I Am 23 And Never Been Drunk Or High Am I Missing Out?

NT's full of squares.

There is nothing wrong with a little alcohol or weed in moderation.

For you to even ask if you've been missing out suggests that you feel you have been missing out... if you are curious try it out (with an open mind) anddecide for yourself if you are missing out.

I enjoy the taste of a good beer. When I drink my goal is to have a good time while I drink, not that I can't enjoy myself without it, but I like theeffects. All that matters is I can control myself when I choose to drink and I avoid drinking and driving by all means, nuff said.

As for the herbals, its my choice of medication. Good stuff, natural too.
Bud is better then beer, but I think you are missing out.

And I don't drink that much since all I can get is Keystone and cheap $$+*
Originally Posted by Sputnik

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

Nope, because when you turn 30 you're gonna be happy you never did.
i dont agree with this. Even though the majority will, in fact, regret drinking when we're older, doesnt mean that we shouldnt do it. Im sure many of us regret wasting money of video games or pokemon cards, whatever you liked as a kid. At the time it seemed the best thing ever, but now that we grew older it seemed like a waste of time and money. I think most things end up like this (cars, some relationships etc) but you only live once. Personally, I would like to have experiences and memories to look back on, because thats all that life is.

Even though i drink, have never smoked before.
Regret: to feel sorrow or remorse for

If you will feel sorrow or remorse for drinking later in life and know that now, why would you do it? Again I go back to the fire illustration. Would you stickyour hand in fire knowing you will regret it later? Oh but by some of the logic I read here, "I shouldn't knock it unless I try it" or "Youonly live once" it would insinuate that I should just do it even though I might regret it later.

I have already talked about how flawed the "don't knock it unless you try it" thing is.

What about "You only live once"
Yeah you only live once so why not do things that will have you not live as long, that might cause complications for you when you get older?
So you mean since I only get once life I should go out and try everything I can so i can say I experienced everything? Hold on I'll be right back I got tostab myself in the heart to see how it feels. I only live once...

Let me go get wasted and high so i can experience life the way a young person should. I better do it now because there is no time like now to burn myself.Afterall I might not be alive in 7 days to know what it feels like to chop my legs off.

Again these are my views and take them for what they are, cautious, I don't know what living is all about, I am not really happy because I don't getblown on occasion, I can't experience joy unless I come home from a binger and throw up all over the place every once and again. I am just fine not takingpart in said activities. Like I said before do what you will just take into account the LOGIC behind peoples answers.
The "right" answer seems to be "no you're not missing out." etc.

But in reality, in some ways, you are.

If the pros of never drinking etc. outweigh the cons for you, great.

But there are cons, and it's stupid to pretend otherwise.
Nope, because you can have a good time without that stuff.

And i know this isn't true for everyone, but drugs and alcohol ruin lives.

It's not worth it.
I'm cool with people not smoking or drinking, doesn't affect me in any way.
I have never hit a cigarette and that's my choice because my father had a heart attack from smoking and I don't see any advantage to smoking cigs.
I do, however, smoke weed on the daily and love it. I have some of if not most of the best memories of my life being high.
I don't drink a whole lot but I'm always down for it.

And to those who say "I don't want to do _____ because I want to live when I'm ____ years old."
Why always plan for the future, when you don't know what it holds for you?
I want to look back on my life and know I lived it to my full potential and had a great time.
I wanna say yes, you're missing out. But it's sumtin you can live without completely. Some ppl can't kick the habits of smokin n drinkin. Memyself, I know I can, but I do it cuz I'm impure.
I actuallystopped smokin the reefer. But I still drink socially.
You're not missing out.. but you ain't surprising anyone either. Because one day you'll take a hit or sip and be like "there goes __ years ofbeing a virgin". It's nothin'..
Man, do it in moderation. I'm not one of those cats that likes to be high or drunk 24/7. There's a good feeling about being sober and having clarity toreflect on how fun you had, when you were high or drunk, or just with life.. But you'll never get to hear the best sounds of your life, appreciate food toits true essence, and have thoughts about this universe that is out of this world, unless you're high. Weed is something you have to experience a couple oftimes in life to enjoy the benefits.
I'm 24..and i will 25 in bout a week..and i have never drank smoke or done drugs..i can say my life is very good

I am proud to say that is how I will stay for the rest of my life..i have no regrets..i live life the way i want to and only god can judge me..

I get the same reaction everytime I tell someone i have never drank smoke or done drugs and they look at me like i'm crazy..oh well i guess..
IDAF, Alcohol makes any party better.

...Being drunk is not a good look past a certain age, I agree. But having a few responsible drinks is a must for myself. Everything is much more enjoyable.
The body is the temple man.
If you don't take care of body how can you expect everything else to fall into place?
Yes alcohol can be used in moderation but I would never play with fire.
Anything that takes me out of my conscious state or dumbs my senses...how could that possibly be good for you?
Then we got the cats who go "weed ain't bad man its from the earth"
Well that $15 crap that you getting from the nearest weedman is the farthest thing from marijuana.
But of course you shouldn't expect people to understand.
They cant even hold on to a damn carb diet for a week.

Hell tap water got so much $@#% in it today, what the hell do you think alcohol contains?
Your makings a smart decision and looking out for your body and not falling into the cool,
be proud cause you aint missing a damn thing.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

The body is the temple man.
If you don't take care of body how can you expect everything else to fall into place?
Yes alcohol can be used in moderation but I would never play with fire.
Anything that takes me out of my conscious state or dumbs my senses...how could that possibly be good for you?
Then we got the cats who go "weed ain't bad man its from the earth"
Well that $15 crap that you getting from the nearest weedman is the farthest thing from marijuana.
But of course you shouldn't expect people to understand.
They cant even hold on to a damn carb diet for a week.

Hell tap water got so much $@#% in it today, what the hell do you think alcohol contains?
Your makings a smart decision and looking out for your body and not falling into the cool,
be proud cause you aint missing a damn thing.
Great post...

When I turned 21 around this time last year, I was drinking just because I was finally in a position to legally, but it didn't do anything positive for mein the long term. I'd say the same for smoking, if I was into the green like that. Just do you man and continue to enjoy life. You'll be better forit in the end.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Man, do it in moderation. I'm not one of those cats that likes to be high or drunk 24/7. There's a good feeling about being sober and having clarity to reflect on how fun you had, when you were high or drunk, or just with life.. But you'll never get to hear the best sounds of your life, appreciate food to its true essence, and have thoughts about this universe that is out of this world, unless you're high. Weed is something you have to experience a couple of times in life to enjoy the benefits.
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