'I finally got a gun' Tragic last tweet of high school teen who shot herself over her ex GF

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]that wasn't what you tried to condescendingly address me with a second ago.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and yes, people handle things differently. hence  i said "I".[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]also it's called Maturation, something most teenagers don't have because of the flux of chemicals going through them. It's pure fact.
Originally Posted by Antidope

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Antidope

First time I've ever agreed with you

Thanks your approval means a lot to me, whoever the hell you are?
LOL. You usually just say a lot of outside the box stuff

A lot of "inside the box" ideals in human history are illogical and most importantly immoral but whatever you say homie
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

Depression and marijuana are not to be mixed...
Quitting marijuana is even worse.  fffFFuuu

I don't even get high anymore yo.
 Cali stuff, 75/eighth. It's strictly for anxiety and nervous relief.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Age has nothing to do with it.

People handle stuff differently regardless if they are 16 or 32.

Thats all there really has to be said here.
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

Depression and marijuana are not to be mixed...

half agree. Its not for everyone, just like prescribed medicine.

we got a lot of psychiatrists here in the past like year.
Originally Posted by im that one

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]that wasn't what you tried to condescendingly address me with a second ago.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and yes, people handle things differently. hence  i said "I".[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]also it's called Maturation, something most teenagers don't have because of the flux of chemicals going through them. It's pure fact.

You're right, I came off wrong.

What I was getting at was the point you tried to make (and are still trying) about something is bad for teenagers simply because they are teenagers.

Adults also can't separate the real world from the online world, so age has nothing to do with it.
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

Depression and marijuana are not to be mixed...

half agree. Its not for everyone, just like prescribed medicine.

we got a lot of psychiatrists here in the past like year.
Srsly, like, how are you gonna tell me what works and doesn't work for me

That's why I RECOMMEND that people try it out, I don't just go around saying that marijuana is the perfect cure for everyone's ailments. It helped me, it's helped a LOT of people I know, but it doesn't work for everyone.

buggz, if you're in CA and paying 75/eighth, you shouldn't be. Top shelf peaks at sometimes 60, usually 50.
I personally think suicide is a selfish act.

I have never been in the position where I contemplated it, so I will not begin to try to define what it is to be in that state nor preach on why those thoughts are stupid and should be demeaned.

I am speaking for myself, as a 3rd party, in stating the selfishness sometimes gets lost. Does the "non-self impact" of the act ever get contemplated? What do you to do your friends and family by going through with this? If you're older, what kind of burden, both emotionally AND financially do you leave on the shoulders of your family?

Although looked at as a means to an end for the person, it can be the beginning of the end for a larger group who have been impacted by that 1 person's act.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Weekz

Originally Posted by ksteezy

This online media networks is destroying our youth, I'm convinced kids shouldn't be allowed on these social networks.

How are online media and social networks destroying our youth?  You can't put the websites at fault for allowing this girl to speak her mind.  The issue isn't with the websites, that is just skirting around the issue.  The issue is her mental state and the fact that no one in her real life either didn't notice or didn't care enough to do anything.  Then there is the issue of how she even obtained the gun (although there are millions of other ways for a person to kill themselves).  Don't attack my first amendment rights as a youth  to speak freely wherever and whenever because one girl killed herself.  

While the main isssue is in fact her mental state, it's obvious something is wrong in your head for you to take your own life, these media networks have become THE LIFE of today's youth, maybe the people in her life would have listened but she felt more connected to her online family and the fact that her cries for help were ignored was what put her over...maybe, who knows...this is the second suicide this week I've read of, the first one was this past tuesday, 14 year old came in through our Emergency Room after she hung herself, we tried to bring her back but she was far gone, she did it allegedly because of online bullying ONLINE!!!!!!!!....mother and father both nurses, older and younger brother, complete family...they had no idea of their daughters mental state....seriously, this has got to stop..Something has to edine to filter the use of these social mediums by such young kids.

I do agree, killing yourself over what happened online is a bit ridiculous.  I think you are right to say this is a parenting issue however.  But I think your solution is still skirting the issue.  The internet is not the problem.  The lack of mental toughness and security in self is.  The parents must teach their children the values and social skills to deal with bullying.  For example, I made a thread asking for female advice, another NTer called me the cause of the forgetfulness of the girl I was pursuing and that I may be ugly.  I didn't decide now is the time end it.  The internet is not the problem.  If we censor it we will be putting our freedom of speech on the line setting a precedent for who knows what next.  The problem is weak parenting and a lack of strong support in many of America's homes today.  Don't blame the greatest invention of the past 50 years for social ills of this nation.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Did son really say "why does it matter where she got the gun from?" Doesnt seem like her life was really that bad, it says she was popular, on her HS volleyball team, even she said she had people that loved her and will be hurt when she's gone but she didnt care, plus she said she wasnt struggling financially....I may be assuming but it seems like she extremely over-reacted and definitely needed to seek some help....very unstable mentally.

For someone who works in the medical industry, you don't know $#*% about mental health. You don't know what happened in her life. Did you skip the thread about the editor for that website or something who killed himself because he was molested as a child and it messed him up? Dude was successful, but he just couldn't go on because his life was scarred for ever.

What I'm getting at is that you have no right to judge her because all you know is what you read in a 200 word article and a few blog posts/ tweets.

Do I need to tell you how easy it is to get a gun? Thought you were about that life?

You are a clown, if my posts urk you that much, simply quit Quoting me everywhere I post and ignore what I say.
I'm not a psychologist, everyone that work in the medical industry according to you has a specialty in mental health correct??...next time I think I have depression I'll go have a talk with the phlebotomist down the hall from me.
I formed an opinion, like it or not we are all entitled to it, do I know her??...no!...do I have a right to judge her?...no I don't but she did make all this very public so can you blame me???...I mean you judge me consistently, can I stop you??...no....are you gonna stop?...you probably will come back with another insulting condescendent post towards me after this one, is what you do bro....i mean when did I ever said "I was about that life"
you just passed judgement, so please don't be a hipocrite, everyone passes judgement, specially on the Internet.
@ dudes making it sound as if all it takes is to walk into your local subway restaurant and you can pick up a dessert eagle to go with your 6 inch turkey sandwich....what kind of scum neighborhoods you guys live in?
Originally Posted by RickyBattalion

I personally think suicide is a selfish act.

I have never been in the position where I contemplated it, so I will not begin to try to define what it is to be in that state nor preach on why those thoughts are stupid and should be demeaned.

I am speaking for myself, as a 3rd party, in stating the selfishness sometimes gets lost. Does the "non-self impact" of the act ever get contemplated? What do you to do your friends and family by going through with this? If you're older, what kind of burden, both emotionally AND financially do you leave on the shoulders of your family?

Although looked at as a means to an end for the person, it can be the beginning of the end for a larger group who have been impacted by that 1 person's act.

It's also selfish to want a person to stay alive knowing they are suffering from something they cannot help. And for what, so YOU don't feel bad? Suicide is a slippery slope and all we can do is give our two cents because we don't know what it is to be in that situation.
Originally Posted by RickyBattalion

I personally think suicide is a selfish act.

I have never been in the position where I contemplated it, so I will not begin to try to define what it is to be in that state nor preach on why those thoughts are stupid and should be demeaned.

I am speaking for myself, as a 3rd party, in stating the selfishness sometimes gets lost. Does the "non-self impact" of the act ever get contemplated? What do you to do your friends and family by going through with this? If you're older, what kind of burden, both emotionally AND financially do you leave on the shoulders of your family?

Although looked at as a means to an end for the person, it can be the beginning of the end for a larger group who have been impacted by that 1 person's act.

A lot of terminally ill, elderly people kill themselves to not be a burden to their families, that is hardly a "selfish" act.

Furthermore, isn't it just as selfish to expect someone to bear pain just so they can be a part of your life? It goes both ways, instead of pointing fingers and placing blame try to understand and prevent and alleviate the mental and physical issues that lead to people taking their own lives.
Originally Posted by bboi4lif3

Where did she get a gun though?

(only read the first page)

Women and girls don't typically commit suicide using firearms, they usually try to overdose on meds--she must have been very disturbed
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by im that one

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]that wasn't what you tried to condescendingly address me with a second ago.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and yes, people handle things differently. hence  i said "I".[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]also it's called Maturation, something most teenagers don't have because of the flux of chemicals going through them. It's pure fact.

You're right, I came off wrong.

What I was getting at was the point you tried to make (and are still trying) about something is bad for teenagers simply because they are teenagers.

Adults also can't separate the real world from the online world, so age has nothing to do with it.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]which is very true and i agree with. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]but to say children don't have a harder time because of age and maturation is off. there is always an exception to the rule, yes. but Adults can protect themselves from online crap. such as this girl, if a child is on a social network and is dealing with all these "weird" chemicals going through them a cry for help is just looked at wanting attention. never used to be like that. take the other girl who died because of online bullying, Eira i think? [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]to end this because i see things one way, and you see them another with is perfectly fine and i respect that, imho social networking has a much bigger influence emotionally on the youth today. When they are praised, it's fantastic. When they are ignored or labeled outcasts and they are crying for help... people look at is oh she/he are just weird and want attention until it's too late.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I feel bad for the youth, my generation was the last generation to truly be outside all the time. another conversation all together.[/color]
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by im that one

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]that wasn't what you tried to condescendingly address me with a second ago.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and yes, people handle things differently. hence  i said "I".[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]also it's called Maturation, something most teenagers don't have because of the flux of chemicals going through them. It's pure fact.

You're right, I came off wrong.

What I was getting at was the point you tried to make (and are still trying) about something is bad for teenagers simply because they are teenagers.

Adults also can't separate the real world from the online world, so age has nothing to do with it.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]which is very true and i agree with. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]but to say children don't have a harder time because of age and maturation is off. there is always an exception to the rule, yes. but Adults can protect themselves from online crap. such as this girl, if a child is on a social network and is dealing with all these "weird" chemicals going through them a cry for help is just looked at wanting attention. never used to be like that. take the other girl who died because of online bullying, Eira i think? [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]to end this because i see things one way, and you see them another with is perfectly fine and i respect that, imho social networking has a much bigger influence emotionally on the youth today. When they are praised, it's fantastic. When they are ignored or labeled outcasts and they are crying for help... people look at is oh she/he are just weird and want attention until it's too late.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I feel bad for the youth, my generation was the last generation to truly be outside all the time. another conversation all together.[/color]

Fam I was part of the ER team that received Eira's body and we tried CPR knowing she was long gone, it was horrible, still have flashback of that lifeless look in her eyes and the second her mother walked in to find out her daughter was dead....the pain that woman felt is even harder to imagine than what that poor girl was going through....sad day at work that night.And to add to your post, I see completely eye to eye with you on the last lines of your posts, sometimes I get carried away and have trouble getting my point accords without getting certain NTers fired up, but that's exactly what I meant and you put it as clear as water.
It's only harder to imagine because you were able to see it. Don't down play what she might have gone through simply because you don't understand it.

My brother wants to work ER, I keep telling him it's no joke what some of you dudes deal with.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

It's only harder to imagine because you were able to see it. Don't down play what she might have gone through simply because you don't understand it.

My brother wants to work ER, I keep telling him it's no joke what some of you dudes deal with.

I'm really not downplaying it though....a little girl lost her life at the end of the day, really no way to downplay that...one thing is for sure, she eded her suffering and destroyed the life of her mother an father who lost their only daughter and not to mention her older brother who was the one that found her hanging by a scarf in their bathroom...little mans life will never be the same and all I keep thinking is that I hope he has the strength to deal with the situation better than his sister did, because he might just follow the same route.
I dated a girl who went to high school with her, have been facebook friends [creeping of course] for two years. She was very blatantly emotional, statuses and tweets all the time about hating people, going through things with her GF, etc

She was bisexual, and to be honest, pretty over-sexual on the internet, always putting up racy stuff and talking about sex.

Im saying this because she seemed volatile, which clearly had an effect in this. But also, like many people we know, she let her emotions foster on the internet...which I think shows a shifting attitude on the "realness" of the internet. No longer is there such a huge line between real life and net-life for users...
Originally Posted by Chosen One

Originally Posted by SonOfTony

These kids today are emotionally soft!!

Really brah?

Yup I had my share of heartbreak like all of us here. When I broke up with my last GF years ago, was i depressed? Hell yeah! What made me get over it is keep myself occupied, know that better will come to me and most impotantly LIVE! She obviously didn't realize her best years are yet to come and took the cowardly way out. She went out like a punk. I have no sympathy for that +%## once or ever.
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