************Hurricane Sandy Thread************ vol. BE SAFE!!!

Does anyone know if there are any buses traveling from borough to borough? I live in Brooklyn, but work in Harlem and am not trying to take a bus to the bridge, cross over and then more buses uptown and back...
Still no power around my way in NJ. But thankfully, my close friends and family are ok.

Only non-highlight of the day for me was waiting for gas at the delta station in Teaneck for like and hour. There was a line of cars going down the block. When it's finally my turn to get gas...."no more gas" >:

I was on E and had to speed all the way home so I won't get stuck on road. :smh:

But looks like things will get better by tomm. I'm sure of that.

To my brehs on here that are not doing ok, stay positive. Better days are ahead :pimp:
Im in Boston.

Im not talking about the people on this site who say boston but are really 30min out. Im in Boston Boston.

Dorchester to be exact and there is nothing at all. Same as last year. Nothing at all over here. They say it was going to be crazy but nothing going on here. From what i seen.

Yup me too Im in West Roxbury

Nothing except snow ever happens here :lol:
From Hurricane Sandy, there's no weapons or technologies can stop mother nature but we'll be just fine if people are willing to take care and help out one another.


And just read about your situation, Spectacular. I hope that you can get in contact with your fam.
Stay safe up there, bros.
Since many people are gonna be driving tomorrow, I could only imagine the traffic. Goodluck you guys

Stay safe!

Damn nature, you scary. :smh:
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These scums really do this scumbag **** robbing peoples houses in such a perilous time ? I hope they get whats coming to them. :smh:
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I hope all of you guys going through this are okay and safe
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Does anyone know if there are any buses traveling from borough to borough? I live in Brooklyn, but work in Harlem and am not trying to take a bus to the bridge, cross over and then more buses uptown and back...

the q60 & the express buses although there will be delays due to detours.
All buses are back with limited service, delays & detours.
might want to follow @mtainsider for the latest info.
Man i will post some pics if i get the chance. Northern MD suburbs got hit pretty hard.

My power was out for about 24 hours monday evening it started. Hope everyone is ok some tough pictures in here. We just had a bunch of trees go down.
I'm seriously so depress I feel like ending my life. I know I should look on the bright side that I'm still alive, but I lost everything. My home is flooded, Im currently in a shelter, have no way to get to my family in the Bronx. Haven't eaten nothing, all I have is the clothes on my back and some cash. Just feel so empty and sad inside.

As much as we joke around my dude, take it easy. You're alive, your family is alive (and hopefully so is your friend), and you can live to re-build. All of this material stuff, often comes and goes for us in life. Stay positive and keep your head up...

Coco's weather report...

No where in that article does it say it's FINISHED.. ??

Source to one57 being finished ??? 

My office is right next to that building,

and it is not finished. They have sold the penthouse apartment for 95 million, and a few others for around 25 to 50 million, but the facade is up, with the interiors not being done.
Be safe,,, This is with electricity... Couldn't imagine what it's like with none.

Disgusting. That's when the storm began picking up again. They were clearly looking for trouble. This is exactly why there's friction in Crown Heights.

Its easy to tell people to keep their head up, but in looking at some of these pictures I really wouldn't know how to do it if I were them. To see that everything you have and worked hard for literally washed away. I wouldn't be able to go on.
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