Hurricane Irma, FL Nters We May Be Next

these new roads are lethal. Right after it rains these roads are slick as hell, it's like they have a film over them like at a bowling alley.

I ride Motorcycles and the roads are just awful man. I Uber most of the time or carpool now because of this stuff. Add to the fact people drive super crazy during storms, naw man, I am good with that.

Cats supposed to be gangsta about the fact that one of the largest Atlantic storms in history is coming to their doorstep? Lol

Nobody's panicking around my side, but nobody's acting like this ain't nothing either

That is really the only mentality you can take, plan for the worst, hope for the best. I don't wanna see anyone harmed, but if it really stays as bad as it could, we might see what happened after Andrew, and that terrifies me.
I was 5 when Andrew hit and still remember how devastating it was. You don't ever forget something like that. The winds, the sounds, the aftermath...

Thing is, Miami is equipped for hurricanes of this magnitude because of Andrew. It wiped us out practically and made us make sure our infrastructure as a city can withstand the big ones. Not saying we come out unscathed if we do, but I feel the city can survive it.

I'm honestly not worried. You really can't do anything but hope for the best. I have all my supplies ready and just doing some last minute stuff. Aside from that, thats it. Just go on about your life and when it comes, ride it out. This hurricane is a lot like Andrew. Lots of wind, fast moving and not much rain.
After just going through Harvey get gas quick before prices start going up & keep it topped off as much as possible (also Ramen and water went quick too). Gas was out most places the day before Harvey even made landfall, also GET CASH!!! It took me almost a week to find a working ATM, even after the storm they were either out of $$ and trucks weren't refilling them, damaged by floodwater, or just didn't have power.
My boy sent this through IG groupchat

I live in Texas. Y'all better gear up on supplies and gas. As soon as the model is for sure hitting Florida I would leave asap. Don't take any chances leave before the crowd.

Same with Harvey here it was crazy many lost their homes and etc. it's not a joke
That joint is Category 5 now.

Y'all need to board the crib up and hit the road when it's confirmed.
Don't be this guy on reddit...

"Lived in Miami basically all my life and to be honest its really funny to see all the northerners fear mongering. I think I'd rather stay in my house that is in a non flood zone and is hurricane proof with all my food and battery packs than to sit in traffic for the next 20 hours trying to evacuate with my dog and family just to end up in some mickey mouse town that cant handle the influx of people. It was the same thing with Matthew last year, because of fear mongering so many people wasted money evacuating and so much business was lost and all that I saw in Miami was a leaf blow around in the wind. I guess us Floridians just feel it in our bones, I wasnt worried about Matthew last year and I'm not worried about Irma this year. I'll be coming back to this comment on Monday for a big I Told You So."
Don't be this guy on reddit...

"Lived in Miami basically all my life and to be honest its really funny to see all the northerners fear mongering. I think I'd rather stay in my house that is in a non flood zone and is hurricane proof with all my food and battery packs than to sit in traffic for the next 20 hours trying to evacuate with my dog and family just to end up in some mickey mouse town that cant handle the influx of people. It was the same thing with Matthew last year, because of fear mongering so many people wasted money evacuating and so much business was lost and all that I saw in Miami was a leaf blow around in the wind. I guess us Floridians just feel it in our bones, I wasnt worried about Matthew last year and I'm not worried about Irma this year. I'll be coming back to this comment on Monday for a big I Told You So."

It's foolish to compare this to Matthew.
Don't be this guy on reddit...

"Lived in Miami basically all my life and to be honest its really funny to see all the northerners fear mongering. I think I'd rather stay in my house that is in a non flood zone and is hurricane proof with all my food and battery packs than to sit in traffic for the next 20 hours trying to evacuate with my dog and family just to end up in some mickey mouse town that cant handle the influx of people. It was the same thing with Matthew last year, because of fear mongering so many people wasted money evacuating and so much business was lost and all that I saw in Miami was a leaf blow around in the wind. I guess us Floridians just feel it in our bones, I wasnt worried about Matthew last year and I'm not worried about Irma this year. I'll be coming back to this comment on Monday for a big I Told You So."

That guy must not be a home owner or have any kids. Could care less what happens to me, but gotta keep the wife and baby safe. Don't want them to suffer because I was feeling cocky.
Heard there's another hurricane right behind Irma? Dude wth???

It's Jose from what I understand. Trending towards the northeast coast, meaning tri-state area :frown:

And allegedly there's the possibility of "Katia" going into the Gulf Coast

Bruh this **** need to stop
Not just FL. SC and GA are potentially in trouble as well.

This **** is not looking good. I was looking at a model where it basically covers the entirety of Florida coast to coast.

GA isn't typically equipped for this **** infrastructure wise. I hope the proper preparations are underway. I read that Matthew ****ed up the GA/SC border areas.

Man. And with Jose potentially going for the NY/Long Island area (too early to tell) the whole East could be in a mess of trouble this season. ****.

Wait the one after Irma may hit NY too? Wtf. This some ********
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