How many black professors have you had?

In four years of Undergrad I had three, (one was borderline psychotic talking about how he use to shoot folks, when in served in Vietnam) one was/is good friends with Richard Pryor and Paul Mooney, and the other was a cool cat from Trinidad who taught Political Science. I am now in my second and final year of grad school and I've had/will have had none when I graduate in June.
in college=3 (one of those isn't my teacher that gives me a grade exactly but I made him my honorary teacher cause he knows his +!+!
high school= 3 in high school
I'm pretty much opposite of everyone in this post. I can count on my hand the amount of White Teachers I had in High School, and College.
None in High School, but this semester in college I have two right now. One teaches sociology and the other english.
I go to Illinois C-U and I've had one black professor during my junior year for an Accounting class (my major). He was awesome too
My second one this quarter...of course the class is Sport and Pop Culture: Race and Gender.
Lots of athletes in classes like this.

First one was last quarter, my chemistry lab teacher....dude was the nerdiest black guy I ever met.
I had 1 in grade school/
1 in High School taught Spanish 1, he was Haitian
4 in College
1 taught Legal Environments
1 taught Prinicpals of Marketing and Consumer Behavior from Guyana
1 taught Research Methods he was from a country near Egypt
1 taught a Health class

They were all great teachers and took pride in what they did
If we're talking brown then I've had ones in Money & Banking, Ethics, MIS, Project Management, some first year econ class based on articles I forget the name of, and maybe more that I cannot remember. I've never had a black prof, there seems to be a few in math though.
I'm a white kid. Went to a fairly whitebread high school with maybe one or two black teachers and I didn't have them.

Go to a fairly whitebread liberal arts college in Upstate NY now and I've had two black professors already and I'm a second semester freshman.
One when I was at community college and honestly he was one of the best professors I've had so far.  He taught English and I took three of his classes before I transferred out.  If anybody goes to Merritt college I'd definitely recommend taking a class with professor Johnson.
My only black professor ever was my freshman year of college. She taught my environmental studies class (basically Intro to Architecture). Worst teacher ever. Always late and beefed with most black men. Needless to say I was always on her bad side. I was thinkig she would be a mentor especially since the College of Architecture had about 10 black students. She was more of a hinderence than a help.....but I still graduated. She tried to give me the "I'm so proud of you" speach at graduation, but all I could do was hit her with the "COME ON SON. GET THE $* OUTTA HERE" face.
1 at North Seattle CC... English.

.... That's a lie.
Another at Everett CC... Accounting.
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