How much does an average 19 year old have in cash?

At 19 the most I had was around $2200. Blew it on sneakers, clothes, electronics, bills or rent was beautiful
most i had when i was 19 was $3600, this was in 2007... blew it all on food/clothes/utility bills :/
Originally Posted by dland24

Anyone who answered something higher than $300......PLEASE LEARN TO READ.

No 19 year old, unless is doing some illegal shady %!$, does not have a lot of CASH on them. The question is how much does an average 19 year old have in CASH.

People sayin they stacked 10K when they were 19. Show me a 19 year old with 10k cash on them, I show you a dumb %%%%@ who is about to get robbed.

son said a few replies after the OP that he meant including savings.
when i was 19 most i had was about $ like 5k now in im 21 but im in debt so really it doesnt count
im 19, got about 8k in cash. Been doing some saving up

- Had social security benefits come in monthly since I was 16, and then there's grant money from college
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