If asked to join the Freemasons....would you join?

Originally Posted by ryair max 1

Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

My dad just became a mason and smokes crack with other members no lie.
Im sure there are masons with real power and influence within the fraternal order...everybody else is vritually in the booster club....they pay the masons for membership and get a little decal to put on their car
yeah your a mason!
Im sure there are masons with real power and influence within the fraternal order...everybody else is vritually in the booster club....they pay the masons for membership and get a little decal to put on their car
yeah your a mason!
Originally Posted by CaeserRay

Originally Posted by 2b1ASK1

Originally Posted by CaeserRay

Thats whats up, we in the same district..

Euclid Lodge #97
Cincinnati, OH

A few of my lodge brothers are officers... The last MWGM Robert Jones hails from #97 and Bro Shawn Thompson is the district's Lecturer.
We moved the lodge from College Hill to Columbus.. Ima have to change lodges bruh.... Can't do them trips...
What hood is your lodge in?

my lodge is in avondale man. Right off of reading road. I'm senior deacon right now. best spot I ever had in the lodge. So much knowledge its crazy. I'm headed to that JW next year. I'm only 25 too so they were pretty shocked when I wanted to nice up so fast. But I been on my grind so I'm good. Haha.

   Aw yea you good bruh..Throw your number in my inbox so I can hit you up, I been out for a few and I'm rusty..like real rusty..I'm still in the Blue on the 3rd, so I'm glad I ran into you bossman, I already know what you have stored just b/c of your progression..  Be safe out there
Originally Posted by CaeserRay

Originally Posted by 2b1ASK1

Originally Posted by CaeserRay

Thats whats up, we in the same district..

Euclid Lodge #97
Cincinnati, OH

A few of my lodge brothers are officers... The last MWGM Robert Jones hails from #97 and Bro Shawn Thompson is the district's Lecturer.
We moved the lodge from College Hill to Columbus.. Ima have to change lodges bruh.... Can't do them trips...
What hood is your lodge in?

my lodge is in avondale man. Right off of reading road. I'm senior deacon right now. best spot I ever had in the lodge. So much knowledge its crazy. I'm headed to that JW next year. I'm only 25 too so they were pretty shocked when I wanted to nice up so fast. But I been on my grind so I'm good. Haha.

   Aw yea you good bruh..Throw your number in my inbox so I can hit you up, I been out for a few and I'm rusty..like real rusty..I'm still in the Blue on the 3rd, so I'm glad I ran into you bossman, I already know what you have stored just b/c of your progression..  Be safe out there
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican

It's a tedious read but he possesses all the qualifications that the masses look for to validate popular opinion. CIA agent and Naval Officer if i recall correctly who spoke on a multiple projects he had seen or worked on to wage biological warfare on minorities. Took a few attempts but they eventually killed him off.

To answer your question though, a multitude of things. My initial question started with my family member having a false positive. I couldn't wrap my mind around a test being so vague yet definitive measures being carried out. I started asking questions. Most of the men in my family are legitimate practicing mason's, some 33rds, and they explained to me the role of shriner's and how they oversee the medical industry. Another elder who lived on the continent and still goes back consistently laid out whats going on over there. Serving in special-ops I was able to see how psy-ops are drafted up and carried out to destabilize governments. Started my own spiritual journey and traveled the world just to develop my own truths and saw a multitude of things healed that western medicine said couldn't be. Got involved with astrology, and asked myself why are the symbols for retrograde and pharmacy the same...both represent the illusion of regression while never actually moving forward ( I can elaborate on this idea if need be ) Furthermore, why is the word pharmacy derived from the greek word meaning sorcery/spells. Notice everyone says how they feel in here but have yet to spell out why im wrong. Collectively all those things over turned how i look at the mind/body/soul connection all together. Ultimately it boils down to white supremacy. They never want to see the father of civilization retake his place as the ruler of the planet and are willing to do anything necessary to keep that from happening.

SHriners = Powers That Be? Ruling Elite?

I always wondered about Phramacy = Spells/Sorcery.

I have so many questions, didn't want to clog up the other thread.

But why is there a hunt to paint Masonry into this evil group of Good Ole Boys?
I've wanted to for a long time, but they have a "belief in a higher power" requirement, and that is a grey area for me.
SHriners = Powers That Be? Ruling Elite?

I always wondered about Phramacy = Spells/Sorcery.

I have so many questions, didn't want to clog up the other thread.

But why is there a hunt to paint Masonry into this evil group of Good Ole Boys?




As far the Shriners, I highly recommend reading that book in the quote. I’m pulling from memory, so I may be a little off but everything goes back to the Vatican, Knights Of Malta, and the Jesuits. They’ve infiltrated everything. Much like a crime syndicate there’s different organizations that oversee different facets of reality to ensure certain agendas are being carried out. With that said the only conspiracy that exist in the universe is for you to be the best version of yourself possible. Everything else is a distraction.
Yep, work exactly one block from there. I always want to go in and snoop around

If you care to do some research and didn’t know, Benjamin Banneker was a black Freemason responsible for the layout of DC. This is a good watch that explains that video better.
Never been interested in becoming one. I joined a frat in college (no longer affiliated) and lots of members were masons. It's basically referred to as the father of all fraternities.
A little bit of history that led up to freemasonry

A Peephole in the Sky: The Ancient American Origin of the Great Seal & The Solar Psychology of the 3rd Eye

Whenever historians and laymen talk about the reverse side of the Great Seal on the back of the U.S. one dollar bill, they often tell you that the icon is Freemasonic in its origin. Although I wholly acknowledge that the orientation of the image is Freemasonic, I must contend that its origin is not. What do I mean by this?

What I mean is that the Eye of Providence seen at the top of the pyramid on the dollar bill has become emblematic of core Masonic ideas and beliefs over time. However, the image did not originate with the Brotherhood of Free and Accepted Masons. It originated with the grand architects who accepted them by laying down the philosophical foundation for their craft. The seal doesn’t come directly from Kemet (ancient Egypt) either, as many cultural anthropologists are quick to postulate.

As a matter of fact, the pyramid in the seal bears a more striking resemblance to those of ancient Nubia, than those of Kemet. I discussed this in more detail in part one of my Green Magic series. Nevertheless, we would still be hard pressed to trace the Great Seal—exactly as it is presented on the dollar—to Nubia either. I say this simply because there is no known Nubian iconography depicting a pyramid with a narrow base and a glowing eye on top of it. If it does exist, it either has not been discovered or made known to the general public.

To find this icon exactly as it appears on a green back, we cannot go back to the hallowed temples of Meroë, much less the checkered floor lodge of Westminster in London, England. No, we must trace our steps to the shores of South America, which was colonized by sea-fairing West Africans many centuries ago. Those readers who are interested in confirming this fact can do so by reading Horace Butler’s eye-opening book When Rocks Cry Out, which explores the Black presence in the so-called “New World” going back to the reign of the Nubian Nesut Bity Piankhi and beyond.

For those who are unaware, a “Nesut Bity” is actually the correct title for an ancient Kemetic ruler. The title means “King of Upper and Lower Kemet.” The ancient Kemau NEVER called their leaders “pharaohs”. That’s what the Greeks called them and it was used as a title in reference to the king and his entire administration of priests and family members. It wasn’t the title of a single man. Many white Egyptologists know that the ruler of Kemet was called the Nesut Bity, but they rarely use the term in their books because it sounds too African, and a lot of these scholars would rather have you believe that ancient Kemet had nothing to do with Black Africans. Ivan Van Sertima’s magnum opus They Came Before Columbus is a definite must-read for those who seek further inquiry on the pre-colonial presence of Blacks in the Americas.

One very important detail that we must keep in mind with regard to the origin of the Great Seal is that although institutionalized Freemasonry, which started in Europe, may in part have an ideological antecedent in the storied Knights Templar, the first masonic lodge was not constructed until the early 18th century, or at best, the late 17th century. This was long after the first wave of Europeans sailed to the Americas, which is where European occultists stole the Great Seal from.

Archaeologists found a very interesting ancient artifact in La Mana, Ecuador in 1984. They discovered the carving of a pyramid with 13 horizontal divisions capped by an all-seeing eye. This eye is made out of an exotic stone that glows under a black light. German linguist Kurt Schildmann says that the engraving on the bottom of the pyramid is proto-Sanskrit which is almost laughable. Although I am no language expert, it looks more like ancient Phoenician to me. It resembles the inscriptions found on the underwater pyramidal structures discovered off the coast of Cuba in 2001.

Ecuadorian pyramid artifact

Bottom of the pyramid

Like the pyramid artifact found in Ecuador, the reverse of the Great Seal on the U.S. dollar also has 13 divisions and it is usually drawn and engraved giving off a powerful burst of light which signifies God’s intelligence and omniscient nature. Is it a mere coincidence that both pyramids have 13 layers? Also, is it a coincidence that the exact same image was adopted by the Continental Congress in 1782 in the same hemisphere of the globe where the Ecuadorian artifact was found?

I seriously doubt it. The Great Seal was stolen from people who were already living in the western hemisphere. This explains why the seal with the eye above the pyramid was not used by the 18th century Freemasons of Europe. They did not know anything about it because they were living on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

You might be wondering exactly who the European colonists stole the seal from. Well, it is worth noting that Ecuador, the country where the artifact was found, was once ruled by Black people. Some historical accounts say that these Blacks were runaway slaves who mixed in with the original population of Native Americans and became rulers shortly after 1533, which is over 200 years before the Continental Congress adopted the reverse of the Great Seal. This story, as it is traditionally told by Western academicians doesn’t make any sense to me, because how do slaves go on to become rulers of a country in less than a generation, much less a few years?

Descendants of Ecuador's early 16th century rulers (circa 1599)

True, they may have risen from slavery to a more comfortable status within that society, but what is the likelihood of them becoming its ACTUAL RULERS? While it is fairly possible that I am underestimating the tenacity, intelligence and sheer charm that a slave my in fact possess , it would make more sense to me to assert that the Black rulers of Ecuador were not runaway slaves at all, but rather its natural inhabitants. I think that the whole account that they were former slaves is an outright lie designed to make you think that there was no Black presence in the Americas prior to slavery. Dedicated research will show that this was not the case.

Author Horace Butler explains that Piankhi—the Nubian Nesut Bity who ruled Kemet in the 8th century B.C.E—had already visited ancient Mexico which was apparently the Western half of his empire. So would it be a stretch of the imagination to say that there was another Black kingdom south of Mexico over 2,200 years after Piankhi went to Mexico? I seriously doubt it. However, you don’t have to agree or disagree with me. All that I ask is that you give consideration to what I am saying based on your own level of reasoning and intuition.

18th century drafts of the Great Seal by American colonists

Many European authors have taught us that the all-seeing eye, or Eye of Providence, which was co-opted by the Freemasons, was taken directly from the ancient Kemau in the form of the Eye of Heru. While that may be true, in some respects, we must always consider the finer cultural nuances involved in the use of symbolism. What I mean by that is two symbols may look very similar, but have two totally different meanings.

For example, in popular Western culture the skull and crossbones is a symbol of death and danger, but in Cameroon and various ethnic groups within the Congo region of Central Africa it symbolizes the immortality of a beloved ancestor. The difference between a “sign” and a “symbol” is that a sign has only one meaning, whereas a symbol has multiple meanings. However, the different meanings behind a symbol—as I have just demonstrated to you—are relative to the culture in which the symbol is used.

Eye of Heru

Conceptually speaking, the Eye of Providence used by the Freemasons does not come from the Eye of Heru simply because the eye does not share the same meaning within the two cultures. Again the all-seeing-eye as it is used by the Masons represents the omniscience of God, The Most High. Within ancient Kemet’s periodic table of cosmic potencies, the universal element known as Heru was never internalized by the Kemau as a sacred mineral of one who is omniscient in the Freemasonic sense. The Eye of Heru represents the inner sight that a man must have if he is to assume the throne of leadership and rule his nation effectively. He must have foresight and be lead in all of his doings by a sense of inner knowing, because if he does not, then his people will perish. The Eye of Heru symbolizes your ability to see situations with the sharpness and clarity of an I-Max theater screen, which you can only do when your Third Eye is Illuminated to the Max.

Since the god Heru embodies the highest development of this faculty, the single eye depicted in ancient Kemet was called the Eye of Heru. The Eye of Ra is the Third Eye which Heru has activated within himself. When the Heru man or woman opens the Eye of Ra within themselves then the eye becomes their own, hence the Eye of Heru is synonymously referred to as the Eye of Ra. This is because when you gain mastery over a thing, then that which you have mastered becomes a part of you and is thereby yours. If a man is properly entertaining his woman sexually in the bedroom, then there is a strong likelihood that she will tell him that her ***** is his, even though she may temporarily change her mind in the heat of an argument just a few days later. A man’s Third Eye is like his woman, so if he values her, he should do his best to put the toilet seat back down when she’s around to avoid needless arguments.

Kojo Baiden

Among the Akan of Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire we find an Adinkra symbol known as Kojo Baiden. It is an all-seeing-eye that represents the cosmic omniscience of God, The Most High. God’s emissaries on Earth comprise the REAL Holy See. The Kojo Baiden has the exact same meaning as the Eye of Providence used by the Freeemasons and other European occult sects that sprang up from the fertile soil of the Enlightenment period. However this sacred Adinkra symbol was utilized in West Africa thousands of years before anyone had even conceived of the idea of a Freemason. It is worth noting that Freemasonry at its ideological base is rooted in ancient Hebrew mysticism. People who engage in the comparative study of both ancient Hebrew and West African cultures know that there are very significant parallels that cannot be explained away as mere coincidence.

I am more inclined to think that the European members of the continental congress adopted the Eye of Providence from these West Africans who came to the Americas by their own free will many centuries ago. We know for certain that they did in fact come to the Americas on their own. However, I will not elaborate on that assertion in this post as I have already done so elsewhere.

There’s more valuable information to be offered in this post, and I’m going to share it with you at a later time.
If you care to do some research and didn’t know, Benjamin Banneker was a black Freemason responsible for the layout of DC.
Found out the Mason Part this weekend.

Was at a Black Art show and there was a poster of prominent Black FreeMasons and he was on there.

Growing up, we all were taught about the layout being done by him
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