How do you find Motivation/ Energy to go to the gym.

Originally Posted by C Money 88 05

going to the gym is easy, I don't know how the hell to control my eating habits on the weekend though when I don't really work out.

man I kill my progress, water/propel water all week, eat relatively healthy during the week, work out 4x during the week...friday-sunday and everything's out the window, eating whatever I see from pizza to whatever I drive pass, scheming to get to the all you can eat pancakes at IHOP or having pancakes at home, going out somewhere and getting something like ribs or a big +#+ burger or something, with fries, and soda/pop

I feel like I'm starting over every monday
Easiest way to counteract that is to just commit to going crazy with food ONE day a week, rather than letting go over the entire weekend...

Hard to stay motivated with eating right if there's not some kinda reward somewhere along the line... Start out with one 'cheat' day, then just cutit back as you get used to it... Cutting that kinda stuff out entirely at once is so hard... Cut things out a little at a time... That's worked for me sofar...
think about Fuc%%% Lauren Lodon next month... lmaooo u will be ripped by the time next month come's around if not iono what to tell you!
I look at myself, then think about what I want to look like.

Girls asking "Oooh, have you been working out?!" boosts your confidence to keep going.
Originally Posted by Jordan Freak 32

Sundays are my rest days.

Same here, except I'm in the zone lately. Besides, it's a lot easier to get motivated if you don't have to go to a gym. P90x in the garage FTW.
Originally Posted by BdeaZy

Originally Posted by Praise The X I

On a lazy Sunday, relaxing on the couch watching NBA games eating. How the hell do you get yourself up to go to the gym. lol.

Log off yuku
you can watch NBA games too casually if your gym shows it. just tivo it and save yourself the time.
Got to make it a habit. Schedule your workouts at the same time. If you miss that workout, it will not sit right with you.

Think about the obesity epidemic. Think about the "fat american" label. If you decide to sit on your butt, you're just one ofthem. Or you can change da game.

Every time you exercise you are increasing the vitality in your life. One less sick day. One less pill you'll have to take later on in life. Yourhealth is in your control.

Or you can just put this on your desktop:
Originally Posted by toast1985

Visit the latin/black/big breast threads in General.

He wants to go to the gym, not waste his energy fapping.
During the spring (when the semester is dying down), and the summer, it's easy to go to the gym. It's early in the school year when it's hard tofind the motivation to go. You have less free time, plus it's really cold out, you really just want to stay inside =(

Boredom and a need to be active is usually my motivation
Just tell yourself that getting to the gym is the hardest part. Honestly when you get there and get changed, working out seems so easy.
you can watch NBA games too casually if your gym shows it. just tivo it and save yourself the time.
my apartment gym has personal TVs for the cardio machines (ellipticals and treadmills) so going in there at 530 pm and having a game on during aweekday is really appreciated cuz i can listen to the ipod and "watch" the game at the same time
it makes the time go by really fast.
2 3 things motivated me:

One of my buddies went from pudge to fit over the course of three months and now he's doing mini-triathlons---->If he can't why can't I?

also in all honesty I was sick of looking the way I did. Make no excuses, bully yourself, never let yourself satisfied...the second you do, you're $*%+%*

all of the fine %#$ at my gym because honestly, nothing helps me bang out a few more reps like knowing some girl is watching me asking her boyfriend "whycan't you lift like that guy? he's strong, I bet he's an animal between the sheets too."

I am at the point where I hate not going to the gym at least once a day. I use to hate going to the gym, you have to make it an addiction, part of everydaylife. Not only does working out help you physically, but it does a lot of good mentally as well and will make you mentally stronger.
I don't need motivation, it's a way of life. When I do 2-a-day workouts (cardio + weights), I become physiologically addicted. If I don't go, Ibecome depressed, anxious, etc. until I go.
once your on a routine its addictive
plus when you see results it pushes to do better
Originally Posted by JSoN619

once it becomes a lifestyle choice, you'll have no problem going to the gym or working'll be like just any regular routine each day.....however, shm at me at placing working out before studying..

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