************Hurricane Sandy Thread************ vol. BE SAFE!!!

around my way in NJ, strong winds and electricity goes in and out. thats about it
Its kinda warm here in Cali. I would like some rain though but not East Coast rain.

Be safe out there East Coast.
Going through this thread reading some of carefree, nonchalant responses to this hurricane when the majority of you have never been in one has me

Hurricanes are not to be taken lightly. Living in the Bahamas, I've been through several of them in my lifetime including Hurricane Sandy last week.

For those of you who have never been through a hurricane be prepared for prolonged power outages.

The power to my house went out Thursday night and didn't come back on until midnight on Sunday just to give you an idea of how long it can be.

Also be prepared for some serious wind. The wind was literally howling when Sandy came through here last week and had the storm shutters on the windows of our house rattling as if she was trying to break in.

You should stock up on items like water, batteries, flashlights and non-perishable food as well.

Another important thing I want to mention is PLEASE STAY INSIDE. Some of you might want to get your YOLO on and go outside to experience the hurricane first hand, but that is a very stupid idea. You can get hurt by flying debris, electrocuted by fallen power lines, or literally thrown around like a rag doll depending on how strong the wind is. We had one death related to Hurricane Sandy over here, when one dude got blown of his ladder by the wind when he was trying to fix something on his roof.

I'm not trying to scare anyone with this post, just hoping to enlighten some of you. Hurricanes are serious business but if you take the proper precautions and don't do anything stupid you should be fine.

Everyone stay safe.
I have loaded my reserve beer into the fridge; I was saving them because they are all seasonals but desperate times call for desperate measures :smh:
Not too bad where I'm at in Maryland. 

Downloaded some movies and made sure my laptops at 100% in case of power outage though.
getting pretty crazy here in southwestern CT and the hurricane isn't even here yet.

i've got enough eggnog and whisky to keep me alive.

stay safe everyone.
I have loaded my reserve beer into the fridge; I was saving them because they are all seasonals but desperate times call for desperate measures
Stay safe fam. My parents and brother are in the Philly area (North Wales), hoping nothing happens to them
Power just went out

iPhone 100% charged

On dat dere sprint 3G gonna have to go out to my car at some point to charge it

I'm scared
Hurricanes are NO joke. I live in Houston so these things are regular for us.

Listen to Toine and you'll be good money. Stay SAFE!
PG County, MD here.

Stocked up on snacks and other necessities earlier. Luckily we still have power over here.

I was in NYC for the weekend and left yesterday at 2:30 pm.
Stay safe fam. My parents and brother are in the Philly area (North Wales), hoping nothing happens to them

thanks man, North Wales is pretty good...my semi gf and mom live there :lol:

I think they aren't allowing people to drive; it's calm as of now but I hear the winds coming
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