Hurricane Irma, FL Nters We May Be Next

I chuckled
They said currently its the 2nd strongest hurricane ever.

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Random thought, but all of this reminds me of **** Gregory.

I thought he was just talking crazy about them starting in Africa and taking the path of slave ships.
This is a week away and gas stations are running out of gas. I went to racetrack today and they have like 30 pumps and only had like 5 with fuel in them.

Bruh, I was trying to get gas at Margate last night. The gas pressure was so low, it took me like 15 mins for that pump to spit out a gallon. I said eff it, went to the Marathon down the block. I was in and out within 15 mins...and they had regular gas.
Walked inside home depot cuz I had to go see them for orientation. Then everything was mad awkward. They could've called me to reschedule because of the storm... Man if y'all have any interviews or anything to do with a job.. Just reschedule that ****.
Harvey, Irma, Jose, and Katia... it's like the Earth is purposely punishing the continental U.S and surrounding areas to punish Trump and his dismissal of climate science.

Anyway, I hope everyone on this board stays safe.

Harvey, Irma, Jose, and Katia... it's like the Earth is purposely punishing the continental U.S and surrounding areas to punish Trump and his dismissal of climate science.

Anyway, I hope everyone on this board stays safe.


Those idiots would probably still deny climate change after all this is through


man yall be safe out there.... hurricanes are no joke, DONT STAY if you can leave.
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