^That'd be me :rofl: The question has been answered. It's not him in his avy, he has never posted his pic on NT. It's a rhetorical question at this point so you're right I am trolling and will stop. My apologies. We all know he's full of **** and makes up stories any way so I'm beating a dead horse. My bad.

all g homie - I have no issues with you either...I mean it is an online forum. trolling, sarcasm, and wit is part of it - but let's be real...are we really shocked that people lie, attention-seek, or need affirmation on an online community board?

it just seems everyone gets so worked up, appalled, and surprised when people actually see things differently lol

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DOPENESS bruh....you doing way too much posting throwback pics of ninja man....pics of him visiting his pops in prison, pics of his moms in her youth...we been on NT long enough to know that you are baiting and hoping someone comes along and starts PSing those pics...which is not nice man....you can prove your point without having to post that ***
So, let me break this down for readers who may randomly land on this sneaker forum and are unfamiliar with the Niketalk eco-system:  the process below is called "framing", where faceless users with no historical background information, somehow have people who agree with their mental assessment of other users. I know you may be wondering,  in the age of Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or Snapchat why hide your face?

Now mind you, if you're sane and logically like I am, you would ask "how can they make accusations about anyone, online?" Faceless at that.  

Let's be real for a second (and I'm still EXCLUSIVELY leaving this message for random readers who haven't signed up for NT),

1. They're either a system of control employed by this forum's staff to steer the conversation into a space which reflect's Niketalk's "brand".
2. Users who know each other offline and like they've admitted in this thread are themselves "trollin'"
3. Actual individuals who clearly have social anxiety, are afraid to be open and share their worldview for the sake of discussion.

Now this brings us to the fun part. Where you were doing a search, and search engines lead you to this thread. Or you're familiar with Niketalk but not the peculiar eco-system of "General", however, you end up in this thread.

The thread starter whose MOTHER is of Dominican descent, despises black-American ideologies of race. However he's a well known hypebeast, an avid sneaker collector who loves hip-hop music and African American Vernacular English (AVEE). Yet he doesn't identify with his black skin complexion which is scientifically proven to be because of his 85% African ancestry. He frustratingly responds to me blatantly and indirectly post for post the last 10 pages.

Now on page 15-16 after I've posted nothing but facts, as any sane person would, I'm now being told that that's considered "trolling". However, the thread starter has the ability to do a Google Image search on a specific test census from over five years ago AND even rename the img tag. He does this omitting any acknowledgement of his black heritage (an ongoing recognized shtick), yet he's exempt by these faceless users of "trolling" accusations. 

Oddly, me leaving nothing but valuable information over five pages which you can read for yourself, somehow transforms into me being "obsessive", "needing mental help", "attention seeking" and jabs at fashion sense which isn't even mine but another user they've mistaken me for. Keep it mind these are "faceless" users with ZERO verifiable background, even on a superficial level. The same ones claiming "it's not that serious".

Even typing this out I'm almost laughing out loud at the audacity of these mysterious self-righteous users. The internet is "not that serious", yet you keep returning to a race thread to express your discontent for me posting NOTHING but facts.

I need mental help, and I'm attention seeking yet I consciously haven't answers a couple of derailing responses. Keep in mind they've attempted to get my attention several times, as part of this "framing" so that I can be the one accused to "derailing" this thread.

A quick read which would take about 15-20 minutes would demonstrate that these user have contributed nothing of value to this thread. Not even their flawed mental assessment claiming I need to seek help, or I'm some sort of school shooter 

Their next tactic is to create a flurry chaotic responses. Figuratively it would look like a school of piranhas eating their prey in shallow waters; to the point that YOU the random reader would be deterred from investigating and reading for yourself just how preposterous it all looks if this thread is read in its entirety.

....so recap, if I post facts, and offer to pay for a $50 DNA test on a sneaker forum where average uses have purchased a basketball shoe in upward of $250, and flaunt their wealth and "good jobs" daily, "I'm taking it too seriously".

But these same users, can accuse someone they've never met of having a "school shooter" mentality, and they're the ANONYMOUS users.
A far more serious actuation than paying for a registered DNA test with a traceable credit card. 

Although I've only quoted five preposterous responses, there's more. Yet they claim I'm "attention seeking" 

It's not healthy to be this obsessed with someone that you don't even know. Dude talking bout he would pay for ninjahood's DNA test like it was ever that serious.

Seek help honestly.
If Dopeness isn't trolling then he's not all there in the head.
Getting a potential schoolshooter vibe from his posts
this is his shtick he's corny at this point honestly

he's literally been trying for days to create a thread that would get him some attention oddly enough they involved ninja too
isn't he the dude that posted a wdywt pic of a flannel wrapped backwards around his waist like a kilt?
There's clearly something wrong with him. For his sake we should collectively ignore him and don't feed his attention seeking behavior.
I'm gonna assume ya'll don't realize that's Nomad, he lives completely inside his head.
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So, let me break this down for readers who may randomly land on this sneaker forum and are unfamiliar with the Niketalk eco-system:  the process below is called "framing", where faceless users with no historical background information, somehow have people who agree with their mental assessment of other users. I know you may be wondering,  in the age of Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or Snapchat why hide your face?

Now mind you, if you're sane and logically like I am, you would ask "how can they make accusations about anyone, online?" Faceless at that.  

Let's be real for a second (and I'm still EXCLUSIVELY leaving this message for random readers who haven't signed up for NT),

1. They're either a system of control employed by this forum's staff to steer the conversation into a space which reflect's Niketalk's "brand".

2. Users who know each other offline and like they've admitted in this thread are themselves "trollin'"

3. Actual individuals who clearly have social anxiety, are afraid to be open and share their worldview for the sake of discussion.

Now this brings us to the fun part. Where you were doing a search, and search engines lead you to this thread. Or you're familiar with Niketalk but not the peculiar eco-system of "General", however, you end up in this thread.

The thread starter whose MOTHER is of Dominican descent, despises black-American ideologies of race. However he's a well known hypebeast, an avid sneaker collector who loves hip-hop music and African American Vernacular English (AVEE). Yet he doesn't identify with his black skin complexion which is scientifically proven to be because of his 85% African ancestry. He frustratingly responds to me blatantly and indirectly post for post the last 10 pages.

Now on page 15-16 after I've posted nothing but facts, as any sane person would, I'm now being told that that's considered "trolling". However, the thread starter has the ability to do a Google Image search on a specific test census from over five years ago AND even rename the img tag. He does this omitting any acknowledgement of his black heritage (an ongoing recognized shtick), yet he's exempt by these faceless users of "trolling" accusations. 

Oddly, me leaving nothing but valuable information over five pages which you can read for yourself, somehow transforms into me being "obsessive", "needing mental help", "attention seeking" and jabs at fashion sense which isn't even mine but another user they've mistaken me for. Keep it mind these are "faceless" users with ZERO verifiable background, even on a superficial level. The same ones claiming "it's not that serious".

Even typing this out I'm almost laughing out loud at the audacity of these mysterious self-righteous users. The internet is "not that serious", yet you keep returning to a race thread to express your discontent for me posting NOTHING but facts.

I need mental help, and I'm attention seeking yet I consciously haven't answers a couple of derailing responses. Keep in mind they've attempted to get my attention several times, as part of this "framing" so that I can be the one accused to "derailing" this thread.

A quick read which would take about 15-20 would demonstrate that these user have contributed nothing of value to this thread. Not even their flawed mental assessment claiming I need to seek help, or I'm some sort of school shooter :lol: .

Their next tactic is to create a flurry chaotic responses. Figuratively it would look like a school of piranhas eating their prey in shallow waters; to the point that YOU the random reader would be deterred from investigating and reading for yourself just how preposterous it all looks if this thread is read in its entirety.

....so recap, if I post facts, and offer to pay for a $50 DNA test on a sneaker forum where average uses have purchased a basketball shoe in upward of $250, and flaunt their wealth and "good jobs" daily, "I'm taking it too seriously".

But these same users, can accuse someone they've never met of having a "school shooter" mentality, and they're ANONYMOUS. A far more serious actuation than paying for a registered DNA test with a traceable credit. >D

Although I've only quoted five preposterous responses, there's more. Yet they claim I'm "attention seeking" :lol:


Who's the owner of this mans?
But is that one of the personas? When dopeness popped up he was this pro humanity deep thinker type guy who was promoting positivity etc :lol:
But is that one of the personas? When dopeness popped up he was this pro humanity deep thinker type guy who was promoting positivity etc :lol:

He has quite a few personas, that's Nomad. I actually read his posts when he's on the level, but that's rare and usually towards the first days of his screennames. No matter what name he comes back on, the progression is the same. Starts off normal enough, then he's not getting enough attention so now he has imaginary NT attackers, Meth included, then it all goes off the rail to coocoo fantasy land. And i'm not poking fun at dudes mental issues, but it is what it is.
But is that one of the personas? When dopeness popped up he was this pro humanity deep thinker type guy who was promoting positivity etc :lol:
That was all a facade playing off his last SN; Freedmind with the Morpheus avy.

Sillyputty and all of his past SNs were never on that **** :lol: He was pretty cynical. Never fronted like he was suicidal either. Didn't waste time telling stories either.
So we're clear what's happening next, let me narrate; 

Here comes the so called "inquisitive" piranhas, who are gonna try a piece together MY IDENTITY, but remember, they say "the internet is not that serious". Yet these faceless piranhas will have information on deck to concoct a backstory which will paint me in a negative light to where it's a free for all attack on my character...watch:
Is Nomad sillyputty?
Who's the owner of this mans?

Sillyputty was never some crazy starved for attention dude. Just a pro-black atheist and Drake fan.
But is that one of the personas? When dopeness popped up he was this pro humanity deep thinker type guy who was promoting positivity etc



1. a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

"it will be a forum for consumers to exchange their views on medical research"

synonyms: meeting, assembly, gathering, rally, conference, seminar, convention, symposium, colloquium, caucus; informalget-together; formal colloquy

"forums were held for staff to air grievances" setting, place, scene, context, stage, framework, backdrop; medium, means, apparatus, auspices

"a forum for discussion"

So we're clear...because my views and opinions present a fresh or unconventional outlook, I'm consider "attention seeking" and I'm trying "steal the show" because it may require dusting off school text books or using Google to keep up. They're basically jealous because they're incapable of carrying on an intelligent fact filled conversation, free of insults, accusations and targeting users like me.

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But is that one of the personas? When dopeness popped up he was this pro humanity deep thinker type guy who was promoting positivity etc
He has quite a few personas, that's Nomad. I actually read his posts when he's on the level, but that's rare and usually towards the first days of his screennames. No matter what name he comes back on, the progression is the same. Starts off normal enough, then he's not getting enough attention so now he has imaginary NT attackers, Meth included, then it all goes off the rail to coocoo fantasy land. And i'm not poking fun at dudes mental issues, but it is what it is.
Yup. Nomad always exposes himself. Seemingly good new poster comes along and you're blissfully ignorant until the cracks appear in the facade and you go "Oh it's him again." but you don't mind cuz he's cool, but before you know it he's posting conspiracies against him.
Nomad and the entirety of Niketalk would both be much better off if his new accounts were banned on sight

He won't have to put up with this perceived persecution and the community will be alleviated of his narcissistic rants

Son has 99% of Nomad's characteristics and still playing dumb :lol:
Da authentication is in da custard b
On-topic: I wouldn't trust a $50 dna test
My doctors are charging me over $2000 for a DNA test of 1 single gene.
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