on these beats, releasin early and often
Please, your disdain for the brothers ain't gon' change the numbers
It's the strengthenin of chain among us
Please, we ain't afraid of none of yas, who want it with us?
Ain't nuttin changed since the ninety-six summers


Post Postatono, Hov' hangin with Bono
U2 can live like Salvatore Ferragamo
And U2 can cool out poolside at the Delano
And U2 flow like you was out of your mind yo
Cause who knew dude that loved apple pies from McDonalds
Would soon be the boss of the Big Apple, y'all know
And who knew dude that played ball for the NBA
Would make a mistake on the who knew estates, throw it away
Who knew that would be his last shot, who drew up that play
They giveth and they taketh life is cruel that way
But even a broken clock is right at least two times a day
You could have turned Guns into Roses like two times today
Now here's something you gotta say two times to Jay
I got my shades on waiting for the sun to shine my way
Got my boom box, suntan lotion waiting for action
They say when you play with skills, good luck could happen


Flowers need water to grow, it gotta rain
And in order to experience joy you need pain
Every time a baby is born, somebody's slain
You know the saying, somebody's lose is another's gain
The sun comes out when the water goes down the drain
A rainbow then the clouds come out we do it again
Everything evens up, you just wait
Even a garbage can gets a steak
You ain't even a garbage can you have faith
But when it turns your way before it turns away
Gotta turn that into something you gotta learn from Jay
You will get return in your investment if attention you pay


They say a ****** standin on the giant's shoulder can see much
further than the giant.. (the giant..)
So I got the WHOLE rap world on my shoulder they tryin to see
further than I am.. (than I am..)
And I have been tryin to be patient with they preoccupation
with David and Goliath.. (Goliath..)
But sooner or later, that patience gonna run it's course
and I'm forced to be a tyrant.. (be a tyrant..)


I'm so far ahead of my time, I'm bout to start another life
Look behind you, I'm bout to pass you twice
Back to the future and gotta slow up for the present
I'm fast, _s can't get past my past
How they propose to deal with my perfect present?
When I unwrap "The Gift & the Curse" in one session
Ain't no livin person can test him
Only two restin in heaven can be mentioned in the same breath as him
Seven straight summers, critics might not admit it
But nobody in rap did it, quite like I did it
If you did it I done it before, you get I had it
Got mad at it and don't want it no more
And that goes for everything from flippin that raw
Flippin whores, flippin vocal chords, don't get it twisted
Get it right, did different, did it better, did it nice
Did the impossible then did it twice (get it right)


God forgive me for my brash delivery
But I remember vividly what these streets did to me
So picture me lettin these clowns nitpick at me
Paint me like a pickany
I will literally kiss T.T. in the forehead
Tell her please forgive me then squeeze until you full 'head
I'm not the one to score points off, in fact
I got a joint that'll knock yo' points off
Young, Hova the God, _ blasphemy
I'm at the Trump International, ask for me
I ain't never scared, I'm everywhere you ain't never there
And _, why would I ever care?
Pound for pound I'm the best to ever come around here
Excludin nobody, look what I embody
The soul of a hustler, I really ran the street
A CEO's mind, that marketin plan was me
And no I ain't get shot up a whole bunch of times
Or make up $+%@ in a whole bunch of lines
And I ain't animated like say a Busta Rhymes
But the real $+%@ you get when you bust down my lines
Add that to the fact I went plat' a bunch of times
Times that by my influence on pop culture
I'm supposed to be number one on everybody list
We'll see what happens when I no longer exist


The allure of breakin the law
Is always too much for me to ever ignore
I gotta thing for them big body Benzes, it dulls my senses
In love with a V-Dub engine
Man I'm high off life, _ it I'm wasted
Bathing Ape kicks, Audemar Piguet wrists
My women friend get tennis bracelets
Trips to Venice, get they winters replaced with
the sun, it ain't even fun no more I'm jaded
Man, it's just a game, I just play it to play it
I put my feet in the footprints left to me
Without sayin a word, the ghetto's got a mental telepathy
Man my brother hustled so, naturally
Up next is me, but what perplexes me
$+%@ I know how this movie ends, still I play
the starrin role in "Hovito's Way"


I never asked for nothin I don't demand of myself
Honesty, loyalty, friends and then wealth
Death before dishonor and I tell you what else
I tighten my belt 'fore I beg for help
Foolish pride is what held me together through the years
I wasn't felt which is why I ain't never played myself
I just play the hand I'm dealt, I can't say I've never knelt
before God and asked for better cards at times to no avail
But I never sat back feelin sorry for myself
If you don't give me heaven I'll raise hell
'Til it's heaven

Now if you shoot my dog, I'ma kill yo' cat
Just the unwritten laws in rap - know dat
For every action there's a reaction, don't have me relapsin
Relaxin's what I'm about, but about mine
Don't be actin like you can't see street action
Take me back to Reasonable Doubt time
You see my mind's on the finish line, facin the wreck
I put my muh'@++*+* faith in the tec, tell Satan not yet
You understand I am chasin my breath
I am narrowly escapin my death, oh yes
I am the Michael Schumacher of the Roc roster
Travellin Mach 5, barrel in my apparel can stop God
God forgive me but I can't let them deliver me to you
Until, I won this race, then eventually
My engine gon' burn out, I get whatever is meant for me
However it turns out fine - red line!

They say an eye for an eye, we both lose our sight
And two wrongs don't make a right
But when you been wrong and you know all along that it's just one life
At what point does one fight? (Good question right!)
'Fore you knock the war, try to put your dogs in it
Ten-and-a-halfs, for a minute-and-a-half
Bet that stops all the grinnin and the laughs
When you play the game of life and the win ain't in the bag
When your options is none and the pen is all you have
or the block, %!%$%+ standin tight, there's limits on the ave
Tryin to cop or shot-call theyself cleansin in the cash
But can't put they name on paper cause, then you on blast
Mr. President, there's drugs in our residence
Tell me what you want me to do, come break bread with us
Mr. Governor, I swear there's a cover up
Every other corner there's a liquor store - #*+* is up?

If the sky should fall
And it all goes tomorrow, and they foreclose on the house and auction off all my cars
Don't cry for me Argentina, I mobbed in the beamer
Took trips abroad, got mobbed in Sardina
In Ibiza I had pizza in the club
Ladies know I'm that guy, they wanna piece of my love
Now they wanna ya boy like Mike in his prime
Billie Jean, the goddamn boy ain't mine
And the Roc break up had the people losing hope
Can't lie, they had Muhammad Hovi on the ropes
Now I'm back in the go mode, back in the go-go's
Throwing the diamond up, repping the logo
Rose gold rose flow, I'm okay though
What Don't kill me makes stronger than before so
Here we go and I'm not domino
When it all falls down, I'm like Kanye's jaw
I might break but I don't fold, till I hold the sky in my hand
Yeah that's my goal
And then I bid you Freddy Adu
Prodigal Child, y'all not ready for the fu-ture
Then I disappear in the Bermuda Triangle
My name will be viewed such
Here's to the man that refused to give up
I want the sky _ Chuuuuuuch

When them tops come down, chicks tops come down
Like when them shots come out, make cops come around
When them blocks come out I can wake up a small town
Finish off the block then I make my mall rounds
Stares get exchanged then the fifth come out
The tough guy disappear, then the !%#*% come out
"That's him!" I'm usually what they whisper 'bout
Either what chick he with, or his chip amount
Cause I been doin' this since C*H*I*P*S was out
Watchin Erik Estrada, baggin up at the Ramada
Table full of powder, AC broke
'Bout to take another shower on my twenty-fifth hour
Spike Lee's everywhere, game on the flight
You might see me anywhere, day in the life
Only thing changed the tail number on the flight
I can touch down and take off the same night

etc. etc. etc....come on duke.

Just admit you don't like him and save some integirty for future posts.

^That funny cause Jay aint made a hot album since Blueprint

And for the last time i'm not hating, he's made good music in the pass he just doesn't anymore
jayz is the greatest word up. anybody that feels any kind of way about that, see me personallly! it's sickening b seeing how these cats be sleeping on hov(goat). whose legacy is thoro as jays? I been lurking for a while but this #*@@ stops now b. thats my word theres going to be some changes asap b.

brooklyn, b.

Of the 10 rappers you listen can you also list the relase date of their last good albums . . . You talkin bout Jay don't make good albums anymore then youmention Ice Cube
come on . . . You reasoning for not like Jay makes a decent amount of sense, but the same reason your hating on him, that !!*%applies to damn near ALL the dudes you said are better than him . . .

You didn't like The Black Album?? Even AG had 5 or 6 strong tracks . . .

I'd put AG against the last album from ANY of the dudes you said are better than Jay, and I'm not even a fan of the album.
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