I'm a Lil ***** Tryna Get Big. Vol. Help me Gainzzz

LOL at this dude jayzz jayzz catching feels

every one in here is giving solid advice and looking out for you

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican asked you that question for a reason

It seems that your core is weak, work on it so that the rest of your body benefits from it
No. THEY want the best for me.
Idk WHAT you are even doing at this point.
It's like you're trying to be helpful and know exactly HOW to do it, but just naturally acting like a **** is the only thing you know.
Help me by giving me tips. Not by breathing on my neck bruh.
Think of me when you are doing all of the wrong things that won't put you in a position to reach your dreams. You won't make it. You can't make it.

Get mad............
Sophisticated webbie always making threads that backfire :rofl:

On a srs note DC is showing you tough love.
Apparently I'm being too "sensitive" here so I'm gonna be back in the morning.

DC this aint tough love but if you call it tough love it's tough love.
We'll try this again tommorow when I have my grocery list.
Think of me when you are doing all of the wrong things that won't put you in a position to reach your dreams. You won't make it. You can't make it.

Get mad............

why dont protein shakes work? 
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I'm buying what everybody suggested in the thread.
Depending on how fast I progress I'll drop certain "uneccesary luxuries", for lack of words, and get to the nitty gritty

Colored, high protein fruits
Nut Butter
Man leave that ensure alone. That stuff has so much junk in it

Buy some protein and use that milk and make some shakes.
I'm buying what everybody suggested in the thread.
Depending on how fast I progress I'll drop certain "uneccesary luxuries", for lack of words, and get to the nitty gritty

Colored, high protein fruits
Nut Butter
And no more Fruit Snacks. You aren't a little kid anymore
Went to the store today. Bought Grapes, Mangos, Bananas (I'll TRY to eat them, I'm not promising ****), A HELLUVA lot of Hungry Man meals, Oats, and eggs. I didn't buy nut butter because there were several kinds and I was confused, and I don't think I'll buy Ensure.

Going back another day to buy the Refillable Water bottle.
Also I don't see these burritos you all are talking about? What are they called?
I would suggest learning how to cook. Those Hungry Man meals and Frozen Burritos aren't healthy. Sure, you want to put on weight but I would think, since you are an athlete, you want some GOOD fuel. Look at the sodium content, sugar, fat. Read labels always.

They should have told you to buy lean meats.




Ground Beef/Turkey
Hungry Man meals are the lunchables equivalent for adults.

What r u doing, bruh?
Also when you buy your Oatmeal, but Whole/Steel Cut Oats. Do not buy the Quick Oats. Those are the more processed version of oatmeal
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