I'm a Lil ***** Tryna Get Big. Vol. Help me Gainzzz

Bruh 5 meals of chicken and rice everyday and you'll be swole in no time b
True . Brown rice and grilled chicken breast is my dinner nearly everyday .

Those hungry men aren't good for you . Eat a lot of calories of real food . Beans , vegetables and brown rice and lean means are the way to go .
You all said eat till I can't eat no more.

I assumed hungry man would get the job done :lol:

But I can cook. I'm going to a Culinary College, that's no issue.
Avocados , almonds for snacks . High in fats that are good for you . Extra Virgin olive oil or coconut oil to cook with . You don't just want empty calories .
I had to google Hungry Man lol. We called those TV dinners back in my day. Still got the brownie and everything. No reason to struggle like that in 2015.
You all said eat till I can't eat no more.

I assumed hungry man would get the job done :lol:

But I can cook. I'm going to a Culinary College, that's no issue.

You can cook/going to culinary college, but you're going the hungry man route?
just buy a **** load of brown rice and beans and a bag of frozen chicken breast its more cost effective in the long run.
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But you will end up paying for your health issues through medical bills.

You can buy stuff on sale man

He's just dirty bulking. No one eats that **** long enough to affect their medical bills unless they're a sad waste of mass wallowing in their sorrow.
He's just dirty bulking. No one eats that **** long enough to affect their medical bills unless they're a sad waste of mass wallowing in their sorrow.
Right, what I am saying is "dirty bulking" when you are a competing athlete doesn't make much sense
You can cook/going to culinary college, but you're going the hungry man route?
Cost Effective Route*

How much is a hungry man meal?

You can get ground turkey (1lb) for $2.99. That can last you 3 days, depending on how you prep it. Brown rice is cheap as are veggies. Pretty much, you can have 2/3 dinners for under $10 while you waste money on unhealthy **** like Hungry Man.

You're being a dumb/lazy shopper.
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just from some responses, I'm pretty sure a lot of yall have no idea how to change your bodies composition at all, bulking or cutting. vague responses always mean you have no idea what you're talking about.
LOL at this dude @Jayzz catching feels

every one in here is giving solid advice and looking out for you

@DCAllAmerican asked you that question for a reason

It seems that your core is weak, work on it so that the rest of your body benefits from it
Agreed. I love the automatic victim mentality. It's so predictable.

We want you to flourish, OP. Go buy some real food (food that doesn't come packaged).

And since you mentioned you're in culinary school, doesn't that mean you should know about food? As stated above, loads of brown rice and chicken would do you well. It's simple, cheap, and gets results.
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We solved that last night
Thanks for beating a dead horse.
You're welcome.

So what's the game plan? You got all this food, but you're still gonna play ball (cardio)? Do you have access to a gym / lifting?
OP got 50% of the posts in the thread and 98% of them are him arguing with or providing excuses of why he can't take the advice being given.  Instead of getting online and arguing with everyone who responds and getting in your feelings, why don't you log off and hit the gym or look up some high protein/high carb recipes for your bulk.  I understand you are in HS and all but a handful of fruit snacks and some hot fries with all the activity you doing with basketball isn't cutting it.  Also how on god's green earth do you not own some type of reusable water bottle when you hoop?  The whole premise of your situation is mind=blown for me. Good lucc starting tomorrow though cuh. 
OP got 50% of the posts in the thread and 98% of them are him arguing with or providing excuses of why he can't take the advice being given.  Instead of getting online and arguing with everyone who responds and getting in your feelings, why don't you log off and hit the gym or look up some high protein/high carb recipes for your bulk.  I understand you are in HS and all but a handful of fruit snacks and some hot fries with all the activity you doing with basketball isn't cutting it.  Also how on god's green earth do you not own some type of reusable water bottle when you hoop?  The whole premise of your situation is mind=blown for me. Good lucc starting tomorrow though cuh. 
I have an Appalachian State bottle but it's the one without the little straw thing as the top. It's literally like drinking out of a jug.
It's just me being picky. I mean I can use it.

You're welcome.

So what's the game plan? You got all this food, but you're still gonna play ball (cardio)? Do you have access to a gym / lifting?
Thank you for asking.
I'm continuing hooping, and I'm trying to find the cheapest option for membership to a gym because the gym by my house is $89.99 for 1 person, but 49.99 if you sign up with 3 other people. Working something out with some dudes that sre tryna lift too.
@ TroyD told me to work on eating for now and then start lifting once I get the weight I'm looking for to even out
I think I'm gonna go with that
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Lift now and eat too bruh. Gains will be had. Lifting and eating more will speed up your weight gain and you'll see some quick progress since you're new to lifting I assume
Lift now and eat too bruh. Gains will be had. Lifting and eating more will speed up your weight gain and you'll see some quick progress since you're new to lifting I assume
Can anybody back this up?
It seems logical but I don't wanna be unsure.
i dont know. cant say its proven but i really dont see any valid reason why one would postpone lifting weights. (unless because of injury obviously)
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