How much does an average 19 year old have in cash?

i didnt really start saving till i was 18 so when i was 19 i hit the 20k-30k in cash bracket on my own..
true story...
I'm 19 and I have about 180 bucks on me right now. And about 19,0000 in my savings, I've been saving since last year.
Originally Posted by KiNGJRMZair23

I'm 19 and I have about 180 bucks on me right now. And about 19,0000 in my savings, I've been saving since last year.
Originally Posted by RIPyzyz

Originally Posted by MaddenFan04

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by LiquidCREAM

when im 19 i'll have close to 30 grandish? military ftw

enlist when your 18, get paid whatever e-1 or e-2 gets paid monthly
so hes going to spend literally 0 dollars
enlist when you're 17. but its possible to not spend anything seeing as you live for free almost. but i'd make more in 3 years on e-1 ore-2 thats just with expenses added
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

Originally Posted by Julian Wright

Around 2000. I'm just estimating from what I have. I'm 18.
yeah i carry like 1500-2000 usually

not tellin what i got in the bank

and my dude on the last page at UF? Im thinkin bout goin htere, only got my senior year left right now. btw, hows the selection of sneaker shops in the area? (ignore the fact this is general, and sneakers are not appreciated here)
Why do you need that much cash on you? Are you looking to get robbed?
doubt thats gonna happen.

n dudes askin how we got money? get a job and save. I save a significant amount up (like 70 80%) and i still got plenty to spend. I got like 4Gs in sneakersthat I use and of course i got other "toys" layin around too

been buyin my own tv, xbox, games, bikes, shoes etc. since i been like 13-14. If u get about yo business and quit talkin about it, the money is yours to get.dont talk about it, be about it. thats the realest comment i can make
this is kinda hard to answer but i have like 5k in savings and about 600 in checking, dont use cash, hope that answers the question
at the moment.. like 3 hundo

im flippin 75% of my jordan's right now though and im sittin on 100+ pairs

20 years old and in college w/ no job, im over the trash quality kicks...
I have around $5000 on my savings, $500 on my checkings account. I would have as close as 10 Gs if I stopped going to guatemala twice One thing to keep in mindis that I live with my parents and I commute to school. I got a scholarship that pretty much covers my tuition but I still have to come up with money for mybooks, food, and transportation. I usually get my checks and deposit them right away, I try to stay alive with $30 every week no matter what! I still buy shoesbut I no longer buy them on release date, I usually wait a couple of weeks or even months but its worth it if you're not in a rush to get the shoes, I gotthe Black/baby blue 12s for $70 shipped on ebay.
Im 17 but i have about 300 cash but by the time im 19 ill have around like 20k hopefully
As of right now I only have 200. 140 going to go to some retro 04 2's. N the rest ill just save up. Till I start working .
i'm 19 and have $2000 in the bank, it's steadily rising though.
I'm not comfortable with money. I don't spend wisely nor do I save correctly.

How you going out at night and taking girls on date w/ no money to your name....

OH WAIT....................
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