Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Must have forgot his posts from earlier this year.

Too many jaded/bias individuals giving opinions/advice and it becomes an echo chamber in here.

It's not regulated to podcasts, tiktok, IG and twitter.

Came across this thread looking for advice. I never have anyone contact me on dating apps unless they are asking for money. Same with most women outside of that. Since October I’ve been giving my all to a friend and receive no progress. I go out of my way to do everything she wants and more. Women that know us mutually always say they wish they had someone that gives half the effort that I do. She always says I’m an amazing guy and I’d make someone a great boyfriend and she would hate if I gave my time to someone else. But she gives me no chance at all. Rather talk about guys that disrespect her. I’m always used to being the guy that no one wants and when I set boundaries then I’m criticized. I work a decent job, have my own things, stay in shape, but I never make progress with women. I often hear it’s because I don’t treat them like crap and they rather have a guy that is a bit mean to them. At this point I truly want to give up.

One of our coworkers who also rather seek out men that use and abuse said that she wishes she had someone just like me that does all the things I do for this girl, but for the person to be 50 years old. She said she notices just some of the things I do and it’s amazing that someone does all this
I knew my Chelsea's were speaking to me for a reason.

I ain been friend zoned since I was like 16. What are y'all out here doing man?

Trust me, don’t get caught up being a friend, that’s part of why for me I cannot find a girl. Too busy being nice, caring, and being a friend… and all they ever want is to talk about other dudes, ask for money, or tell me how lucky someone would be to have me, but never giving me a chance.


You’re waiting for your turn and calling yourself a friend until then.
It's society's fault :lol:

He was singing the same song almost 5 months ago. If logic and reason existed in his world he wouldn't be in the situation, blaming the women while ignoring what everyone has tried to tell him. (check the thread)

I doubt he's young....he's the bitter version RBK. I know devils advocate is a popular role on NT but rationalizing his BS is nasty work.
Then stop being that for them. Done. Whats your age?

This. You shouldn’t have to listen to all a woman’s problems, give her money or buy her lavish things in order to be with her. You shouldn’t have to do those things in order to be their friends either.

I’m not really here to deep dive into your character but I would suggest that you find better women. The pool of women you’re looking in ain’t it, assuming everything you have told us is the full truth.

I am assuming you are young so you’ll live and you’ll learn but really while you may have the good job, be in good shape, etc you are still not prioritizing yourself which is why are you coming up short with these yambs IMO. You are making them a priority.
“i knew he was the one when we were on a seven hour tinder date and he stayed by my side and went to the hospital with me while i delivered another man’s baby” is gonna be the most wild story someone’s shared at their wedding altar


I’m confused as hell. They are calling it a “Tinder date”…does that mean this was their first date or just that they met on Tinder and this occurred several dates (maybe even months) in? Neither is good but the former is waaayyyyyy more wild and it’s sad that I even have to consider it as a possibility in 2023 |l
“i knew he was the one when we were on a seven hour tinder date and he stayed by my side and went to the hospital with me while i delivered another man’s baby” is gonna be the most wild story someone’s shared at their wedding altar

Def fake, but if real he put himself on the HOF OF SIMPS.
“i knew he was the one when we were on a seven hour tinder date and he stayed by my side and went to the hospital with me while i delivered another man’s baby” is gonna be the most wild story someone’s shared at their wedding altar


This story gonna have 3rd-trimester birds chirping for weeks :lol::smh:

Not even mad - I blame the Simps.

It's a pandemic of thirst out here.


Max stepped in to raise Alyssa’s son Ollie after meeting her on Tinder while she was pregnant with the tot.

Speaking about their unusual dynamic last year, Alyssa - from Brisbane, Australia - said: "He had only gone on three dates with me.

"So the fourth date was him coming to my labour and birth."

"I was about six-and-a-half months pregnant when I went on Tinder, and I clearly stated that on my bio.

"I didn't want to lead anyone on, so I was being open and honest. I wanted them to know what they were getting into right off the bat.

"Max travels a lot for work so we'd only seen each other three times before he ended up coming to my birth."

On the day she gave birth she was supposed to pick Max up from the airport but texted him to let him know her waters had broken so she couldn’t.

Max booked a taxi home to drop his stuff and then went to the hospital to see Alyssa.

The labour lasted for around a week and Alyssa said Max was with her the entire time.



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Max stepped in to raise Alyssa’s son Ollie after meeting her on Tinder while she was pregnant with the tot.

Speaking about their unusual dynamic last year, Alyssa - from Brisbane, Australia - said: "He had only gone on three dates with me.

"So the fourth date was him coming to my labour and birth."

"I was about six-and-a-half months pregnant when I went on Tinder, and I clearly stated that on my bio.

"I didn't want to lead anyone on, so I was being open and honest. I wanted them to know what they were getting into right off the bat.

"Max travels a lot for work so we'd only seen each other three times before he ended up coming to my birth."

On the day she gave birth she was supposed to pick Max up from the airport but texted him to let him know her waters had broken so she couldn’t.

Max booked a taxi home to drop his stuff and then went to the hospital to see Alyssa.

The labour lasted for around a week and Alyssa said Max was with her the entire time.




immediately thought of e-40 when i saw that the story on IG

three dates in with a pregnant woman and he was ready to be a full time father by the fourth date.. good on them though. wish them nothing but happiness

but sheeesh that neck must be :emoji_fire: :emoji_fire:
The labour lasted for around a week and Alyssa said Max was with her the entire time.

This story is INSANE. Imagine calling your boss to tell them you have to take an unexpected week-plus long leave because a yamb you met on Tinder and have only been on three dates with was in labor and you needed to by her side.

I can’t even take solace in the fact that this child won’t have to grow up without a father figure because the situation is so damn goofy.

This story is INSANE. Imagine calling your boss to tell them you have to take an unexpected week-plus long leave because a yamb you met on Tinder and have only been on three dates with was in labor and you needed to by her side.

I can’t even take solace in the fact that this child won’t have to grow up without a father figure because the situation is so damn goofy.

Just gets crazier...

"Now, the lovebirds have revealed the rules they abide by for a happy home life - including constant location tracking and knowing each other’s passwords.

Alyssa and Max also keep track of each other's spending and tell each other if they are hanging out with someone of the opposite gender.

Taking to Tik Tok, the mum-of-two asked: “Do you think these are normal or controversial?”

“The rules aren't set rules for our relationship.

“They are just things that we happen to do.”

They track each other’s locations 24/7 through Google maps but Alyssa assured “we don’t use it to stalk each other” but rather for convenience.

She continued: “A lot of people said ‘what about personal freedom?’ and call it ‘controlling’.

“But we don't use it as a controlling mechanism."

'My partner and I both know each other's phone passwords.

“This isn't all passwords but it's definitely our phones.

'We leave our phones laying around unlocked all the time so neither of us feel the need to ever be suspicious about anything.

“I guess if we wanted to we could go through the other person’s phone.”

Having a shared bank account also means they can keep tabs on each other’s spending.

Alyssa and Ollie’s other rule is to let the other one know when they’re hanging out with someone of the opposite sex because it’s “courteous”.
Just gets crazier...

"Now, the lovebirds have revealed the rules they abide by for a happy home life - including constant location tracking and knowing each other’s passwords.

Alyssa and Max also keep track of each other's spending and tell each other if they are hanging out with someone of the opposite gender.

Taking to Tik Tok, the mum-of-two asked: “Do you think these are normal or controversial?”

“The rules aren't set rules for our relationship.

“They are just things that we happen to do.”

They track each other’s locations 24/7 through Google maps but Alyssa assured “we don’t use it to stalk each other” but rather for convenience.

She continued: “A lot of people said ‘what about personal freedom?’ and call it ‘controlling’.

“But we don't use it as a controlling mechanism."

'My partner and I both know each other's phone passwords.

“This isn't all passwords but it's definitely our phones.

'We leave our phones laying around unlocked all the time so neither of us feel the need to ever be suspicious about anything.

“I guess if we wanted to we could go through the other person’s phone.”

Having a shared bank account also means they can keep tabs on each other’s spending.

Alyssa and Ollie’s other rule is to let the other one know when they’re hanging out with someone of the opposite sex because it’s “courteous”.

Okay, this story isn’t real. It was fun while it lasted. No one is moving like this, man.
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