Sidenote: I worked for the 2010 census collecting and inputting data as well in the South Bronx.

Are u understanding that da way da census collects information has now been updated from 2010? Because of this.

What makes the housing stats wrong and da census right (we've gone over at nauseum the hypocrisy in da census)?

Didn't say it was wrong. I'm hinting these two don't seem to correlate with each other. The hypocrisy as far as NT goes, is the title of races. I can't speak for the stats. Not to mention, we all know darkskinned Latinos don't exactly get the same roll of the dice with money. Which is why they may need NYCHA assistance in the first place.
A lot of the "intellectual" posters I here are just self-imposing and bully in at this point.

It's interesting because you never hear them talk about their own identity or beliefs but rather just judge other condescendingly under the guise of "trolling" or "keeping it real"
What makes the housing stats wrong and da census right (we've gone over at nauseum the hypocrisy in da census)?
Didn't say it was wrong. I'm hinting these two don't seem to correlate with each other. The hypocrisy as far as NT goes, is the title of races. I can't speak for the stats. Not to mention, we all know darkskinned Latinos don't exactly get the same roll of the dice with money. Which is why they may need NYCHA assistance in the first place.
They don't, and that's the issue. A part of me thinks that the fact that these definitions are so broad and vague are not unintentional.
This whole time that IS what you been trying to get at though right?
That Latinos are racist...

I mean if we going to be real out here...lets be real.

He got one part of the mission completed on NT. He still needs to get NH to admit he's black. He can then ascend to the next level of master troll in Satanism.

I'm kidding Anton

sort of
Sidenote: I worked for the 2010 census collecting and inputting data as well in the South Bronx.
Are u understanding that da way da census collects information has now been updated from 2010? Because of this.

I'm not implying that I'm an expert on the topic now. I just want you and everyone else to know that I'm not completely oblivious to these things. On the contrary actually. I spend 8+ hours a day working on and thinking about these things and have for the last 6+ years.

Would you like to respond to the raw statistics that I posted here, or are you going to keep speaking in this condescending tone as if you have all the answers. I have conceded that I'm not an expert. I just want to understand all perspectives. You seem more interested on defending your own.
A lot of the "intellectual" posters I here are just self-imposing and bully in at this point.

It's interesting because you never hear them talk about their own identity or beliefs but rather just judge other condescendingly under the guise of "trolling" or "keeping it real"

He also puts white women on a pedestal.
Been called an Uncle Tom numerous times on NT.

No less hard headed or willing to see a different point of view than the same NTers he's attacking so hard.

He's nothing more than a Nigerian NH.
They don't, and that's the issue. A part of me thinks that the fact that these definitions are so broad and vague are not unintentional.

I really don't get the need to "measure" people's Race, Ethnicity on a government level. Then I learned about "redlining" last year. :smh:
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Nycha uses da now OUTDATED model that da census from 2010 used...


When da 2020 census rolls out ALL government agencies will use this model..federal supersedes state & city.


Because its more accurate in capturing Hispanics/latinos, which da vast majority of them (me included) checked "some other race" instead of checking white or black.
They don't, and that's the issue. A part of me thinks that the fact that these definitions are so broad and vague are not unintentional.

I really don't get the need to "measure" peoples Race, Ethnicity on a government level. Then I learned about "redlining" last year. :smh:

I wouldn't even enter my race on any of these things, especially on something from NYCHA.
It's just another way for them to decide where it is that they'll put us.

I'd leave that **** blank and let them be surprised when I show up.
These agencies going to be biased anyways...Ima make them work for that ****.
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or are you going to keep speaking in this condescending tone as if you have all the answers

:lol: :smh: read da pewreserch articles i posted.. There's nothing else for me to say..da US government has laid it ALL out there.
I wouldn't even enter my race on any of these things, especially on something from NYCHA.
It's just another way for them to decide where it is that they'll put us.

I'd leave that **** blank and let them be surprised when I show up.
These agencies going to be biased anyways...Ima make them work for that ****.

That's why when you apply for a mortgage. The loan officer has to mark in what he sees in front of him. The lender wants to know exactly what Race he's lending money to. Disgusting.
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They don't, and that's the issue. A part of me thinks that the fact that these definitions are so broad and vague are not unintentional.

I really don't get the need to "measure" peoples Race, Ethnicity on a government level. Then I learned about "redlining" last year.
I wouldn't even enter my race on any of these things, especially on something from NYCHA.
It's just another way for them to decide where it is that they'll put us.

I'd leave that **** blank and let them be surprised when I show up.
These agencies going to be biased anyways...Ima make them work for that ****.
I can assure you, from the inside, that plays no factor in determining where to place people.

People are given options, general from 1-2 boroughs. They just tend to choose neighborhoods that they're comfortable in/with, which has a lot to do with the ethnic makeup of the neighborhood.

But I agree. I avoid answering a lot of those questions simply because of the way they're posed. The way we see race/ethnicity and separate ourselves is flawed.
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So you're just going to discredit the numbers instead of responding to them head on.

I'm not discrediting the numbers at all. I believe that hey are what you say they are.

I admit and accept that there is still a lot of racism within my own Hispanic culture. I'm not painting a pretty picture about the racism in my people at all.
It DOES exist.

The point of my post is that personally speaking I try to avoid checking any of those boxes when I'm filling out some form or survey. I know there's racial undertones for why they want to collect the information they are trying to collect.
So my decision in my personal life, is to not give it to these corrupt agencies so easily.

In no way am I trying to run from the problem as much as I'm trying to give the white man the middle finger.
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So you're just going to discredit the numbers instead of responding to them head on.

Do you understand that that did chose white are black did some because many felt were compelled to?


This article explains why.

Im trying to explain it to you as blunt and as straight to da point as possible.

Im not trying to talk to you any other way, dog whistle, condescending, "w/e" tone..throw that **** out da window..just read da articles.
So you're just going to discredit the numbers instead of responding to them head on.
I'm not discrediting the numbers at all. I believe that hey are what you say they are.

I admit and accept that there is still a lot of racism within my own Hispanic culture. I'm not painting a pretty picture about the racism in my people at all.
It DOES exist.

The point of my post is that personally speaking I try to avoid checking any of those boxes when I'm filling out some form or survey. I know there's racial undertones for why they want to collect the information they are trying to collect.
So my decision in my personal life, is to not give it to these corrupt agencies so easily.

In no way am I trying to run from the problem as much as I'm trying to give the white man the middle finger.
Nah, I 100% agree with you. I didn't mean to direct that to you...that was for ninjahood.
At this point? Anton & co trollin...i post pewresearch articles on why da census was changed for da upcoming 2020 because MOST hispanics chose "some other race" instead of choosing white or black...i posted references of people making distinctions between being african american & latin american because black & african American in da US are used interchangeably..

I posted rappers, athletes, celebs, etc. Who are are self described ½ black & ½ hispanic/latino by way of puerto rico..

Everyone & everything outside NT subscribes to this, da United States Government & Major League being da biggest honest arbiter.

At this point there's nothing else left to talk about it.
So you are backing the U.S. government now that they recognize Hispanic as a race? I guess the ends justifies the means, but I would rather be recognized out of genuine recognition as opposed to increasing census response. 

That's not even mentioning the fact that "white" is the most ridiculous "race" on the form.
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