IRONY at its BEST.. vol. blacks and gay marraige. + digg!

I just wish everyone would not care so much about the whole issue. Do those black people in that picture really care so much if gays get married or not?

Who the F cares?
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Because marriage is religious thing, not a civil thing. The United States isnt denying gays from getting married, the Defense of Marriage Act lets the states decide. If it was up to me nobody would be married, they all would be civil unions.

"it's a religious thing?"

no son, it's not. plenty of marriages are affiliated with no religion whatsoever. furthermore, a marriage is first and foremost a legal institution, not areligious one. get "married" in a hundred churches, synagogues, whatever- what matters legally is that you get a marriage license. bringing religioninto the argument is beyond foolish.

and if that wasn't enough, i'm sure you're aware of the separation of church and state. if the catholic church or whatever other religious entityyou choose doesn't want to honor or recognize a gay marriage, that's their right, but that's irrelevant to how the united states operates.
how does CIVIL rights NOT include discrimination against marriage?!? lol

also, if its so religious, then why are there 1000+ federal benefits for it?
if its so religious, why are people of none christian faith allow to be married?

It may have started out as a religious practice but its not now, it is a CIVIL practice
and the government gives a lot of benefits for it.
Yes the religious marriage is still around, but the marriage recognized by states is not solely a religious ceremony anymore
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Because marriage is religious thing, not a civil thing. The United States isnt denying gays from getting married, the Defense of Marriage Act lets the states decide. If it was up to me nobody would be married, they all would be civil unions.

"it's a religious thing?"

no son, it's not. plenty of marriages are affiliated with no religion whatsoever. furthermore, a marriage is first and foremost a legal institution, not a religious one. get "married" in a hundred churches, synagogues, whatever- what matters legally is that you get a marriage license. bringing religion into the argument is beyond foolish.

and if that wasn't enough, i'm sure you're aware of the separation of church and state. if the catholic church or whatever other religious entity you choose doesn't want to honor or recognize a gay marriage, that's their right, but that's irrelevant to how the united states operates.

Without religion, "marriage" doesn't even exist. I didn't mean it was only for the "religious", I meant that its where it has itsorigins.

how does CIVIL rights NOT include discrimination against marriage?!? lol

also, if its so religious, then why are there 1000+ federal benefits for it?
if its so religious, why are people of none christian faith allow to be married?

It may have started out as a religious practice but its not now, it is a CIVIL practice
and the government gives a lot of benefits for it.
Yes the religious marriage is still around, but the marriage recognized by states is not solely a religious ceremony anymore

I answered these already.
2 things and I'm gone

1) This wouldn't be such an issue if gays weren't so flamboyant about it. Like yeah alot of people would find it disgusting regardless but of coursepeople will "discriminate" when you make it so blatantly obvious. Sexual preference doesn't mean you have to go around acting like a female andvice versa for women. The way I see it...Gays want to be extra flamboyant and have people accept that...which will NEVER happen.

2) No kid is born with a sexual preference. No kid chooses a sexual preference. WAY too many factors impact children on how they will act during their life.

That is all
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Not this again.

Being gay is not accepted in the Black and Latino community.

As I can last remember, there was a black gay dude on real world name Karamo, and a latino gay guy named willie. Dont ask how i remember.
Why does nobody accost the other demographics who voted for Prop 8 at a comparable or higher rate, one such being Republicans?
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Because marriage is religious thing, not a civil thing. The United States isnt denying gays from getting married, the Defense of Marriage Act lets the states decide. If it was up to me nobody would be married, they all would be civil unions.

"it's a religious thing?"

no son, it's not. plenty of marriages are affiliated with no religion whatsoever. furthermore, a marriage is first and foremost a legal institution, not a religious one. get "married" in a hundred churches, synagogues, whatever- what matters legally is that you get a marriage license. bringing religion into the argument is beyond foolish.

and if that wasn't enough, i'm sure you're aware of the separation of church and state. if the catholic church or whatever other religious entity you choose doesn't want to honor or recognize a gay marriage, that's their right, but that's irrelevant to how the united states operates.

Without religion, "marriage" doesn't even exist. I didn't mean it was only for the "religious", I meant that its where it has its origins.
So how is that at all relevant? Who cares where it originated from? We're talking about what it currently is, a legal institution, and religion simply does not enter the picture.
Originally Posted by JsindaA

2 things and I'm gone

1) This wouldn't be such an issue if gays weren't so flamboyant about it. Like yeah alot of people would find it disgusting regardless but of course people will "discriminate" when you make it so blatantly obvious. Sexual preference doesn't mean you have to go around acting like a female and vice versa for women. The way I see it...Gays want to be extra flamboyant and have people accept that...which will NEVER happen.

2) No kid is born with a sexual preference. No kid chooses a sexual preference. WAY too many factors impact children on how they will act during their life.

That is all

I don't mean this in an attacking way, but that first statement is stupid.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Not this again.

Being gay is not accepted in the Black and Latino community.
Exactly. SMH @ the gay community trying to force their beliefs on others.
The day they can't drink outta the same water fountain or can't vote, then speak up.
DatZNasty wrote:
Why does nobody accost the other demographics who voted for Prop 8 at a comparable or higher rate, one such being Republicans?
They get their %@*@ thrown at them too... It is that we know many republicans are bigoted... Blacks or Hispanics should not be. Nobody should bebut especially Blacks and Hispanics..

Also those who happen to be Black or Hispanic and are using the Bible as reason to be angry and hate gays and call it vile and disgusting and morally wrong.You guys do know that Racist whites used the Bible as justification to oppress Blacks and Hispanics.. Thought you might want to know that. Because what you aredoing is no different than what the KKK did to you.. Not in terms of action but rhetoric.
Originally Posted by Essential1

DatZNasty wrote:
Why does nobody accost the other demographics who voted for Prop 8 at a comparable or higher rate, one such being Republicans?
They get their %@*@ thrown at them too... It is that we know many republicans are bigoted... Blacks or Hispanics should not be. Nobody should be but especially Blacks and Hispanics..

Also those who happen to be Black or Hispanic and are using the Bible as reason to be angry and hate gays and call it vile and disgusting and morally wrong. You guys do know that Racist whites used the Bible as justification to oppress Blacks and Hispanics.. Thought you might want to know that. Because what you are doing is no different than what the KKK did to you.. Not in terms of action but rhetoric.

Shut the hell up and you dudes love to use the Bible tomake your idiotic points. News Flash every person who disagrees with you isnt a Bible toting conservative. Still nobody in this thread has made a decent pointas to why the gay community cant just create their on word for marriage and recieve the same civil unions.

I want equal rights how come I get looked at as a perv if I go into the womens restroom and my gay az cousin can go into the mens restroom thats not fair
I see Lobo is still up to his "Religious people are idiots" agenda. Oh and don't forget "You mindless religious sheep take everything thatbook says as gospel", like He doesn't have a bible of his own. It may not be the "Holy Bible" but its you're gospel. You're guidinglights is a science book. It is what the lab coats put out there for you. Just like Men wrote our bible. Men wrote you're science book. Our book has rulesthat "discriminate". You're books could have been written to dis credit ours for the sake of wanting something different.

See Lobo, its all about what YOU subscribe to. Like I had to learn, people that don't agree with you aren't always wrong or idiots. They just happen tohave a difference of opinion. No one is sure whats the truth. Its all speculation and faith. Just take the wait and see approach. We'll all see eventuallywhat awaits us or if anything awaits us. So instead of name calling, how about respecting you're fellow man like you want people to respect gays and IYOtheir Human rights?

And NEWS FLASH. Just because people disagree or use the bible doesn't mean they hate gays. Well not all of us but don't label all of us like we are allguilty of the same crime.
Originally Posted by M16

They already got almost everything with "civil unions" I don't see why they have to get married officially now to.

Personally, I'm against any legal rights being given to them. I see it as rewarding and encouraging completely unacceptable behavior.

It's quite entertaining to see how much of an ignorant tool you are in your posts.

You're against homosexuality because you think it is unacceptable behavior, yet you endorse violence and this "hard" lifestyle. Who gives a f***about being hard other than rappers and yourself? Since when was homicide ever acceptable? Find me a bigger hypocrite than this guy. You're hiding behind abook that hasn't been proven true to justify your views. I'm not here to discuss religion, but there's something called Separation of Church andState. It does exactly what it says it does. So, get your religious views out of the equation and look at this situation as a human being. They're notforcing you to do anything; they aren't trying to convince you to be gay, they aren't affecting your marriage, they aren't getting in the way ofyour happiness, so just let them be. All you need to do is ignore homosexuals if you don't like it, I mean majority of people are heterosexual so thatshouldn't be hard to do. If the world was predominantly Christian, and you're a Muslim that is denied rights to practice your religion, how would youfeel?
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Essential1

DatZNasty wrote:
Why does nobody accost the other demographics who voted for Prop 8 at a comparable or higher rate, one such being Republicans?
They get their %@*@ thrown at them too... It is that we know many republicans are bigoted... Blacks or Hispanics should not be. Nobody should be but especially Blacks and Hispanics..

Also those who happen to be Black or Hispanic and are using the Bible as reason to be angry and hate gays and call it vile and disgusting and morally wrong. You guys do know that Racist whites used the Bible as justification to oppress Blacks and Hispanics.. Thought you might want to know that. Because what you are doing is no different than what the KKK did to you.. Not in terms of action but rhetoric.
Shut the hell up and you dudes love to use the Bible to make your idiotic points. News Flash every person who disagrees with you isnt a Bible toting conservative. Still nobody in this thread has made a decent point as to why the gay community cant just create their on word for marriage and recieve the same civil unions.

I want equal rights how come I get looked at as a perv if I go into the womens restroom and my gay az cousin can go into the mens restroom thats not fair

Your second point is just stupid...

On to the first point why do you oppose gay marriage then? Also why should they have to take a different name?
Now that this thread has become Beliefs VS Beliefs and Idiotic comments VS Idiotic comments.
I believe that we can throw out the argument that Homosexuals have just as bad of a ordeal as African-Americans once had.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Now that this thread has become Beliefs VS Beliefs and Idiotic comments VS Idiotic comments.
I believe that we can throw out the argument that Homosexuals have just as bad of a ordeal as African-Americans once had.
Agreed. But it only turns to a bad thread when people can't RESPECT others. Simple problem, almost impossible to solve.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

I have gotten heat here for saying that marriage is a human rights issue. I would venture to say that those saying it isn't are Americans. Miraculously (not really) a lot of countries agree that it is a human rights issue. Sadly and inexplicably, America doesn't. It is sad. The Supreme Court and Bill of Rights are supposed to protect the minority from the will of the majority. This hasn't happened and it is appalling. The Bill of Rights' purpose was to place the inalienable rights of happiness outside the whims and tyranny of the majority. The Supreme Court ruled that marriage was a human right and should be protected under the Bill of Rights, keeping it far out of the reach of the majority and the religious wackos.

Sad stuff.

Take your "united atheist" lameness elsewhere
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I see Lobo is still up to his "Religious people are idiots" agenda. Oh and don't forget "You mindless religious sheep take everything that book says as gospel", like He doesn't have a bible of his own. It may not be the "Holy Bible" but its you're gospel. You're guiding lights is a science book. It is what the lab coats put out there for you. Just like Men wrote our bible. Men wrote you're science book. Our book has rules that "discriminate". You're books could have been written to dis credit ours for the sake of wanting something different.

See Lobo, its all about what YOU subscribe to. Like I had to learn, people that don't agree with you aren't always wrong or idiots. They just happen to have a difference of opinion. No one is sure whats the truth. Its all speculation and faith. Just take the wait and see approach. We'll all see eventually what awaits us or if anything awaits us. So instead of name calling, how about respecting you're fellow man like you want people to respect gays and IYO their Human rights?

And NEWS FLASH. Just because people disagree or use the bible doesn't mean they hate gays. Well not all of us but don't label all of us like we are all guilty of the same crime.

Science is humans creating, expanding, evolving. Organized religion is population control, if you don't see this, you are the POPULATION. Science and Artare what moves the world forward. Religion and Politics/Government hold it backwards.
Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I see Lobo is still up to his "Religious people are idiots" agenda. Oh and don't forget "You mindless religious sheep take everything that book says as gospel", like He doesn't have a bible of his own. It may not be the "Holy Bible" but its you're gospel. You're guiding lights is a science book. It is what the lab coats put out there for you. Just like Men wrote our bible. Men wrote you're science book. Our book has rules that "discriminate". You're books could have been written to dis credit ours for the sake of wanting something different.

See Lobo, its all about what YOU subscribe to. Like I had to learn, people that don't agree with you aren't always wrong or idiots. They just happen to have a difference of opinion. No one is sure whats the truth. Its all speculation and faith. Just take the wait and see approach. We'll all see eventually what awaits us or if anything awaits us. So instead of name calling, how about respecting you're fellow man like you want people to respect gays and IYO their Human rights?

And NEWS FLASH. Just because people disagree or use the bible doesn't mean they hate gays. Well not all of us but don't label all of us like we are all guilty of the same crime.

Science is humans creating, expanding, evolving. Organized religion is population control, if you don't see this, you are the POPULATION. Science and Art are what moves the world forward. Religion and Politics/Government hold it backwards.
OK I'm a mindless religious sheep and you have the answer.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I see Lobo is still up to his "Religious people are idiots" agenda. Oh and don't forget "You mindless religious sheep take everything that book says as gospel", like He doesn't have a bible of his own. It may not be the "Holy Bible" but its you're gospel. You're guiding lights is a science book. It is what the lab coats put out there for you. Just like Men wrote our bible. Men wrote you're science book. Our book has rules that "discriminate". You're books could have been written to dis credit ours for the sake of wanting something different.

See Lobo, its all about what YOU subscribe to. Like I had to learn, people that don't agree with you aren't always wrong or idiots. They just happen to have a difference of opinion. No one is sure whats the truth. Its all speculation and faith. Just take the wait and see approach. We'll all see eventually what awaits us or if anything awaits us. So instead of name calling, how about respecting you're fellow man like you want people to respect gays and IYO their Human rights?

And NEWS FLASH. Just because people disagree or use the bible doesn't mean they hate gays. Well not all of us but don't label all of us like we are all guilty of the same crime.

Science is humans creating, expanding, evolving. Organized religion is population control, if you don't see this, you are the POPULATION. Science and Art are what moves the world forward. Religion and Politics/Government hold it backwards.
OK I'm a mindless religious sheep and you have the answer.

intelligent debates aren't recommended on nt.

for the record i fail to see the irony. when it comes to the struggle for civil rights sexual orientation =/= race.
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