How many black professors have you had?

My freshman year World Civilizations professor was black. This was during the 9/11 attacks, and the day classes resumed, he gave a lecture-long speech on America and patriotism, talking about his days during the Civil Rights movement and growing up in the south, terrorism, etc.. He spoke with such compassion. At the end of the lecture everyone gave him a standing ovation - it was truly a great speech.


Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

I got one right now in my African American Humanities class

and boy does he act like a ninja

IMO these african american based classes are on some borderline "bash white" type #!!@

Got one white lady in the class and I feel awkward for her
Hell yeah, that's one thing that pisses me off. When blacks are always saying the white man did this and that to them. Get outta here with that. You did that to yourself. 


the racism on NT

Originally Posted by JDocs

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I'm an African American Studies major

i had at least 2 in HS

What kind of jobs can you get with this major?

fail. you can teach but that's about it
what a dumb question...who cares? teachers...white teachers....whats the difference??....I hate when people try to draw a clear line, and say things like.."how many BLACK teachers"....and then when it works against them...they are quick to shout racism...if people would stop creating this double standard..maybe we wouldnt have a problem...
Originally Posted by TheRealMcCoy12

what a dumb question...who cares? teachers...white teachers....whats the difference??....I hate when people try to draw a clear line, and say things like.."how many BLACK teachers"....and then when it works against them...they are quick to shout racism...if people would stop creating this double standard..maybe we wouldnt have a problem...

i see where you're coming from. at the end of the day it's that degree that matters. i just called out the ignorance because dude took it to a whole new level (irrelevant to the thread to say the least)
1 - For Anthropology
1 - Anatomy and Physiology

What's really weird is I don't remember having any black teachers in HS
In high school I had 2 black teachers
In college... I'm having my first black professor this quarter right now in Political Science. One of the first professors to make me laugh on a daily basis and is kool guy.
Damn, this really made me think. I've only had one, my 5th grade music teacher. I'm in my first year of med school.
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