I see the National Business Association is still rigged

When I was a kid I would get all pissed when my team would lose.
My mom would say, "Son why are u getting all mad? Those games are fixed. That stuff is run by the mafia."
She was rite in a sense. The commissioners of the NBA & NFL openly speak about "large markets" & "small markets".
Those markets are revenue generators and league officials don't hide the fact its better financially for "large market" teams to be the last two standing.
That being said they also make a conscientious effort to make sure the "small market" teams get a shot at having the best talent on their teams.
This helps justify the case for letting the Cavs (when they had LeBron) be in the Finals, or Chicago and Jordan win 6 rings.
A lot of "small markets" have strong fan bases and the leagues have to acknowledge that and show them some love.
The games aren't necessarily fixed or rigged, but there is definitely favoritism toward certain players in certain cities for obvious reasons.
Money makes the world go round, and it also makes the ball go in the basket.
When I was a kid I would get all pissed when my team would lose.
My mom would say, "Son why are u getting all mad? Those games are fixed. That stuff is run by the mafia."
She was rite in a sense. The commissioners of the NBA & NFL openly speak about "large markets" & "small markets".
Those markets are revenue generators and league officials don't hide the fact its better financially for "large market" teams to be the last two standing.
That being said they also make a conscientious effort to make sure the "small market" teams get a shot at having the best talent on their teams.
This helps justify the case for letting the Cavs (when they had LeBron) be in the Finals, or Chicago and Jordan win 6 rings.
A lot of "small markets" have strong fan bases and the leagues have to acknowledge that and show them some love.
The games aren't necessarily fixed or rigged, but there is definitely favoritism toward certain players in certain cities for obvious reasons.
Money makes the world go round, and it also makes the ball go in the basket.
Originally Posted by WILLINC

It is funny how its ok if Rose gets to the line, but somehow when Miami does its a travesty.

whaaaa whaaaaaa

wade flops, rose doesnt...end of discussion.

Nice to see the Miami Heat fans discovered where their stadium was just in time for the playoffs...coincidence?
Originally Posted by WILLINC

It is funny how its ok if Rose gets to the line, but somehow when Miami does its a travesty.

whaaaa whaaaaaa

wade flops, rose doesnt...end of discussion.

Nice to see the Miami Heat fans discovered where their stadium was just in time for the playoffs...coincidence?
Wanna know why players like wade, pierce, bron, kobe etc get so much hate and why players like rose don't? Its because wades group go along with sterns crooked system. They flop, kick, flail limbs and fall repeatedly b/c they know they get star/ spoiled brat treatment. Someone (a heat fan, to no ones surprise) mentioned that the kick foul on wade was called because of a bump prior to wades kick. You mean the type of bump that takes place every play (especially in the post). A bump is common in the game play and does not warrant a foul call. Only when star players need their butts wiped. Rose on the other hand, plays respectable ball. No flopping and that other nonsense, in attemopt to get a cheap "foul" and get sent to the line. If he gets calls its b/c the ref decided to call it. Not because he wants the easy way out. Pierce is the worst imo. No integrity
I still don't understand how its a "foul" on defense if the shooter initiates contact. $terns world baby.

NBA is soft and is the equivalent to wwe. I love the game too much to not watch it tho.

They can't make it anymore obvious without just giving the favored team points. Sterns probably working on a way to do that tho.
Wanna know why players like wade, pierce, bron, kobe etc get so much hate and why players like rose don't? Its because wades group go along with sterns crooked system. They flop, kick, flail limbs and fall repeatedly b/c they know they get star/ spoiled brat treatment. Someone (a heat fan, to no ones surprise) mentioned that the kick foul on wade was called because of a bump prior to wades kick. You mean the type of bump that takes place every play (especially in the post). A bump is common in the game play and does not warrant a foul call. Only when star players need their butts wiped. Rose on the other hand, plays respectable ball. No flopping and that other nonsense, in attemopt to get a cheap "foul" and get sent to the line. If he gets calls its b/c the ref decided to call it. Not because he wants the easy way out. Pierce is the worst imo. No integrity
I still don't understand how its a "foul" on defense if the shooter initiates contact. $terns world baby.

NBA is soft and is the equivalent to wwe. I love the game too much to not watch it tho.

They can't make it anymore obvious without just giving the favored team points. Sterns probably working on a way to do that tho.
As a fan of neither Rose, LeBron, nor Wade, it's the Heat "fans" (you guys hated LeBron last year, don't even try it) that are the ones butt hurt.

I think Rose isn't as good as being heralded, but the kid gets to the rim and draws contact. DRAWS CONTACT, meaning forces defenders to foul him to stop him.

Meanwhile, LeBron James will just barrel over anyone in his path and be given the foul or he'll be sneezed on and then act like he's been whipped with Hollywood Hulk Hogan's weight belt and flail to the ground. Mind you, this might be while said 6'9 275 pound LeBron is being guarded by 190 pound Kirk Hinrich.

And THE WORST is Dwyane Whistle. I'm not even gonna speak on yesterday's crane kick incident. How about everyone's favorite dunk from last year when he dunk on Varejao... yeah, no one seems to notice that he performs a Heisman on Varejao as well. Oh, nevermind, you can use your off hand to create space on the defender mid-air, as long as you're popular.

I've seen numerous writers already talking about the discrepancy with the fouls in yesterdays MIA/PHIL game. Everywhere but HeatSPN.
As a fan of neither Rose, LeBron, nor Wade, it's the Heat "fans" (you guys hated LeBron last year, don't even try it) that are the ones butt hurt.

I think Rose isn't as good as being heralded, but the kid gets to the rim and draws contact. DRAWS CONTACT, meaning forces defenders to foul him to stop him.

Meanwhile, LeBron James will just barrel over anyone in his path and be given the foul or he'll be sneezed on and then act like he's been whipped with Hollywood Hulk Hogan's weight belt and flail to the ground. Mind you, this might be while said 6'9 275 pound LeBron is being guarded by 190 pound Kirk Hinrich.

And THE WORST is Dwyane Whistle. I'm not even gonna speak on yesterday's crane kick incident. How about everyone's favorite dunk from last year when he dunk on Varejao... yeah, no one seems to notice that he performs a Heisman on Varejao as well. Oh, nevermind, you can use your off hand to create space on the defender mid-air, as long as you're popular.

I've seen numerous writers already talking about the discrepancy with the fouls in yesterdays MIA/PHIL game. Everywhere but HeatSPN.
Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

Originally Posted by WILLINC

It is funny how its ok if Rose gets to the line, but somehow when Miami does its a travesty.

whaaaa whaaaaaa

wade flops, rose doesnt...end of discussion.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Nice to see the Miami Heat fans discovered where their stadium was just in time for the playoffs...coincidence?[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You concerned bout when ppl going to the games on time now...U wanna tell them what to drink during the game too??[/color]
Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

Originally Posted by WILLINC

It is funny how its ok if Rose gets to the line, but somehow when Miami does its a travesty.

whaaaa whaaaaaa

wade flops, rose doesnt...end of discussion.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Nice to see the Miami Heat fans discovered where their stadium was just in time for the playoffs...coincidence?[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You concerned bout when ppl going to the games on time now...U wanna tell them what to drink during the game too??[/color]
Games in Today's NBA are won and lost at the free throw line which is pretty sad. Teams with superstars will usually get the calls over teams with less heralded players and that's just the way it will be. In addition, I agree with sooperhooper 100%. When Melo played for the Nuggets he didn't get most of the calls he deserved because he refused to flop and take dives. IMO there should be no such thing as "initiating contact." How can a defender defend if he can play perfect defense and all a player has to do is lean into him or fall down like he was shot out of a cannon?
Games in Today's NBA are won and lost at the free throw line which is pretty sad. Teams with superstars will usually get the calls over teams with less heralded players and that's just the way it will be. In addition, I agree with sooperhooper 100%. When Melo played for the Nuggets he didn't get most of the calls he deserved because he refused to flop and take dives. IMO there should be no such thing as "initiating contact." How can a defender defend if he can play perfect defense and all a player has to do is lean into him or fall down like he was shot out of a cannon?
Sometimes its nice to be neutral when watching the NBA. Now I can watch you all argue over this fixed league by just calling each other haters.
Sometimes its nice to be neutral when watching the NBA. Now I can watch you all argue over this fixed league by just calling each other haters.
Originally Posted by doyung9

As a fan of neither Rose, LeBron, nor Wade, it's the Heat "fans" (you guys hated LeBron last year, don't even try it) that are the ones butt hurt.

I think Rose isn't as good as being heralded, but the kid gets to the rim and draws contact. DRAWS CONTACT, meaning forces defenders to foul him to stop him.

Meanwhile, LeBron James will just barrel over anyone in his path and be given the foul or he'll be sneezed on and then act like he's been whipped with Hollywood Hulk Hogan's weight belt and flail to the ground. Mind you, this might be while said 6'9 275 pound LeBron is being guarded by 190 pound Kirk Hinrich.

And THE WORST is Dwyane Whistle. I'm not even gonna speak on yesterday's crane kick incident. How about everyone's favorite dunk from last year when he dunk on Varejao... yeah, no one seems to notice that he performs a Heisman on Varejao as well. Oh, nevermind, you can use your off hand to create space on the defender mid-air, as long as you're popular.

I've seen numerous writers already talking about the discrepancy with the fouls in yesterdays MIA/PHIL game. Everywhere but HeatSPN.

This whole post had me literally in tears
I couldn't have said it better myself. Also, there are a lot of arrogant heat fans in here that are in denial. Get your head out of your butts. NBA is aabout as fair and balanced as fox news.
Originally Posted by doyung9

As a fan of neither Rose, LeBron, nor Wade, it's the Heat "fans" (you guys hated LeBron last year, don't even try it) that are the ones butt hurt.

I think Rose isn't as good as being heralded, but the kid gets to the rim and draws contact. DRAWS CONTACT, meaning forces defenders to foul him to stop him.

Meanwhile, LeBron James will just barrel over anyone in his path and be given the foul or he'll be sneezed on and then act like he's been whipped with Hollywood Hulk Hogan's weight belt and flail to the ground. Mind you, this might be while said 6'9 275 pound LeBron is being guarded by 190 pound Kirk Hinrich.

And THE WORST is Dwyane Whistle. I'm not even gonna speak on yesterday's crane kick incident. How about everyone's favorite dunk from last year when he dunk on Varejao... yeah, no one seems to notice that he performs a Heisman on Varejao as well. Oh, nevermind, you can use your off hand to create space on the defender mid-air, as long as you're popular.

I've seen numerous writers already talking about the discrepancy with the fouls in yesterdays MIA/PHIL game. Everywhere but HeatSPN.

This whole post had me literally in tears
I couldn't have said it better myself. Also, there are a lot of arrogant heat fans in here that are in denial. Get your head out of your butts. NBA is aabout as fair and balanced as fox news.
Originally Posted by JordanDon23

Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

Originally Posted by WILLINC

It is funny how its ok if Rose gets to the line, but somehow when Miami does its a travesty.

whaaaa whaaaaaa

wade flops, rose doesnt...end of discussion.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Nice to see the Miami Heat fans discovered where their stadium was just in time for the playoffs...coincidence?[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You concerned bout when ppl going to the games on time now...U wanna tell them what to drink during the game too??[/color]
is not about being late, whenever there's a regular season game on tv that arena is never a packed house . don't get butt hurt son, i'm just pointing out how big of bandwagon jumpers heat fans are. $@#+, heat fans wouldnt sell out games even if yall had dream team 1 playing for the heat.
Originally Posted by JordanDon23

Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

Originally Posted by WILLINC

It is funny how its ok if Rose gets to the line, but somehow when Miami does its a travesty.

whaaaa whaaaaaa

wade flops, rose doesnt...end of discussion.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Nice to see the Miami Heat fans discovered where their stadium was just in time for the playoffs...coincidence?[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You concerned bout when ppl going to the games on time now...U wanna tell them what to drink during the game too??[/color]
is not about being late, whenever there's a regular season game on tv that arena is never a packed house . don't get butt hurt son, i'm just pointing out how big of bandwagon jumpers heat fans are. $@#+, heat fans wouldnt sell out games even if yall had dream team 1 playing for the heat.
miamib30514 wrote:
1 game in and the crybabies/haters/apologists emerge.

The fact that good players can get deep in the paint (rose,wade,lebron)

and your favorite player isn't fast enough or smart enough to stop moves

that those guys have been doing their whole career (wade's pump that everyone falls for)

means the refs have an agenda or you would do a better job then them. TAKE BIAS OUT PEOPLE,

if you are quick enough to drive past your man to them you are getting hacked. If we really wanted to be critical

Rose and Lebron get fouled on EVERY drive but dont get the call EVERY time. Kobe is too slow now to get to the rim at will

that's why yall mad?

These new-found Heat fans are a joke. Everyone saw what happened on Saturday but you guys.
miamib30514 wrote:
1 game in and the crybabies/haters/apologists emerge.

The fact that good players can get deep in the paint (rose,wade,lebron)

and your favorite player isn't fast enough or smart enough to stop moves

that those guys have been doing their whole career (wade's pump that everyone falls for)

means the refs have an agenda or you would do a better job then them. TAKE BIAS OUT PEOPLE,

if you are quick enough to drive past your man to them you are getting hacked. If we really wanted to be critical

Rose and Lebron get fouled on EVERY drive but dont get the call EVERY time. Kobe is too slow now to get to the rim at will

that's why yall mad?

These new-found Heat fans are a joke. Everyone saw what happened on Saturday but you guys.
Originally Posted by Juice2352

Bill Simmons
Looking at Game 1's: Indy-Chi FT disparity seems fair, Bulls had many more higher FGA # within 10 feet. http://tinyurl.com/3u9mgoa

On the other hand...

Bill Simmons
Mia-Phi = bizarre. Phi had 35 FGA inside 10 ft; Mia had 25. Mia had 13 more rebs. FT's should not be 39-15 Mia. http://tinyurl.com/3hlkhdn
Didn't even need to see those stats to know. I watched every minute of both games. Indy shot jumpers all day, especially in the second half (when Granger went bonkers from 18+ feet). You don't get foul calls playing that way. Wade just kept drawing his cheap jump-into-the-defender crap.
Originally Posted by Juice2352

Bill Simmons
Looking at Game 1's: Indy-Chi FT disparity seems fair, Bulls had many more higher FGA # within 10 feet. http://tinyurl.com/3u9mgoa

On the other hand...

Bill Simmons
Mia-Phi = bizarre. Phi had 35 FGA inside 10 ft; Mia had 25. Mia had 13 more rebs. FT's should not be 39-15 Mia. http://tinyurl.com/3hlkhdn
Didn't even need to see those stats to know. I watched every minute of both games. Indy shot jumpers all day, especially in the second half (when Granger went bonkers from 18+ feet). You don't get foul calls playing that way. Wade just kept drawing his cheap jump-into-the-defender crap.
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