I don't blame the white man for all he's done to rise to power in the world. Its human nature


Nov 4, 2012
Thinking in terms of competition and survival of the fittest I don't blame the white man for the inhuman, vile, disgusting things he's done to currently sit in the #1 position of power in the world.  From slavery, the trail of tears, the transcontinental railroad, Jim Crow laws, voter fraud, etc. All these things were tactics to rise to power in a new world.  They used the labor of others and became rich and powerful as a result.

Today the US is the world's super power and white men run this country.  I honestly believe its human nature to be selfish, greedy, and have a mob like mentality.  There's a saying "a person is smart but people are dumb".  If you combine human nature with peer pressure to do borderline evil things that will increase you/your families quality of life you will get things like slavery.

These men who did horrific things hundreds of years ago have paved the way for their younger generations to live easier and more comfortable.  Is it wrong? Yes.  Can I blame them? I don't know. The world is changing slowly but white men can see their stronghold over the nation and world fading. That's why you could see the blind support for a Romney and the pain in their eyes when he lost.  They don't want to play fair.  And that's human nature. 

So as much as I hate being on the outside looking in at the "white privilege" and living as a second class citizen as a minority I guess I can understand it.  I won't accept it.  I won't say it was right. I won't say deal with it.  But I can say I understand why it happened and I think I'd do the same.

I know there's a lot wild white supremacist out there and they believe in ridiculous reasons to why they are "better" or whatever but I think the majority of white people in today's world that do "racial" things is because they don't want to lose power not because they think they are "better".  Alot of old folks, southerners, extremist will continue to do things but that mindset is slowly fading.  The new age racism is an attempt to keep that White advantage alive. 

I guess we have made progress if you change people from thinking you are a savage beast to just wanting more money, land, and opportunity than you.  It was the most obvious when Bill O'Reilly said after the election "People want things now".  He was really disgusted that minorites AND poor people wanted a piece of that "white privilege".  

If 2 guys get violent but one has a gun do you think he's gonna put it down to fight a "fair one".  Only a dummy would.  When a minority becomes a majority do their values change? That's an interesting question.  My question is what happens in a hypothetical world when we are basically equal?  Somebody is going to make a move for that #1 spot.  Nobody wants equality really they just say that as long as they are doing well.  

IN NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM AM I'M SUPPORTING just saying I understand and that's a BIG difference.  

What do ya'll think? And please don't respond without reading the whole thing.  









nothing will be left of that flamesuit after nt is finished with you bruh
So as much as I hate being on the outside looking in at the "white privilege" and living as a second class citizen as a minority I guess I can understand it.  I won't accept it.  I won't say it was right. I won't say deal with it.  But I can say I understand why it happened and I think I'd do the same.

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OP, how old are you?

No flames, but I get the sense that you are learning more about the world and people, and it's making you uncomfortable, so you use NT as a sounding board to help you sort out your ideas.

You can probably find a better forum. Are you in school?
Strong post, i actually feel the same way. They played the game and won to an extent. On the other hand, i don't blame the white man for my problems either. We all have the ability to achieve greatness, some just decide to use the same generic excuse for mediocrity.
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OP, how old are you?

No flames, but I get the sense that you are learning more about the world and people, and it's making you uncomfortable, so you use NT as a sounding board to help you sort out your ideas.

You can probably find a better forum. Are you in school?
I like to talk about real life things sometimes. Religion, politics, race, etc.  A lot of times you can't discuss these things with 100% honesty with friends or family.  Its actually better to talk to strangers.  

I'm not uncomfortable at all. Knowledge is power and the more you know the more comfortable you should be.  Uncertainty is a trait of the blind. 
all i'm going to say is there's lots of things they did that didn't HAVE to be done to create a successful living environment and prosperous new country, but that they did out of greed and the desire to run everything.
there's a difference between wanting to be successful and being power hungry and feeling entitled.
so i'd have to disagree w/ you.
that's my opinion. and i'm not coming back in here to argue it because when it comes to stuff like this NTers just annoy me and kill my vibe when a lot
of you don't know half about the subjects you debate on.
bye bye now.
lol how are you going to say you don't blame people for doing horrific inhumane things to one another 

then say "i wont say it was right"

like saying hey u hear about that guy that raped those girls? rape is terrible but did u see that girl's ******* and booty? he saw somethin, and he went after it. it shows initiative! we're all driven by our natural animal urges like our drive for food and sex, so hey, i dont blame him! in fact i'd do the same because the means justified the ends and going on dates is expensive. this way i save money and time wasted on texting 
I like to talk about real life things sometimes. Religion, politics, race, etc.  A lot of times you can't discuss these things with 100% honesty with friends or family.  Its actually better to talk to strangers.  

I'm not uncomfortable at all. Knowledge is power and the more you know the more comfortable you should be.  Uncertainty is a trait of the blind. 
Ain't that the truth. 

FWIW, I agree that it's human nature.  But the White man isn't the first and won't be the last to claw his way to the top of the heap. He's only the most recent.
No such thing. The game is far from over. 

Empires rise and fall. Civilizations come and go.
I am merely going off of what OP is implying in regards to the "white man". Surely as the white population continues to become outnumbered, we will see a change. But as of now for the sake of this post, the typical crutch used by many is that its all because of the white man
OP, I feel like you are posting from a perspective that seems slightly defeated.

In looking at it that way, I agree with you may be very insightful, but it doesn't seem to encompass the more optimistic side of the coin--all of the strides we as people have made in the name of diversity and equality.

This "divide" within our society, I feel, is always over-hyped, especially around election time.

I'm a minority living today and I feel blessed. Life isn't easy, but I still have the means to get mine. It's all I can ask for.
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