. Dude a lot of census data has latinos identifying themselves as white

I will attempt to explain it for you. I can only speak for myself but no I don't expect them to identify as white or black nor do I need them to if they identify as Latina and or Afro - Latina that is cool with me. But at the same time a lot of people in this country would treat them as either white or black just based off of their complexion alone and never ask what they would prefer to identify as and be treated as.

Thats what I was explaining here

And in this post i explained part of why this is the case in America.

And this was touched on the article I posted a page or two back....some people will group you based on the complexion of your skin, what I'm defending here is SELF-IDENTIFICATION....tell my wife she's black and she will correct you and tell you she's LATINA...same goes for her fair-skinned sister....can't help the way outsiders will view you....but nobody has the right to tell you how you should identify yourself.
View media item 1993318

My wife doesn't identify as black and my sisternlaw doesn't identify as white, she has fair skin and green eyes...

They identify as Latina women.

Coming from the same parents....you guys expect one to identify as black while the other identifies as white?...someone explain this to me...
They really don't need to identify as either.

The cops will do that if they ever fit the description of 2 female suspects; one white, one black.
And this was touched on the article I posted a page or two back....some people will group you based on the complexion of your skin, what I'm defending here is SELF-IDENTIFICATION....tell my wife she's black and she will correct you and tell you she's LATINA...same goes for her fair-skinned sister....can't help the way outsiders will view you....but nobody has the right to tell you how you should identify yourself.
They really don't need to identify as either.

The cops will do that if they ever fit the description of 2 female suspects; one white, one black.

They can do that, based on the inside info I just gave ya, will they be right to do so?....hell no...how is it possible two sisters from the same parents be two different races...lmao

That's what happens with Latinos, we are a damn sancocho, you can't just put a race label on us based solely off our complexion...lol
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White latino
black latino
mix latino
mulatto latino
mestizo latino.
Asian latino

Couldn't we all just be classified as just latino? Do we really need a sub-category to a sub-category. I mean we can carry on forever with these labels. I just want to be labeled a latino, and I wish not to be categorized any further than that.

Da census answered you call...all these other folks just projecting their bias on us latinos cuz we dont segregate to their liking...
My dad is a white supremacist so knowing the enormous amount of ignorance that comes out of his mouth, I want to be as far removed from that as possible. As a white person, I think it's our duty to properly educate ourselves on racism, its effect on society and help fix the problem in any way we can. That's the least we can do. There's a lot of white people who don't even acknowledge there's a problem in the first place. By remaining ignorant about racism they're just contributing to the problem.

Based on some your responses I can see why based on your description of pops. Maybe it's in you too without you knowing it...trapped in your DNA.

And this was touched on the article I posted a page or two back....some people will group you based on the complexion of your skin, what I'm defending here is SELF-IDENTIFICATION....tell my wife she's black and she will correct you and tell you she's LATINA...same goes for her fair-skinned sister....can't help the way outsiders will view you....but nobody has the right to tell you how you should identify yourself.

Why not? Why should anyone have to abide by labels that they do not concede too?
Ironically enough a lot of you are just as ruined by this color caste system as te same people you hate....seriously....so caught up in labeling people by the color of their skin.
I will attempt to explain it for you. I can only speak for myself but no I don't expect them to identify as white or black nor do I need them to if they identify as Latina and or Afro - Latina that is cool with me. But at the same time a lot of people in this country would treat them as either white or black just based off of their complexion alone and never ask what they would prefer to identify as and be treated as.

Thats what I was explaining here

And in this post i explained part of why this is the case in America.
And this was touched on the article I posted a page or two back....some people will group you based on the complexion of your skin, what I'm defending here is SELF-IDENTIFICATION....tell my wife she's black and she will correct you and tell you she's LATINA...same goes for her fair-skinned sister....can't help the way outsiders will view you....but nobody has the right to tell you how you should identify yourself.
I agree, what someones self identification is important and should be respected, you are right no one has the right to tell someone what they identify as. And no you can't help what outsiders view you as but you cant ignore it either because unfortunately peoples opinions and actions can have an effect on someones else life whether they want them to or not and thats what I'm talking about.

Ive known dark skinned latino people who identify as latino but at the same time they understand their darker skin has affected their life experience because people treated them as black (being followed in a store because people think you are stealing).

Ive known light skinned latino people who identify as latino but at the same time they understand their life experiences have been different than a darker skin latino person because they understand people treat them as if they where white based off of their complexion even though they don't consider themselves white (not being followed in a store because they think they are stealing)

You get what I'm saying?
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And this was touched on the article I posted a page or two back....some people will group you based on the complexion of your skin, what I'm defending here is SELF-IDENTIFICATION....tell my wife she's black and she will correct you and tell you she's LATINA...same goes for her fair-skinned sister....can't help the way outsiders will view you....but nobody has the right to tell you how you should identify yourself.

Why not? Why should anyone have to abide by labels that they do not concede too?

Da answer is we dont.

Da census was sensitive to our needs as hispanic/latinos and adjusted accordingly...

My wife doesn't identify as black and my sisternlaw doesn't identify as white, she has fair skin and green eyes...

They identify as Latina women.

Coming from the same parents....you guys expect one to identify as black while the other identifies as white?...someone explain this to me...
I find it AMAZING how you always figure out a way to post a picture of you and/or your wife in a thread. Never change
I agree, what someones self identification is important and should be respected, you are right no one has the right to tell someone what they identify as. And no you can't help what outsiders view you as but you cant ignore it either because unfortunately peoples opinions and actions can have an effect on someones else life whether they want them to or not and thats what I'm talking about.

Ive known dark skinned latino people who identify as latino but at the same time they understand their darker skin has affected their life experience because people treated them as black (being followed in a store because people think you are stealing).

Ive known light skinned latino people who identify as latino but at the same time they understand their life experiences have been different than a darker skin latino person because they understand people treat them as if they where white based off of their complexion even though they don't consider themselves white (not being followed in a store because they think they are stealing)

You get what I'm saying?

100% a light skinned Latino cannot deny white privilege and a dark skinned Latino can't deny racial injustice.

Which legit puts us in an even more ***** up position
They really don't need to identify as either.

The cops will do that if they ever fit the description of 2 female suspects; one white, one black.

They can do that, based on the inside info I just gave ya, will they be right to do so?....hell no...how is it possible two sisters from the same parents be two different races...lmao
That's the thing though. That inside info is largely irrelevant to society.

They see black skin, you're black. They see white skin, you're white. The variations are few in far between when it comes to society telling you what you are and that is sometimes left for Asians, Middle Eastern, and Hispanics but that's for those who clearly look it.

When you out in the streets with ya wife, strangers probably think you with a black woman b. You can't tell everybody her background :lol:
That's what happens with Latinos, we are a damn sancocho, you can't just put a race label on us based solely off our complexion...lol
That's the thing though they can.

I see a lot of silly deflections or tangents being brought up like Charlize Theron being African American. Yeah she is but that's just blurring labels with political correctness.

As long as ppl want this short hand of labeling and identifying ppl, ya wife black and her sister white. I think you're forgetting race is a social construct. In it's simplest terms it's based off of your complexion (it's why some black ppl have been able to pass for white in rare cases).

Blame white ppl and the white supremacist movement for the way things are.
That's the thing though. That inside info is largely irrelevant to society.

They see black skin, you're black. They see white skin, you're white. The variations are few in far between when it comes to society telling you what you are and that is sometimes left for Asians, Middle Eastern, and Hispanics but that's for those who clearly look it.

When you out in the streets with ya wife, strangers probably think you with a black woman b. You can't tell everybody her background :lol:
That's the thing though they can.

I see a lot of silly deflections or tangents being brought up like Charlize Theron being African American. Yeah she is but that's just blurring labels with political correctness.

As long as ppl want this short hand of labeling and identifying ppl, ya wife black and her sister white. I think you're forgetting race is a social construct. In it's simplest terms it's based off of your complexion (it's why some black ppl have been able to pass for white in rare cases).

Blame white ppl and the white supremacist movement for the way things are.

But a dark skinned Latino ya allllll know is LATINO, is telling ya he identifies as LATINO and you guys knowing this, want him to identify as BLACK...

Let ninja rock with his Latino pride man....lol
- If you were born in the United States, you're not Latino. You're American, and your skin color would classify you as "black".

Please expound. How about if you were born to Latino parents, in America, would that child be American?

My parents were both born in Mexico. My father's side never mixed with natives and my mothers side has native blood in them. I am a chicano. A mexican born in the United States. That's what I am. When it comes to jobs I fill out hispanic or latin, but in real life I say Chicano.

I was born in Panama (Army Brat) to Black Americans, I am not Panamanian.

Yeah I dunno what type of logic DOPENESS is on, your heritage doesn't stem from where you were physically born but where your bloodline comes from...some people are born on planes in the middle of nowhere...da hell they supposed to classify as...?

So my father was born in Mexico but is of European descent. He doesn't look Mexican and people often think he's Portuguese. His family has lived in Mexico for 5 generations, what does that make him?

Btw Steezy, can we please get some info on your sister in law?
I agree, what someones self identification is important and should be respected, you are right no one has the right to tell someone what they identify as. And no you can't help what outsiders view you as but you cant ignore it either because unfortunately peoples opinions and actions can have an effect on someones else life whether they want them to or not and thats what I'm talking about.

Ive known dark skinned latino people who identify as latino but at the same time they understand their darker skin has affected their life experience because people treated them as black (being followed in a store because people think you are stealing).

Ive known light skinned latino people who identify as latino but at the same time they understand their life experiences have been different than a darker skin latino person because they understand people treat them as if they where white based off of their complexion even though they don't consider themselves white (not being followed in a store because they think they are stealing)

You get what I'm saying?

100% a light skinned Latino cannot deny white privilege and a dark skinned Latino can't deny racial injustice.

Which legit puts us in an even more ***** up position

Cool cool. Yeah man that's all I was trying to say is that the race people view you as even if it's not the one you identify as which should be respected can have a major affect on someone's life experiences in our racialaized country. It's sucks but it's true unfortunately. And I think people should just be aware of and prepared for that.
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Yes to cops he's black, to strangers he's black...you can't go based off misinformed labels...I've been confused for middle eastern more than I can count....I'm not gonna label myself middle eastern because society groups me as one based off my features and appearance, I'm *****in Latino and every chance I get I speak my language to make sure no one confuses me for anything else.
Yes to cops he's black, to strangers he's black...you can't go based off misinformed labels...I've been confused for middle eastern more than I can count....I'm not gonna label myself middle eastern because society groups me as one based off my features and appearance, I'm *****in Latino and every chance I get I speak my language to make sure no one confuses me for anything else.
Yes to cops he's black, to strangers he's black...you can't go based off misinformed labels...I've been confused for middle eastern more than I can count....I'm not gonna label myself middle eastern because society groups me as one based off my features and appearance, I'm *****in Latino and every chance I get I speak my language to make sure no one confuses me for anything else.
I think folks are trying to say that RACE is determined by the eye test.
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