How does Nike Talk pull females on the regular in life? Smash stories? Pics included as well

Originally Posted by Mister Negative

The point is these losers need to understand that they are taking advice from fellow losers...
 OP sounds like the highlander of virginity, just destined to roam the desert searching for yams...

Your attitude is all wrong.. There is no game to be played... Be yourself if she wants to get with you she will, if not oh well... I hate threads like this because it gives these goobers false hope... If you need to ask random strangers about simple things like having a convo, or make posts crying about how some irrelevant model chick killed your self esteem then you dont deserve to get your meat wet...

 But that is exactly what speakup said and you blasted him , you guys are crazy  

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

I don't understand why *%#% like this has to be a "game"

That's one thing in life I refuse to accept
Nah fam post had that forlorn tone like he finished typing & made that deep steve urkel sigh "UHHHH Laura...."
Dude sound exasperated that he ain't gettin no yams just like OP...

There is only a game if you let it be played...  

Originally Posted by Antidope

Originally Posted by Mister Negative

The point is these losers need to understand that they are taking advice from fellow losers...
 OP sounds like the highlander of virginity, just destined to roam the desert searching for yams...

Your attitude is all wrong.. There is no game to be played... Be yourself if she wants to get with you she will, if not oh well... I hate threads like this because it gives these goobers false hope... If you need to ask random strangers about simple things like having a convo, or make posts crying about how some irrelevant model chick killed your self esteem then you dont deserve to get your meat wet...
The post to username correlation is out of this world.
The sig too? Damn

I agree with anyone who has said you're over thinking it and to just be yourself. That girls really cute too props to you 

Yea your username correlates your persona well too... You are the Antithesis of Dope... Good job
Originally Posted by Mister Negative

The point is these losers need to understand that they are taking advice from fellow losers...
 OP sounds like the highlander of virginity, just destined to roam the desert searching for yams...

Your attitude is all wrong.. There is no game to be played... Be yourself if she wants to get with you she will, if not oh well... I hate threads like this because it gives these goobers false hope... If you need to ask random strangers about simple things like having a convo, or make posts crying about how some irrelevant model chick killed your self esteem then you dont deserve to get your meat wet...
This is the strongest post to sig ratio I've ever seen.
Don't just be yourself, be your best self. We all have positive and negative qualities. There's no such thing as a person with lame qualities, it's reality. The point is, to project your positive qualities and minimize your negative ones.
I normally use craigslist's casual encounters section. No hassle and no effort required. You might get an STD every now and then, but some ointment and pills and your back in the game
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

I normally use craigslist's casual encounters section. No hassle and no effort required. You might get an STD every now and then, but some ointment and pills and your back in the game

 Really tho??? 
disregard how pretty she is, how nice of a body, smile, eyes she has. You start telling yourself how many good qualities she has then you are going to subconsciously attach yourself to her before you even threw the first pitch.  Act like she's just an average looking girl.

Approach her with friendly conversation, like others said open ended questions. If you really like her, then start with the common what are you doing, when she asks you what you are doing don't say "oh i'm just sitting in my room". Say something descriptive like I just got back from the gym, playing basketball, work, eating or about to go eat, etc. If she's interested she'll say oh how was it? Then you branch off from there, ending with another open ended question for her relating to what you just said.

example - do you play any sports, go to the gym, or anything? she says no no i don't do anything like that then you say something like ooooh so you're just a little dainty pretty girl who does her make up all day, then laugh it off and say just kidding, and she'll go on and tell you about what she really likes to do.

this can trickle on for hours in a phone conversation. Her emptying herself out to you, she's in your hands now, with any topic of conversation.

key reminders: don't mention anything sexual the first couple times you talk to her, take slight sarcastic jabs at her, don't compliment her on her physical, only her character, portray yourself in a good light and that you have morals and good character.

humble brag: that is what i've done subconsciously every time with a girl and i've never been unsuccessful
Originally Posted by TheprinceofDE

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

I normally use craigslist's casual encounters section. No hassle and no effort required. You might get an STD every now and then, but some ointment and pills and your back in the game

 Really tho??? 

Lightweight Champion wrote:

Strike one, overly aggressive and swung out of the zone. Not very smooth at all.

How it went

Her: What are you doing?
You: Nothing much, wanna hang out?
Her: No.

How it should've gone

Her: What are you doing?
You: Nothing much, I'm thinking about getting something to eat but I don't know what yet.
Her: What are you in the mood for?
You: Either option 1, option 2, or option 3 (make sure it's not fast food!) (for this scenario we'll use sushi)
Her: Have you had (restaurant) before? It's pretty good. (Even if you have, just say you haven't)
You: No, I haven't. How good is it?
Her: Pretty good. They have...(let her talk)
You: Sounds good but I don't know how to get there. Maybe you can show me?

*At this point she'll either say yes or no*
- If she accepts, score! You can take it from here.
- If she declines...

Her: Not today, I've got a few things I need to do.
You: Alright, well maybe some other time when you're not busy.
Her: Yeah, that sounds good.

*Now you've at least secured a future date.*
The fact that you asked her isn't what failed you, it's how you asked. You didn't do anything to interest her at all.


glasses wrote:
disregard how pretty she is, how nice of a body, smile, eyes she has. You start telling yourself how many good qualities she has then you are going to subconsciously attach yourself to her before you even threw the first pitch.  Act like she's just an average looking girl.

Approach her with friendly conversation, like others said open ended questions. If you really like her, then start with the common what are you doing, when she asks you what you are doing don't say "oh i'm just sitting in my room". Say something descriptive like I just got back from the gym, playing basketball, work, eating or about to go eat, etc. If she's interested she'll say oh how was it? Then you branch off from there, ending with another open ended question for her relating to what you just said. 

example - do you play any sports, go to the gym, or anything? she says no no i don't do anything like that then you say something like ooooh so you're just a little dainty pretty girl who does her make up all day, then laugh it off and say just kidding, and she'll go on and tell you about what she really likes to do. 

this can trickle on for hours in a phone conversation. Her emptying herself out to you, she's in your hands now, with any topic of conversation.

key reminders: don't mention anything sexual the first couple times you talk to her, take slight sarcastic jabs at her, don't compliment her on her physical, only her character, portray yourself in a good light and that you have morals and good character. 

humble brag: that is what i've done subconsciously every time with a girl and i've never been unsuccessful 

Most important like other have said be yourself, dont over think. Good luck OP.
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