Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

The platonic friends thing is interesting.

Does anyone in here have legit platonic no intention/desire to smash female friends who aren't...

- Your girl/wives friends


- Your male friends partners??

I used to not be able to see a female as just a friend unless she was family, knew her since day, or I was unattracted or the caveats you mentioned above.

And then I changed my perspective. I just wanted to enjoy vibes with people. Have a good time, good conversation. Funny enough I got MORE bunz once I started moving this way.
She is clueless man.

Madness. When she said “6 years” I was like red alert. If they had grown up together that’s a lil different. Also the caption is weird. I got love for my female friends but 1) I would never say I love them real bad and 2) the dynamic and how we interact has no romantic overtones. No sitting or standing real close, no lustful gazes, no flirty dialogue. Basically I treat them like dudes.

I used to not be able to see a female as just a friend unless she was family, knew her since day, or I was unattracted or the caveats you mentioned above.

And then I changed my perspective. I just wanted to enjoy vibes with people. Have a good time, good conversation. Funny enough I got MORE bunz once I started moving this way.

You got more bunz when you started seeing women as 'friends'? :lol:

If you’re in a relationship or married, I don’t see the point in having female friends.

Much rather hang with the guys than be around women.

I enjoy the energy of being around women i'm attracted to. Even if i'm not trying to pursue them like that.

I'm single though... If you're married or in a ltr good luck tryna qualify that ****.

Lot of variables at play though when it comes to actual platonic friends. For some it's super normal and for others **** is inconceivable.
Madness. When she said “6 years” I was like red alert. If they had grown up together that’s a lil different. Also the caption is weird. I got love for my female friends but 1) I would never say I love them real bad and 2) the dynamic and how we interact has no romantic overtones. No sitting or standing real close, no lustful gazes, no flirty dialogue. Basically I treat them like dudes.
Yeah that dude is basically playing relationship stand-in.
Sometimes you'll have attractive female friends just off the strength you can't **** em all. But no matter how long ya'll been platonic and don't think that way, if she ever laid the offer, you're probably accepting.
I was talking to a chick back in 04 and got cool with one of her friends. When we stopped talking, I remained cool with the friend. So around 2014-15, she wanted to smash. Of course I said hell yea. We smashed twice over a 2-3 week period and that was it. I don’t know how she felt but for me, it felt weird. We still cool to this day.
I have "friends" that are more like acquaintances with benefits, then I have FRIENDS who even though they're attractive I wouldn't risk it, even if it was their idea, and then somewhere in between I have friends who I like and respect just as friends, but if the opportunity arose...
You got more bunz when you started seeing women as 'friends'? :lol:
I actually understand what he is saying :lol: It is kind of like how a lot of dudes can attest to more women throwing themselves at them when they are in a relationship/off the market.

I cannot exactly describe the phenomenon but I personally believe it to be one’s unavailability and the lack of attention you pay said women while other dudes are acting thirsty that makes the women more attracted to you. Essentially the disinterest makes them more interested.

I hope that made sense because I am convinced that it is a thing :lol:
You got more bunz when you started seeing women as 'friends'? :lol:

I enjoy the energy of being around women i'm attracted to. Even if i'm not trying to pursue them like that.

I'm single though... If you're married or in a ltr good luck tryna qualify that ****.

Lot of variables at play though when it comes to actual platonic friends. For some it's super normal and for others **** is inconceivable.
I got more bunz when I saw women as people to actually be cool with and not only something to put my d in. This made me able to just be myself in the situation and not trying to run game. I’m one of those people who can’t or hasn’t figured out how to turn on and off the charm/charisma. I found for myself that I can’t be that way on command. If im vibing with someone because I find them interesting to talk to it just comes out. But if a lady has nothing for me but her looks then I can’t make myself be flirty or charismatic.

That meant I usually got more 6-8s than 9s and 10s. I had the 10 (just the one) and I still wanted her to leave because I didn’t enjoy her company.

Sometimes the energy/vibe is only for friendship on my end. I learned that the hard way too. Females also can play the waiting game and I lost someone I thought was the homie over it.
I actually understand what he is saying :lol: It is kind of like how a lot of dudes can attest to more women throwing themselves at them when they are in a relationship/off the market.

I cannot exactly describe the phenomenon but I personally believe it to be one’s unavailability and the lack of attention you pay said women while other dudes are acting thirsty that makes the women more attracted to you. Essentially the disinterest makes them more interested.

I hope that made sense because I am convinced that it is a thing :lol:
Kinda yea. I used to make conversation with the obvious intention I’m trying to smash. But once I stepped back from that and switched to making it about seeing I’d they’re people I even want to spend time with beyond sex it changed my approach and I didn’t even notice it. Women started picking up on the genuineness is my guess.

If the vibes were flowing both ways sometimes I could make something happen, sometimes it didn’t work for whatever reason (usually scheduling, one or both is in a relationship, distance, I fumbled). When I feel them but they don’t feel it then I let it go. I’m not going build a friendship when I don’t want that from you. When they feel me and I don’t, I now cut it off. I would’ve back then too but I used to not be able to tell.
Sometimes you'll have attractive female friends just off the strength you can't **** em all. But no matter how long ya'll been platonic and don't think that way, if she ever laid the offer, you're probably accepting.
I try to avoid those now. If someone could think “why aren’t you two in a relationship?” One or both of you had likely thought the same. At that point you’re technically friends but someone is waiting for the other to make a move or do something to say that they would be down. That’s not genuine though and if either of you has a significant other that’s low key disrespectful.
Trust me, don’t get caught up being a friend, that’s part of why for me I cannot find a girl. Too busy being nice, caring, and being a friend… and all they ever want is to talk about other dudes, ask for money, or tell me how lucky someone would be to have me, but never giving me a chance.
Trust me, don’t get caught up being a friend, that’s part of why for me I cannot find a girl. Too busy being nice, caring, and being a friend… and all they ever want is to talk about other dudes, ask for money, or tell me how lucky someone would be to have me, but never giving me a chance.
Trust me, don’t get caught up being a friend, that’s part of why for me I cannot find a girl. Too busy being nice, caring, and being a friend… and all they ever want is to talk about other dudes, ask for money, or tell me how lucky someone would be to have me, but never giving me a chance.

You need to change some things bro.

You're playing yourself if this is how your interactions with women are going currently.
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