I will never tip at a restaraunt ever again.

Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

reevaluate your actions.
But you're doing the exact same thing

oh, the other 17 pages of my on topic posts then 3 pages of me responding to flames is the same thing as clicking on a post specifically because my screenname, which is grey, is the "last post by", ONLY to come in and not have a debate about the topic or what ive said about the topic, but to give a personal opinion on me, a stranger they've never met?



Originally Posted by StillIn729

I went to Penn State (43rd in the world) vs. Ohio State (124th in the world) so yeah I'm upset that my business degree not only crapped on your english degree, it also crapped on your school...anything else?

a.) so why are you upset?

b.) penn state business degree? look at you, big balling...posting on NT about your crush on me at 11:48 on a thursday morning......while you have the 43rd best business degree on the planet...

 @ "my business degree crapped"


i guess this is another one of those "L's" i take in every thread, huh?


this dude said 43rd in the world


you reply with childish remarks because you have nothing relevant to say, couple quick facts and you revert to acting like a 7 yr old...take the L before you hit your post limit again, it's not even noon 
Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

reevaluate your actions.
But you're doing the exact same thing

oh, the other 17 pages of my on topic posts then 3 pages of me responding to flames is the same thing as clicking on a post specifically because my screenname, which is grey, is the "last post by", ONLY to come in and not have a debate about the topic or what ive said about the topic, but to give a personal opinion on me, a stranger they've never met?



Originally Posted by StillIn729

I went to Penn State (43rd in the world) vs. Ohio State (124th in the world) so yeah I'm upset that my business degree not only crapped on your english degree, it also crapped on your school...anything else?

a.) so why are you upset?

b.) penn state business degree? look at you, big balling...posting on NT about your crush on me at 11:48 on a thursday morning......while you have the 43rd best business degree on the planet...

 @ "my business degree crapped"


i guess this is another one of those "L's" i take in every thread, huh?


this dude said 43rd in the world


you reply with childish remarks because you have nothing relevant to say, couple quick facts and you revert to acting like a 7 yr old...take the L before you hit your post limit again, it's not even noon 
Originally Posted by killaCAM237

Originally Posted by Degenerate423

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

And that is what OP is saying. People expect to get tipped. They feel entitled, even though they might not have earned it. Why is someone viewed as a bad person if their service was piss-poor and they didn't tip? I don't understand that approach at all. I thought it was supposed to be something EARNED.

As OP said, people tip a lot of times just so they won't be "that person."

I feel many people forget this.  I understand that some waiters/waitresses can have bad days or be too busy that they may not get to you immediately, but at least be polite and act like your parents raised you right.  I'll be damned if someone isn't going to refill my drinks or leave me waiting to order, and expect me to leave even a 15% tip.  I have never worked as a waiter or busboy, but my friend has and he's a way more harsh tipper than I am.  People need to learn to deal with their emotions at the correct time and place, don't bring that *+%+ to me when I'm trying to sit down and have a nice meal with family/friends.  At the end of the day, if the service was alright then I'll consider leaving a 10-15% tip, but if it was bad then I'll leave $1 or $2 and keep it moving...

10-15% is trash. You are the prime example of people going back into the kitchen and being like damnit, black people are at it again. STAY THE %*++ AT HOME. Eat your cheap %@@ food and stay out of restaurants.

You are the reason this stereotype exists.

I know people in college that wear pins to work that say 10% don't pay the rent.
And that's my fault? In college I worked as well and no I didn't have to wait tables. I had a job on campus that paid $9.25/hr. It wasn't much but it was better than having to depend on tips so that I had money in my pocket. No one forces you to be a waiter especially in college. Like someone else said earlier, you want to brag to your friends that you pocketed $200 in one day of work. There are other jobs you can do as a student to make the same amount of money or more in a week's time.

How haven't you been banned for your comments yet? Animal.

however if i'm dealing with a crappy server then I'll either leave a minimal tip or nothing at all, your not entitled to a tip if your going to have a crappy attitude or lackluster service.

@killaCAM237 a server wearing a pin that says "10% don't pay the rent" is a bad look imo. It gives the perception that their entitled to a good tip regardless if the service is exceptional or not.
Originally Posted by killaCAM237

Originally Posted by Degenerate423

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

And that is what OP is saying. People expect to get tipped. They feel entitled, even though they might not have earned it. Why is someone viewed as a bad person if their service was piss-poor and they didn't tip? I don't understand that approach at all. I thought it was supposed to be something EARNED.

As OP said, people tip a lot of times just so they won't be "that person."

I feel many people forget this.  I understand that some waiters/waitresses can have bad days or be too busy that they may not get to you immediately, but at least be polite and act like your parents raised you right.  I'll be damned if someone isn't going to refill my drinks or leave me waiting to order, and expect me to leave even a 15% tip.  I have never worked as a waiter or busboy, but my friend has and he's a way more harsh tipper than I am.  People need to learn to deal with their emotions at the correct time and place, don't bring that *+%+ to me when I'm trying to sit down and have a nice meal with family/friends.  At the end of the day, if the service was alright then I'll consider leaving a 10-15% tip, but if it was bad then I'll leave $1 or $2 and keep it moving...

10-15% is trash. You are the prime example of people going back into the kitchen and being like damnit, black people are at it again. STAY THE %*++ AT HOME. Eat your cheap %@@ food and stay out of restaurants.

You are the reason this stereotype exists.

I know people in college that wear pins to work that say 10% don't pay the rent.
And that's my fault? In college I worked as well and no I didn't have to wait tables. I had a job on campus that paid $9.25/hr. It wasn't much but it was better than having to depend on tips so that I had money in my pocket. No one forces you to be a waiter especially in college. Like someone else said earlier, you want to brag to your friends that you pocketed $200 in one day of work. There are other jobs you can do as a student to make the same amount of money or more in a week's time.

How haven't you been banned for your comments yet? Animal.

however if i'm dealing with a crappy server then I'll either leave a minimal tip or nothing at all, your not entitled to a tip if your going to have a crappy attitude or lackluster service.

@killaCAM237 a server wearing a pin that says "10% don't pay the rent" is a bad look imo. It gives the perception that their entitled to a good tip regardless if the service is exceptional or not.
I work as a waiter n bartender. If you don't tip and you visit my spot often it's your loss in the end, trust. Ima get mine from all the other civilized people I take care of. It's not even about spitting on your food or giving you a bad experience. I just won't hook you up with discounted drinks, food or comp stuff. Next time u ask for something it's a no instead of trying to fulfill your requests. Ghetto/cheap people just make me laugh when I wait on them. So embarrassing.
I work as a waiter n bartender. If you don't tip and you visit my spot often it's your loss in the end, trust. Ima get mine from all the other civilized people I take care of. It's not even about spitting on your food or giving you a bad experience. I just won't hook you up with discounted drinks, food or comp stuff. Next time u ask for something it's a no instead of trying to fulfill your requests. Ghetto/cheap people just make me laugh when I wait on them. So embarrassing.
Originally Posted by socluis90

I work as a waiter n bartender. If you don't tip and you visit my spot often it's your loss in the end, trust. Ima get mine from all the other civilized people I take care of. It's not even about spitting on your food or giving you a bad experience. I just won't hook you up with discounted drinks, food or comp stuff. Next time u ask for something it's a no instead of trying to fulfill your requests. Ghetto/cheap people just make me laugh when I wait on them. So embarrassing.
Just say black because that is what everyone means by ghetto.
Originally Posted by socluis90

I work as a waiter n bartender. If you don't tip and you visit my spot often it's your loss in the end, trust. Ima get mine from all the other civilized people I take care of. It's not even about spitting on your food or giving you a bad experience. I just won't hook you up with discounted drinks, food or comp stuff. Next time u ask for something it's a no instead of trying to fulfill your requests. Ghetto/cheap people just make me laugh when I wait on them. So embarrassing.
Just say black because that is what everyone means by ghetto.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

10 posts ago...
he's just a troll who can't get enough, bashing people's colleges like he got his degree from MIT

.......yet another example of how cats on here have NO IDEA what a troll really is.

and they're trolls themselves....LOL

they STAY trolling me.....out of a PERSONAL vendetta....


Originally Posted by StillIn729

you reply with childish remarks because you have nothing relevant to say, couple quick facts and you revert to acting like a 7 yr old...take the L before you hit your post limit again, it's not even noon 
what do i need to say? you went to penn state, yay for you. i went to OSU, yay for me. we're both posting on NT at 12 noon on a weekday, what is your point? we both went to state universties, yay. i got a full ride, im not saying that as a challenge to you to prove you got one, but i did. do i care where you went to school at all? no. you cared so much about an offhand comment i made in response to you trying to degrade my education that you're bringing it up STILL and i dont even remember when or where i said it!

take what L? you have feelings towards me and im not going remember who you are after 20 minutes...

50 posts isnt nearly enough when you have 50 fans all individually expecting their own personalized response, boy.

Originally Posted by IamMD

You have an English degree....lol  

you live in AIDS and Heroin central...LOL
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

What are you contributing besides saying


The same stuff over and over again

and posting smiley faces


proof you dont read my posts and ONLY pay attention to the emoticons i post between thoughts...

i repeat myself cause nerds like you dont read what i type and ask the same questions or raise the same arguments ive already addressed.....

it's okay.

i dont need YOU, someone with an obvious personal bias against me, to tell me what i do or do not contribute

i get PMs like this almost daily
Didnt want to post in a thread because it would get misconstrued but your

posts are appreciated. I don't always agree but they are always informed opinions

and that is cool.

people quote me in their sigs....

i get tweets like "that baseball thread was

anytime im posting its on topic....

UNLESS, of course, im defending myself against devoted fans such as yourself...

i mean, you come into threads and say off topic %@$@ like "check out how he posts in the sports forum"

, an emoticon just for you. don't read the four lines of text above it, or after it, just focus on the moving picture.

you are offended by visible boxer shorts, why in the world would i care what you think about me?


   i wouldnt  hang out with you even if you were cool.....
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

10 posts ago...
he's just a troll who can't get enough, bashing people's colleges like he got his degree from MIT

.......yet another example of how cats on here have NO IDEA what a troll really is.

and they're trolls themselves....LOL

they STAY trolling me.....out of a PERSONAL vendetta....


Originally Posted by StillIn729

you reply with childish remarks because you have nothing relevant to say, couple quick facts and you revert to acting like a 7 yr old...take the L before you hit your post limit again, it's not even noon 
what do i need to say? you went to penn state, yay for you. i went to OSU, yay for me. we're both posting on NT at 12 noon on a weekday, what is your point? we both went to state universties, yay. i got a full ride, im not saying that as a challenge to you to prove you got one, but i did. do i care where you went to school at all? no. you cared so much about an offhand comment i made in response to you trying to degrade my education that you're bringing it up STILL and i dont even remember when or where i said it!

take what L? you have feelings towards me and im not going remember who you are after 20 minutes...

50 posts isnt nearly enough when you have 50 fans all individually expecting their own personalized response, boy.

Originally Posted by IamMD

You have an English degree....lol  

you live in AIDS and Heroin central...LOL
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

What are you contributing besides saying


The same stuff over and over again

and posting smiley faces


proof you dont read my posts and ONLY pay attention to the emoticons i post between thoughts...

i repeat myself cause nerds like you dont read what i type and ask the same questions or raise the same arguments ive already addressed.....

it's okay.

i dont need YOU, someone with an obvious personal bias against me, to tell me what i do or do not contribute

i get PMs like this almost daily
Didnt want to post in a thread because it would get misconstrued but your

posts are appreciated. I don't always agree but they are always informed opinions

and that is cool.

people quote me in their sigs....

i get tweets like "that baseball thread was

anytime im posting its on topic....

UNLESS, of course, im defending myself against devoted fans such as yourself...

i mean, you come into threads and say off topic %@$@ like "check out how he posts in the sports forum"

, an emoticon just for you. don't read the four lines of text above it, or after it, just focus on the moving picture.

you are offended by visible boxer shorts, why in the world would i care what you think about me?


   i wouldnt  hang out with you even if you were cool.....
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I love when the cheapos try to justify their actions, these posts are always comedy.

just as funny as people with the simplest jobs in the world trying to justify why they should make more than people with actual skills.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I love when the cheapos try to justify their actions, these posts are always comedy.

just as funny as people with the simplest jobs in the world trying to justify why they should make more than people with actual skills.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Cliffs please
*Rilla turned in a job application to Buffalo Wild Wings.
*Shorty after, Rilla and his lady go to the same B-dubs and split 12 wings, a basket of fries, and an alcoholic beverage.
*Rilla's bill has a gratuity charge of $2.82 for a party of two.
*Rilla is never tipping at restaurant ever again because of the racist and discriminatory shenanigans of the establishment where he hopes to be employed.
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