Help me find a car vol. 7,000 in cash

Jul 4, 2011
I made a thread a few weeks back about car insurance in NYC and expensive it was complicating me finding a car. Well the bank I had the $11,000 loan with will only give me the check with legit insurance and that's no longer an option. So I'm just going to take my 7 in cash and find a car on my own. This will be my first car I'm 21 and have only had my license for 9 months. Any recommendations?
I narrowed it down to an 05 Altima sedan or an accord not yet sure of the year. I just need something reliable with low maintenance for a year or 2 that doesn't lose too much value so I can trade it in.

I'm 21 need a car in NYC and have had license for 9 months

I have 7,000 In cash to spend

Thinking about 05 Altima or accord (not sure of year yet)

Open to suggestions for that price

Will prove pics of random chicks in my phone for your troubles (if needed)

INB4 da hemi
dont by a car at 21 no matter how much you need it. you live in NYC b, stand in the rain, cold, and heat, its part of the experience.

save your money, live with your mom till your 30s and then and only then, maybe buy a car.

also invest in shoes.
dont by a car at 21 no matter how much you need it. you live in NYC b, stand in the rain, cold, and heat, its part of the experience.
save your money, live with your mom till your 30s and then and only then, maybe buy a car.
also invest in shoes.

Let's see them pics OP
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Forreal... I know tons of people will hate on this but... Get a Crown Vic if reliability is the number one concern. No used car in that price range will be as reliable or low mileage and CVs hold their value very well. For 7k you can find a low mileage car you can flip for 5k easy in 2 years provided you dont put a million miles on it.
dont by a car at 21 no matter how much you need it. you live in NYC b, stand in the rain, cold, and heat, its part of the experience.

save your money, live with your mom till your 30s and then and only then, maybe buy a car.

also invest in shoes.

Insurance on a CV is also dirt cheap compared to alot of cars. The biggest negative is the bare bones interior and gas mileage (18mpg city, almost acceptable but far from great)
Forreal... I know tons of people will hate on this but... Get a Crown Vic if reliability is the number one concern. No used car in that price range will be as reliable or low mileage and CVs hold their value very well. For 7k you can find a low mileage car you can flip for 5k easy in 2 years provided you dont put a million miles on it.

A dboy car really
crown vic??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I dont see whats so funny... They are tanks that almost never break down and in the off chance that they do they are cheap as hell to fix and easy to work on. People love to talk about the durability of hondurr/toyola products but I have personally seen more CVs and Lincoln TCs with 500k + miles still on the road then ANY other passenger car (lol old pickups dont count, them jawnz will run till the body rusts off the motor :lol: )

Sure its antuquated technology but thats what makes them so reliable. The car has been in production for so long all the bugs and kinks were worked out years ago.

Go to and compare the Toyota Corolla (an extremely reliable car) to a Crown VIc... you'll see the vics are still 10x more reliable.
I dont see whats so funny... They are tanks that almost never break down and in the off chance that they do they are cheap as hell to fix and easy to work on. People love to talk about the durability of hondurr/toyola products but I have personally seen more CVs and Lincoln TCs with 500k + miles still on the road then ANY other passenger car (lol old pickups dont count, them jawnz will run till the body rusts off the motor :lol: )
Sure its antuquated technology but thats what makes them so reliable. The car has been in production for so long all the bugs and kinks were worked out years ago.
Go to and compare the Toyota Corolla (an extremely reliable car) to a Crown VIc... you'll see the vics are still 10x more reliable.

i think it has to do with region.

Ya know, the crown vic idea aint entirely bad, affordable, fairly reliable, cheap to insure (I had one as a beater few years back).

But if you want good gas mileage and not to get pulled over every other day, get a civic. Used civic or accord. Just stay away from 06-08 civics, engine block problem.

7k should get you an old 2005 with decent miles, no car note FTW.
i got a dd accord '99 3.0 v6 w 13xk running strong if you're interested and you'll have cash leftover
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