How many of y'all arent on the social networks?

what about us?

damn, just googled myself & found that only people on my instagram would know my real name...
Originally Posted by rice boy 45

what about us?

damn, just googled myself & found that only people on my instagram would know my real name...
that avy. raekwon & supreme?
got rid of mine

haven't looked back

too much drama, etc...

inb4 hurr why don't you just block everyone you don't like

If you do that you have a blank wall, whats the point of facebook if you have a blank stream wall or whatever?

might as well rid the whole thing if it doesn't concide with your views in the first place.

maybe I'll make one in the future for networking purposes or something along those lines.
Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

social networks are for people who are looking for attention
Oh really?...You don't say! 

Makes you wonder where the "social" in social networking comes from... 

That being said, I have a FB but I'm not active. I merely use it to connect with others. I don't share anything and I never update it. In fact I don't even have a wall. Its merely my online contact form. 
Originally Posted by bronxstreets

Deleted my facebook 2 years ago.....people post dumb *!!# there and never had twitter

This. However Im on a few message boards (like NT) that are based around passions of mine.
Deactivated my FB about 3 weeks ago.  Basically just to eliminate distractions while I work towards a few things..  Plus I started to hate feeling "obligated" to talk to old friends that decided to reach out.  I have my small circle and I'm happy with it as is.

Now if only I could leave NT... +$#% just aint happenin though
I only keep it on because it's the easiest way to keep in touch with relatives overseas and the east coast.

silliputty how do you not have a wall? Where exactly do I go to the that?
been lucky or cursed, how you decipher it, in that exactly the last 5 girls I've talked, dated, etc never had or don't have social networks, those 1 in a million girls i guess
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Oh really?...You don't say! 

Makes you wonder where the "social" in social networking comes from... 

That being said, I have a FB but I'm not active. I merely use it to connect with others. I don't share anything and I never update it. In fact I don't even have a wall. Its merely my online contact form. 
Originally Posted by trunks206

Originally Posted by bronxstreets

Deleted my facebook 2 years ago.....people post dumb *!!# there and never had twitter

This. However Im on a few message boards (like NT) that are based around passions of mine.

   this...had one for two weeks....signed up and was like
 uhhhhh so what do you do now????.....didnt see the point....bounced and never looking back unless its business related....
NT - Everyday
Twitter - Everyday... Its like an extension of NT for me, plus some people I know stay on it.
FB - I'll check up on it, but Im not that active on it... I keep it because its a good way to keep in touch with everyone.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

the internet only really has as much information as YOU put on it...
This. And if there's loads of drama centered around your FB, it could be the people you associate yourself with.
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